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Which were the most exciting leaks?


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All the leaks made me think that :lol:

But I was probably most excited in 2007 when we got CD, The Blues, and Madagascar for the first time. It was great to [eventually] hear the "complete" versions of Better and TWAT, too, after only initially getting snippets.

edit: In short, The MSL Saga >>> Antiquiet

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I guess I'm in the minority here - I really, really disliked the leaks, mostly because I heard some of the new stuff live in 2002, and again in 2006, and live, it sounded great! When I heard the leak of Madagascar (my favourite song from CD) it was a huge let down - it sounded flat. The finished product with proper mastering/quality sounded a lot better. I'm not even sure how far off the leaked Madagascar was from the finished product - I haven't gone back to listen to it - but whether it was quality alone or subtle changes in the final mix/mastering, it sounded a lot better on the album.

Same goes for Catcher, TWAT, etc. (which I didn't get to hear live til 2010), The stuff that leaked did little for me; hearing the tracks live did though.

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Guest NGOG

The easy answer would probably be the huge leak initiated by Kevin Cogill just before the release of Chinese Democracy. I would be more inclined to say the very first leak which came through Eddie Trunk (well, ultimately Mike Piazza) and was of course, IRS. Eddie pulled all the tapes of that particular show and there was a subsequent scrambling by people like Darknemus to track down one of the many people that would record Trunk's weekly broadcasts.

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Guest NGOG

When Better leaked I remember thinking man, GNR have arrived with this one. Unbelievably catchy; artistically weaker than the rest of the record but had Axl opted to do an album of Betters, he'd be rolling in it right now. And by it I mean money and acclaim. Still can't believe that song didn't really get over. Nowhere near as much as it should have anyway.

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For me the first leaks or live stuff Chi dem, Blues etc was just confirming that they can still do GNR, Better really was the they can actually pull this off moment, with TWAT and Catcher they basically had an album they could put out.

But then Shackler's really rocked my pirateship for 10 hours straight. An it was pretty exciting waiting to hear Chi dem on the radio and Bumble's new parts I really loved. The weird thing was having the DJs and Slash kind of joke about it afterwards. It was surreal. If the World was another eye opener.

Scraped and Sorry were the two that I loved on first cd listen. I didn't really get into TIL and Prostitute. TIL is a very Axl moment. Prostitute is the masterpiece epic that if life was eternal we'd be playing in 2050.

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The very first IRS leak when all hell broke loose was the most exciting leak. Hell, I even put that don'tknowhowmanysecondsitwas on my mp3 player.

hell yeah...those I.R.S. leaks were amazing.... very low quality but super exciting, especially when came to light the snipped part with the "you know it's truuuuueeeeeee" and after the buckethead solo...
just wow !!!
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