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The first night of the UCAP tour...


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I can't imagine a GnR concert without THE Chinese Democracy Axl dance moves. Gotta love 'em: Duckwalk, step step, swing that hip, pass the mic over to the other hand, step step, DIS-IN-FAT-U-ATION, spin the wheel, and again.


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Check out my post again and look at how the crowd react to each song. For Chinese they're pretty much standing still then for Jungle the whole place goes wild. That's evidence enough surely?

I think we're going in a circle here. There's no doubt whatsoever that Jungle always receives a much better response from the crowd than Democracy, regardless of when it's played. That's not evidence that Jungle is a better opener.

Well that's kinda exactly what it is really!

Fans sing along because they know the lyrics word for word. How many fans know the lyrics of Democracy? Not very many.

There's a reason for that! People have heard it, they just don't like it! CD's been out officially for nearly four years now and played live for over twelve. Twelve years is longer than the original band even existed so if that's not enough time to get to know the song and learn the words I'm not sure what is. Fact is that if it were anything special the fans would have heard it, loved it and would know the words. The fact that they literally couldn't care less says everything! :shrugs:

Edited by Dazey
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Check out my post again and look at how the crowd react to each song. For Chinese they're pretty much standing still then for Jungle the whole place goes wild. That's evidence enough surely?

I think we're going in a circle here. There's no doubt whatsoever that Jungle always receives a much better response from the crowd than Democracy, regardless of when it's played. That's not evidence that Jungle is a better opener, it's evidence that Jungle is a much more popular and well known song. Fans sing along because they know the lyrics word for word. How many fans know the lyrics of Democracy? Not very many.

Isn't that the point though? You want your opener and closer to be your big anthems. The reasons you list as to why the two songs are different are the reasons that most bands use to decide which song to open with.

And think about your last three sentences. When I saw Guns in 2002 they were playing Chinese Democracy. If fans haven't learned the words to the song by now - 10 years later - then maybe it isn't the song that the majority of people want to hear?

I think having the lights go down and then hearing this loud scream come out "You know where the f*ck you arrrrrrrrrrrrrr?" is a way better build up than the long opening musical part to CD.

Just my opinion though!

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To be fair, I can see why he does it, as CD is of the latest album and has a longer introduction....Then going into jungle only builds up the crowd even more, where most other bands 2nd song would die the crowd down (maybe). He then breaks into It's so easy, so the first 3 songs are pretty hyped up. No one would give a shit if CD was the 2nd song, people only care as the band are about to come on stage (Im on about the mainstream fans here).

So, to play the weaker song as the opener would get a better crowd response than any other place in the set. To me it's not a weak song, but most fans will veiw it as that as they are there to hear Sweet child o mine..ect.

Personally I'd love jungle as the opener, with the "do you know where the fuck you arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" part (see rock am ring), like in 06. 2012 version is more to the album and not as in your face. However, that's just me, i was lucky enough to be at the show back then and this year.

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So, to play the weaker song as the opener would get a better crowd response than any other place in the set.

I hate to be the one to make the obvious point here but if you have to play a song as the opener because it wouldn't get a response anywhere else in the set then maybe just don't play it at all? I know it's a radical idea but maybe drop it completely, add in one of the good songs from CD later in the set and bring Jungle back as the opener. I mean if the excuse for playing CD at the start is that it's not good enough to play anywhere else then maybe it's just not good enough period? Just a thought. :)

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I like CD as the opener, but I can see why "casual" fans would like WTTJ better.

I don't get the "casual fans" argument. Been a fan for 25 years and Jungle is just a better song. Sure a lot of people at the shows aren't die hards but I'd bet more die hard fans would prefer Jungle to CD. It's not a question of dedication it's simply a better song. :shrugs:

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"It's called personal opinion and taste. You might want to add yourself on your little ''loon'' list kiddo."

lol a 2 year old child and a rat or a monkey can see than welcome to the jungle is a 100 times better than fucking chinese democracy in evry way. congratulations you are added to my list of crazy fucking loons.

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"It's called personal opinion and taste. You might want to add yourself on your little ''loon'' list kiddo."

lol a 2 year old child and a rat or a monkey can see than welcome to the jungle is a 100 times better than fucking chinese democracy in evry way. congratulations you are added to my list of crazy fucking loons.

Sorry, Didnt realise you choose everyones preferred songs, Fucking idiot.

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"It's called personal opinion and taste. You might want to add yourself on your little ''loon'' list kiddo."

lol a 2 year old child and a rat or a monkey can see than welcome to the jungle is a 100 times better than fucking chinese democracy in evry way. congratulations you are added to my list of crazy fucking loons.

Okay look, I can become a real pain in the ass for you.

You can either remove me from your signature, or I'll get it removed.

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Hahaha u guys r nuts. I was there, was hoping the setlist would b changed, instead we just didn't get shacklers and cd which was a bit of a let down. I had just seen scrapped and sr in Worcester and was blown away..and I hated scrapped more than Thomas..

who the fuck can say chinese democrxy is better than welcome to the jungle without fuckign laughing?

ucudbmine you are a fucking crazy loon deal with it

They normally play both so I don't c the big deal. It'd b nice if they mixed it up here and there, then it wouldn't matter..

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who the fuck can say chinese democrxy is better than welcome to the jungle without fuckign laughing?

ucudbmine you are a fucking crazy loon deal with it

I think some of your stuff is funny but you're cruising towards a ban. Don't do it. The personal attack stuff is going to end badly. You're bringing some funny stuff. Don't ruin it.

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who the fuck can say chinese democrxy is better than welcome to the jungle without fuckign laughing?

ucudbmine you are a fucking crazy loon deal with it

Did I say that it's better? Everyone has a different taste, but you don't seem to understand anything.

And you don't want to remove my name from your sig? That's fine, reported.

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