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Has Axl lost the eye of the tiger?

Randy Lahey

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I wish I could understand your question but it got lost somewhere between goofy Stallone movie references(Rocky was good, everything else was corny crap).

No. I don't think Axl has lost anything. Other than his desire to play for lackluster sleepy fans that do nothing but hang on to the past instead of accepting the band that's actually playing in front of them.

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If I'm not mistaken, you have already created this thread last year.

I think you've got this one mixed up with the Rambo thread I created last year. Who knows though. I'm getting close to the point of self-cannibalizing.

Great post, Randy.

Axl's got his ass beat countless times. I would like to do that to him too, allegedly.

Maybe one day, your alleged dream will come true, sonny.

Are you trying to tell us that Axl would like to get in the ring with Arnold Layne?

I like your pun, but it would be cruel to Arnold to push this any further. He is very sensitive.


When did I say I want to kick Axl's ass?

That's right. I didn't.

But please feel free to keep looking like a sensitive asshole.


You can love something too much sometimes. My advice to you is not to take it out on Axl if he cannot reciprocate your feelings.

Maybe you should write Axl a nice poem?

Edited by Mysteron
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mysteron, keep in mind that arnold is a young, admittedly suicidal at times, virgin who regularly expresses on this forum that he is miserable. i worry about him and agree sometimes you can love something too much. i think he takes his other frustrations in life out on axl as some form of release or therapy. i hope one day he seeks actual professional assistance for his issues. he seems like a nice enough kid.

It's a tough one. I want to poke fun, but you do never know what has gone on in someone's life.

If he is here just being a cool humour kid, then he'll be able to take the banter we give. If he is genuinely needing help, then he just needs to say. He has an entire community here to talk to and support him.

I, personally, have never really taken offence at anyone here. I just like playing along with the drama sometimes. :xmasssanta:

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100% spot on. With Mr. T calling him out at every press conference and his rivalry with the towering russian who beat Izzy to death as Axl prepared to throw in the towel but never did because in between rounds Izzy told him "Don't you dare stop this fight!" The conncetion is blatant!

Excellent post, good thought. As always your posts are as on target as anyone who posts here.

Really good job.

I can't get over how I didn't see this before, but now it's so clear. Amazing point. I'm linking this now all over the web, I'm going to see if I can get a link posted on the main search page for Google.

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mysteron, keep in mind that arnold is a young, admittedly suicidal at times, virgin who regularly expresses on this forum that he is miserable. i worry about him and agree sometimes you can love something too much. i think he takes his other frustrations in life out on axl as some form of release or therapy. i hope one day he seeks actual professional assistance for his issues. he seems like a nice enough kid.

Alright, try not to be too much of a dweeb.....

Saying shit like that wont get new material out any quicker..

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