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So I Guess No New GNR Album in the Works?


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By Ron's advice we are not to believe you? Perhaps you are a weirdo making this up? You are not Band or management.

However, I'll take your word for it, as Ron said something similar recently in an interview. However Richards view is the complete opposite, as well with tommy 'hoping' to have an album out by the end of the year.

Remember, this is Ron who has a sense of humour and likes to fuck with us. Remember the whole Estranged thing? 'Fuck estranged' and all that, then he went and played it at rio and been on the set since? This could be the same thing.

Or it could be that Ron is in the position to say that there is a new album out or in the works. It's not his bag,.

ron says the chidem remixes leaks are bullshits and lies. bullshits and lies made up by weirdos looking for the next 15 minutes of fame

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Iftheworld, it is so difficult to understand that Ron, Ashba or Fortus hadn't never created a song? Ron and Fortus just helped for some already written songs. As musicians, they deserve more, Ashba haven't done anything yet. And probably if they don't have the chance to compose new songs, they'll left the band, and this will be more and more ridicolous

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Chinese was an epic fail. Forget about the money side if you will, and focus on Axl the artist. Not one track on Chinese worked as a popular single, not one track had a video, not one track recieves airplay on the same level as Slash/Duff era Guns N'Roses. Maybe Axl don't want to work on new material, only to fail further. The safe option is to tour and make money from a back history. To stop touring, and not work on new material would mean game over for Axl's band. Then what would he do? ..as most of his friends would go away.

Edited by vaida
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Ron doesn't consider CD II to be bew a 'new GNR album'. He has voiced concern regarding potentially releasing a record which has content that dates back as far as 1999.

By saying we aren't getting a record 'anytime soon', Ron is merely pointing out the band are yet to record fresh material.

Edited by NGOG
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Pi2loc - so what is Beta's strategy for the band?
It seems crazy that they are now going on five years since the last album........but have a vault full of at least one full album............plus they have a band (minus the singer) who is chomping at the bit to record THEIR own music for GnR. If you have MORE music than you need, why is the strategy to delay releasing anything? That seems to be the exact opposite route that any normal band would take.

The longer they wait to release anything the more the old songs become stale and outdated. THe longer Axl and beta wait to release the old songs, that means even longer of a wait for the current band to have a chance to contribute their own music to the mix. Which means band members will get tired of waiting and will eventually quit.........continuing the revolving door of musicians.

Putting out new music helps move Axl and the new band out of the Slash/Duff/Izzy shadow............gives their millions of fans new music to enjoy..........and allows a quicker time frame for the current band to contribute their skills and talents to GnR. EVERYBODY wins.

So one situation is bad for the the fans, the current band, and for Axl and GnR's reputation in the music world.

The other situation is a win-win-win for everybody involved.

Why in the world is that so obvious to everybody and their brother............but Axl, Beta and a couple forum members on here don't see that?

He doesn't consider the material to be new because it isn't. Working on something somebody else wrote 10 years ago, at this point -- it's just sad.

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He's "busy in August" means just that.

"Not anytime soon" could mean, prepping demos, booking studio time, making all the necessary arrangments, getting on with the actual procedures involved.

Even if they were in the studio in August, doesn't mean Ron's needed there at that time...(click tracks, etc.).

None of what he said definitively states that no new album is in the works.

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This band has to make up its mind about one thing...

IE. What to do with the so far unreleased Buckethead-era material...

I say just purge the stuff already... Bucket is probably not coming back to the band in a hurry...

In order for this band to keep excited they need their own fresh new material, however...

SO, release that too! Release it all at once. They released 2CDs worth of material at once before, they can surely do it again.... Purge, I say...

Who cares if they don't sell many CDs or if the rest of the world doesn't love them, the proof of how awesome they are will be on those new CDs... the fans will have it and know. The rest of the world, can catch up later... if ever...

Meanwhile, they can tour on the new material and some of the Bucket-era stuff for the next few years, keep headlining festivals, keep making albums...

I don't care if or when they might be deemed "classic"... that is only the motivation of contrived bands, like The Foo Fighters...

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By saying we aren't getting a record 'anytime soon', Ron is merely pointing out the band are yet to record fresh material.

How you come to that conclusion based on what he said is beyond me. You're conclusions are based solely on assumptions. Yes, we know that Ron would prefer to release an album with fresh material, but I give Ron more credit than to suggest that a record with old session material isn't still a record.

He's "busy in August" means just that.

"Not anytime soon" could mean, prepping demos, booking studio time, making all the necessary arrangments, getting on with the actual procedures involved.

Even if they were in the studio in August, doesn't mean Ron's needed there at that time...(click tracks, etc.).

None of what he said definitively states that no new album is in the works.

You're right in a sense, but what you're describing are steps that are taken a long time prior to an actual release (especially for a band like GNR). It might be in the works, but all we can determine in Ron's message is that we, the public, won't see it soon. My assumption is that if an album were coming out this year, that would qualify as "soon."

Although a big part of me would love to have a new GNR album in my hands tomorrow, the sadist in me would be content to see nothing released just to prove how far off all this talk about new material coming out this year. It's not going to happen. Maybe Q4 2014... Maybe. But realistically, I think at this point we're looking at 2015 or 2016 at the earliest (if we get anything at all). Axl seems more content with milking the cow than feeding it.

Edited by downzy
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Chinese was an epic fail. Forget about the money side if you will, and focus on Axl the artist. Not one track on Chinese worked as a popular single, not one track had a video, not one track recieves airplay on the same level as Slash/Duff era Guns N'Roses. Maybe Axl don't want to work on new material, only to fail further. The safe option is to tour and make money from a back history. To stop touring, and not work on new material would mean game over for Axl's band. Then what would he do? ..as most of his friends would go away.


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ron says no new album in the works and it means no new album in the works. no writing. no recording. no gameplan. i take ron at his word for this stark reality. ron is straight up honest. he's no bullshit artist or weirdo looking for attention with lies and bullshit

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It's pretty clear that the next album will be the remaining songs from the CD-era sessions. This has been evident for a long time. The question is whether the current lineup starts work on a new album any time soon; at this point, they have not started, although certain members or factions may have written some things or worked on some ideas for that project.

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No new album coming is what everybody thought about Bowie too...

Bowie has done A LOT of music in his career, GN'R not.

I'm not criticizing Bowie -- my point was that he surprised everyone by keeping progress on his album a secret. GN'R can too!

Don't worry I know xD

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