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What if Axl retires forever after the tour?


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Axl should indeed retire forever....but not himslef but his own private version of Gn'R. Then he cold contiunue touring the world and keep on playing Gn'R greatest hits without harming Gn'Rs legacy anymore and also start playing some new music.

It'd be pretty much the perfect solution at this point in time.

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Whilst Axl retiring would bother me in terms of putting an end to any hope of new matieral (although the Bumblefoot interview has left me incredibly deflated in that respect), Touring wise I dont think i'd be all that gutted. I saw him on his two peak tours in '06 and '10 and he's never going to be better than those. Each time he comes round its more of the same...

Ahh f*** it, who am I kidding. When the lights come up and he saunters on stage belting out "Do you know where you are....?" it gets me every time, Mickey Mouse or not i'd be gutted if he retired. Keep it coming Axl.

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Some of you seriously need to ask yourselves just why in the fuck you even bother coming here considering you either "hope or don't care if Axl retires".

It's a bit two sides for me. I hope he starts acting like a normal artists. If that won't happen I think retirement would be a more merciful ending than what they're doing now. But my #1 hope would be that Guns n' Roses starts being a normal band,

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Here's the thing. Im getting old too.

And im not interested in current "music", all i hear in the radio is pure shit.

Chinese Democracy was the last interesting album for me. It makes me feel that i was in 88-91, listening to the first the The Miracle or Innuendo. Epic era, epics albums from epic bands.

I tried to listen to Death Magnetic 4 example, it was good but it wasn't the same feel.

Tried to listen to Blunderbuss.. it was good.. only for a while(and i am a big Jack White fan since De Stijl).

Tried the new Queen, Van Halen, all kinds of alternative rock, etc.

I want to feel that again, one last time.. I want to hear a great record... and my hopes again are on the GNR side.

If Axl retires it would be the final blow in the heart of Rock N Roll.

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Some of you seriously need to ask yourselves just why in the fuck you even bother coming here considering you either "hope or don't care if Axl retires".

lol... Don't flatter yourself. I had no idea you were logged out. Anyway ... regarding your invitation to Vegas, sorry. I don't travel to see coverbands. Don't worry, though. I'm sure I'll be able to keep up with what's going on when you send your pissing and moaning tweets about how Axl is putting you, the crew, or the rest of the "band" in danger.

Have fun covering Slash's riffs in Sin City.

Edited by izzydoezit
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Haven't read the whole thread, just answering the question.

I think there's a very real possibility that that will happen. If so, whatever! Move on, find something else to take your attention. It's just a band for gods sake. He's going to retire at some point in the near future IMO and then I'll just have to be content with the music that we did get. It's better than nothing. I think we should consider ourselves fairly lucky that they are still around (in whatever mutated form that is :lol:) as plenty of bands are only together for a few years and then there's nothing after that.

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My wish is that he will increase the catalog of GnR music before he retires.

Two more albums of unreleased CD material.

An album from the current band.

A reunion album. (I'm not a reunionist. But if we are talking about Axl retiring, why not put the baby to rest with one last shot with the real band).

Basically retire. Do like Bowie and release an album every 8-10 years for fun, under the name Axl Rose.

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My wish is that he will increase the catalog of GnR music before he retires.

Two more albums of unreleased CD material.

An album from the current band.

A reunion album. (I'm not a reunionist. But if we are talking about Axl retiring, why not put the baby to rest with one last shot with the real band).

Basically retire. Do like Bowie and release an album every 8-10 years for fun, under the name Axl Rose.

I don't like the current lineup, i think Axl should make a cover album. It would be cool.

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My wish is that he will increase the catalog of GnR music before he retires.

Two more albums of unreleased CD material.

An album from the current band.

A reunion album. (I'm not a reunionist. But if we are talking about Axl retiring, why not put the baby to rest with one last shot with the real band).

Basically retire. Do like Bowie and release an album every 8-10 years for fun, under the name Axl Rose.

I don't like the current lineup, i think Axl should make a cover album. It would be cool.

To be honest I'd be thrilled with any new music from Axl.

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