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Fuck The Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame


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Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but it's been gnawing at me for a while know and I have to share. At first, I was thrilled to read that GnR was inducted into the Hall. This is a momentous occasion, not just for the band, but for the fans who worked so hard supporting them for so many years. But then I read that they were only inducting just a tiny few of the many amazing musicians who've lent their talents to Guns N' Roses over the years. Then I thought the CEO's comments about the current band being allowed to buy tickets to the show like anyone else were condescending, unnecessary and totally out of line.

Between forum cupcakes and all the ex-managers and Slash getting wasted and coming to his house in the middle of the night, Axl's getting it from all sides all the time. No wonder it's so hard for him to create music and feel inspired. And now, with the Hall of Fame induction, there's a new tsunami of reunion talk. It's amazing that Axl's even able to complete this tour, let alone turn in his best performances since the early 90's.

Sure, I believe that GnR's amazing catalog of music -- including the multi-platinum worldwide hit Chinese Democracy -- are worthy of the Hall of Fame. But I do feel like the Hall of Fame's behavior and their comments have been specifically designed to fan the flames of reunion talk. Just the other day, the CEO of the Hall was bragging about how Axl, Slash and the other musicians who played on Appetite for Destruction had RSVP'd. This was completely untrue, and even Slash expressed his anger over it.

It's obvious to me why the Hall would want to spread reunion rumors: money. Just like all those other ex managers and record executives and other vultures slowly starving to death in the record industry's desert. They want that big score. They want the publicity. They want the money. Which I totally get. I just don't see why the Hall of Fame's CEO has to be a condescending prick to members of the new band, who's only sin is accepting a great gig with a great band and a great frontman. If the Hall of Fame thinks they're going to improve their odds of scoring a reunion by spreading rumors and disrespecting Axl and the current band, then I think they're in for a rude awakening. And if shit goes down, the fans will suffer and Axl will take all the blame.

I don't know how I feel about the Hall of Fame itself, even though I love the artists and their legacies. At the end of the day, after all the accolades and hugs, it's just more record industry bullshit. So fuck them.

I'd like to dedicate this song to Axl...

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This isn't about who deserves to be in. People have different opinions. Great.

This is about the Hall of Fame itself, behaving in a way that's pretty transparently manipulative so they can try and force Axl's hand. Not only do I disagree with this, but even if I wanted a reunion of those 5-7 members, I do not think the Hall's recent behavior is likely to yield those results. They should be trying to make Axl like them, not trying to force his hand by manipulating fan sentiments.

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I am fine with limiting the number of actual inductees since I see this honor being more about the classic lineup than the present, but I had no idea he made that remark about the current band members. Really? If so, fuck him. Seriously, what a ridiculous statement. Get off your fucking high horse. What an asshole. The HOF should be about the bands and the music, not this d-bag.

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I just listened to his interview with Eddie Trunk. This guy is totally wrong for this position. He's a defensive asshole. A guy in his position should be respectful and carry himself with a certain sense of dignity. Factor in Slash's claim that he never RSVP'd after this guy claims he spoke with everyone (or members of their camp) and he's a complete ass. I suppose it's possible that someone from Slash's management spoke on his behalf (and he did say he would be there on That Metal Show), but I just don't care for the way this guy is going about his business. It feels like we're this close to seeing the original lineup appear together if for only one night, and now this self important jerk off is going to mess it up.

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One more thing (before I go get laid :roll eyes:), I'm tired of listening to Eddie Trunk whine about GNR getting in before Kiss and Judas Priest. Make your case for those bands getting in, but don't do it at the expense of GNR. He actually said it's based on one album (AFD) and then mentioned UYI in passing. You know, like UYI were not highly successful. I realize he has man love for Ace, but leave GNR out of it.

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One more thing (before I go get laid :roll eyes:), I'm tired of listening to Eddie Trunk whine about GNR getting in before Kiss and Judas Priest. Make your case for those bands getting in, but don't do it at the expense of GNR. He actually said it's based on one album (AFD) and then mentioned UYI in passing. You know, like UYI were not highly successful. I realize he has man love for Ace, but leave GNR out of it.

I wish Eddie Trunk would shut the fuck up about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I don't understand why he continue to mention how KISS are being "disrespected" or some stupid shit like that. KISS are a big band, yes. But, they aren't the "big all, end all" of Rock music which Eddie Trunk seems to believe they are. They sold out to every genre, every new wave of music, and their songs are repetitive and sometimes really stupid. Alice Cooper made shock rock, not KISS. Bands had big elaborate shows before KISS. What, they had pyro, so they deserve to go into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

Guns N' Roses has 5 multi-platinum albums, with many iconic songs. Jungle, Patience, Sweet Child, November Rain, Nightrain, Brownstone, It's So Easy, Estranged, Yesterdays, Don't Cry, Paradise City, Civil War, their covers of Knockin' on Heavens Door and Live and Let Die, and I Used To Love Her. And, song's like Rocket Queen, My Michelle, Better, Chinese Democracy, Street of Dreams, There Was A Time, and Madagascar could have been major hits.

What did KISS have? Detroit Rock City, Love Gun, Rock and Roll all Night, Beth, Calling Dr. Love, Strutter? Do we really have to count Heaven's of Fire? Lick it Up? Cold Gin? Firehouse? Unholy? I Was Made For Loving You? :scared: Sure, I like a few of those songs, but that's really it. I hardly ever listen to their albums, because many song's on there are repetitive and stupid. King of the Night Time World? Really? No wonder why most of their albums went Gold, not platinum.

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People just need to forgive KISS for the disco album already.

Kiss did put out that classic hit "Let's Put the X into Sex." That alone should grant them consideration.

I'm not sure what the CEO said....but I think the fact of the matter is that the old members are the ones being inducted; not the guys who are in today and that seems right. Maybe in 25 years if new GNR produces a few big albums this group will be inducted.

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