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Why does Axl's weight bother you?

Guest NGOG

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People keep referring to Axl as "fat" and "very fat". Axl is about 173 cm. Look at the figure below, Axl needs to weigh about 90 kgs to be considered obese. From the pictures I have seen of him, that just doesn't seem to be the case.


You have too much time on your hands.

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People keep referring to Axl as "fat" and "very fat". Axl is about 173 cm. Look at the figure below, Axl needs to weigh about 90 kgs to be considered obese. From the pictures I have seen of him, that just doesn't seem to be the case.


You have too much time on your hands.

It's not like I went out and got the data to make that graph myself, it sort of took me 30 seconds using google :D When engaged in a discussion spending 30 seconds to provide some facts to set things straight really isn't much. I could literally spend hours if I learn something in the process.

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Well it really shouldnt should it, but he is a rock n roll star - no, actually a rock god. It is not cool to be fat on-stage. But yet again, all we want is a new album.

See, it could end up this way:


And as you can see - it aint pretty... no matter how cool jackets you wear.

is that Axl in 2020?

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Why does Josh's sexuality have anything to do with anything? Don't be a homophobic dick!

It's nice that you're coming to the aid of somebody who posted an elaborate plea to save you from your own deep despairs. However, I was merely asking a question that isn't politically correct but is in no way illegitimate. What is wrong with asking if somebody is homosexual? It was a genuine curiosity based on another's assertion that Axl needed to be good looking.

Back on topic however; Tom Cruise is an established actor that must maintain an aesthetic presence in order to get scripts. All Axl needs is a pen and paper and collection of musicians as well the relevant technology.

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Ya know, some fans may be shocked to learn that there was a time when Axl was considered one of the great frontmen because his show consisted of more than just doing a half-assed rockette leg kick along with singing. No one expects him to run around like he used to but if Mick Jagger can still command the stage, Axl could do a little more than roll around and pant. And yes, losing weight could help put an end to the lack of breath(which destroys his singing performance) and allow him to be more free onstage. Greatness isn't decided by age. Fans expect greatness from the man once considered the greatest frontman of this generation. Most people don't applaud bad work ethic and half-assed performances. At least not outside of this forum. As others have stated, his weight affects his performance and is a reflection of his typical work ethic which is a "*cha-ching* fuck it!"

But you keep showing that you WANT to make this about sex so I'm sure this post will whoosh right over your head.

You are wrong in your statement that he isn't giving great performances, as evidenced with numerous recent reviews. You are right in your statement that he isn't as great as he used to be. You are utterly mistaken if you think that he should improve himself just because you got too used to how he was 20 years ago. Let it go, dude.

Time to heed your own advice; let it go, dude. Guess what? People are going to have different opinions than you do. It's the internet, that happens. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you need to get into an argument over it in every damn thread. If you want to discuss something that you can't sort out without derailing the thread, then PM that member about it, plain as that.

And this one goes for everyone: knock it off with the name-calling bullshit, please. It's getting old seeing people calling each other cupcakes because they don't agree with someone else. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned the tensions around here - this kind of behavior doesn't help ease those tensions.

Nice call.

Arguments are LOL worthy, and enjoyable, but if its nitpicking just cuz someone have different opinions, it gets annoying.

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Ya know, some fans may be shocked to learn that there was a time when Axl was considered one of the great frontmen because his show consisted of more than just doing a half-assed rockette leg kick along with singing. No one expects him to run around like he used to but if Mick Jagger can still command the stage, Axl could do a little more than roll around and pant. And yes, losing weight could help put an end to the lack of breath(which destroys his singing performance) and allow him to be more free onstage. Greatness isn't decided by age. Fans expect greatness from the man once considered the greatest frontman of this generation. Most people don't applaud bad work ethic and half-assed performances. At least not outside of this forum. As others have stated, his weight affects his performance and is a reflection of his typical work ethic which is a "*cha-ching* fuck it!"

But you keep showing that you WANT to make this about sex so I'm sure this post will whoosh right over your head.

You are wrong in your statement that he isn't giving great performances, as evidenced with numerous recent reviews. You are right in your statement that he isn't as great as he used to be. You are utterly mistaken if you think that he should improve himself just because you got too used to how he was 20 years ago. Let it go, dude.

Time to heed your own advice; let it go, dude. Guess what? People are going to have different opinions than you do. It's the internet, that happens. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you need to get into an argument over it in every damn thread. If you want to discuss something that you can't sort out without derailing the thread, then PM that member about it, plain as that.

And this one goes for everyone: knock it off with the name-calling bullshit, please. It's getting old seeing people calling each other cupcakes because they don't agree with someone else. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned the tensions around here - this kind of behavior doesn't help ease those tensions.

Nice call.

Arguments are LOL worthy, and enjoyable, but if its nitpicking just cuz someone have different opinions, it gets annoying.

It is not nitpicking to point out that from objective criteria (the consensus of numerous recent media reviews) Axl and the band is giving great performances and not "half-assed performances" as RustyCage claimed. That is a piece of information that is both factual and extremely relevant in the discussion and hence should be welcomed by all involved who are actually interested in mature discussions and not just the sharing of unsubstantiated personal opinions who they have no intention of modifying even in the face of opposing hard evidence.

Every opinion isn't equally valuable. They might be equally valid insofar as they are genuine opinions held by real people but in regards to accurately describe reality, they are just not equally valuable. Our opinions are based on foundations. We have an opinion because it rests on some foundation. That foundation could be highly subjective preferences or a set of informations thought to be factual. E.g. having the personal opinion that Axl's voice sucks is just as valid as the personal opinion that it doesn't suck. It is a matter of personal preferences. We like what we like. Many people detests Axl's voice. That is fine. There is no right or wrong answer here, and such things is pretty moot to discuss, at least in the hope of reaching some kind of agreement. Those two opinions and both equally valuable and valid. But the opinion "Axl is fat" is not based on personal preferences because "fat" is just not subjective, it is a term that is related to average weight which can be accurately quantified. It is still a valid opinion, of course, but it is not necessarily equally valuable as other opinions regarding his weight which might rest on more solid foundation. Another opinion that is valid albeit not necessary valuable is "Axl gives a half-assed performance". Again, this isn't entirely connected to your own enjoyment of the show, but claims to say something beyond personal taste since it conveys to give a description on the objective performance of Axl. This is an opinion much harder to assess than fat/weight but we do have access to what we must assume to be unbiased descriptions by people who have reviews of concerts as part of their job description, and based on their testimonies Axl gives a lot more than "half-assed performances".

Being able to share actual informative arguments and pieces of information which can help to modify or dispel opinions that are based on weak foundations, is NOT to force one's opinion on anyone. This is how proper discussions takes place. If we don't allow and welcome proper arguments and facts then each thread would just be a shouting match between people of different opinions trying to make their opinion manifest through nothing but being the loudest or most numerous.

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Axl's weight has a direct effect on a number of things.

1. His health. I don't want to see Axl die younger than he should.

2. His stamina. Compare the 06-10 performances to what he does now. Nowadays he pretty much stands still and does the odd kick. It'd also help if he shed some of "the disguise".

3. His voice. While some people's voices benefit from weight gain, it seems to have an opposite effect on Axl's. When he was anorexic in the 80s-90s, his voice was shrill and scratchy as fuck. Same for when he was more fit from 06-10. Ever since he's gotten fat his voice has noticeably deteriorated.

4. His image. While I don't consider this extremely important, it is embarrassing to see pictures of a clearly overweight Axl hiding in a disguise every night.

Yes, my 10,000th post was about Axl being fat. I'll let you decide if I planned that out.

Edited by bacardimayne
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Axl's weight has a direct effect on a number of things.

1. His health. I don't want to see Axl die younger than he should.

2. His stamina. Compare the 06-10 performances to what he does now. Nowadays he pretty much stands still and does the odd kick. It'd also help if he shed some of "the disguise".

3. His voice. While some people's voices benefit from weight gain, it seems to have an opposite effect on Axl's. When he was anorexic in the 80s-90s, his voice was shrill and scratchy as fuck. Same for when he was more fit from 06-10. Ever since he's gotten fat his voice has noticeably deteriorated.

4. His image. While I don't consider this extremely important, it is embarrassing to see pictures of a clearly overweight Axl hiding in a disguise every night.

Yes, my 10,000th post was about Axl being fat. I'll let you decide if I planned that out.

Let's hope your 20kth post will be about something else :D

1. You know what? Overweight men (not obese) have a longer life expectancy than men of average weight (!). So you don't necessarily have to fear this. It seems like Axl is in a happy place for the moment, let's enjoy that rather than obsess about his life expectancy ;).

2. Yeah, being overweight USUALLY means you lose stamina (but it can be compensated for by cardiovascular exercise). And Axl OBVIOUSLY hasn't got the amazing stamina he had back in the early 90s. But we still can't say whether this is BECAUSE of him being overweight or just that he is older now (because age also posivelly correlates with lowered stamina).

3. The correlation between Axl's voice and weight is extremely weak. And what most people complain about, the lack of rasp, should have no connection to him being overweight. If he is so overweight he runs out of breath, then that will certainly affect his voice. But I just don't see that happening often. I see he have to swallow words in particularly tricky songs, but that has more to do with deterioration of voice power/stamina than being weight related.

4. I guess we have to accept that his image has changed since the early 90s. And I think we should make allowances for that in a 51 year old man. Now he is entering the hobo with jewellery stage of his life and I hope this means as little to everyone else as it does to me as long as he keeps entertaining me as an artist and has a good life.

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I'm not saying there's a definite link between Axl being fat and having a bad voice, just that they seem to correlate.

80s-93: Skinny Axl, shrill, raspy voice

01-02: Fatter Axl, cleaner "thicker" sounding voice with little rasp

06-10: More fit Axl, more raspy, thin sounding voice

11-13: Fatter Axl, thick voice returns and the rasp takes a downturn

It'll be interesting to see, if Axl ever gets back in shape, if his raspy voice makes a comeback.

Congrats, bacardi! Your 10,000th post for the 10,000 calories Axl consumes a day! :)


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I'm not saying there's a definite link between Axl being fat and having a bad voice, just that they seem to correlate.

80s-93: Skinny Axl, shrill, raspy voice

01-02: Fatter Axl, cleaner "thicker" sounding voice with little rasp

06-10: More fit Axl, more raspy, thin sounding voice

11-13: Fatter Axl, thick voice returns and the rasp takes a downturn

It'll be interesting to see, if Axl ever gets back in shape, if his raspy voice makes a comeback.

You are right, there is a correlation. But that doesn't mean there is some mechanistic relationship, it could just be coincidence. I personally favour the explanation that Axl has decided to spare his voice because rasp is detrimental to vocal longevity. This fits nicely with the fact that he occasionally seems to turn on the rasp. It also fits nicely with the absence of any functional explanation for why body weight would affect raspiness of voice. We know he over-did the raspiness in the 90s and had big vocal problems as a result. I believe he has leant from his mistakes.

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Well it really shouldnt should it, but he is a rock n roll star - no, actually a rock god. It is not cool to be fat on-stage. But yet again, all we want is a new album.

See, it could end up this way:


And as you can see - it aint pretty... no matter how cool jackets you wear.

is that Axl in 2020?

It might be. A vision from the future, but a cool jacket - really shows the animal inside!

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I'm not saying there's a definite link between Axl being fat and having a bad voice, just that they seem to correlate.

80s-93: Skinny Axl, shrill, raspy voice

01-02: Fatter Axl, cleaner "thicker" sounding voice with little rasp

06-10: More fit Axl, more raspy, thin sounding voice

11-13: Fatter Axl, thick voice returns and the rasp takes a downturn

It'll be interesting to see, if Axl ever gets back in shape, if his raspy voice makes a comeback.

Congrats, bacardi! Your 10,000th post for the 10,000 calories Axl consumes a day! :)


Not exactly.

Axl was skinner in the end of 2001/2002 than in 2009/2010.

He was way fatter in 2007 than in 2006 and his voice was still good.

He was also getting fatter in that 94 clip with Bruce and his voice was ok.

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Ya know, some fans may be shocked to learn that there was a time when Axl was considered one of the great frontmen because his show consisted of more than just doing a half-assed rockette leg kick along with singing. No one expects him to run around like he used to but if Mick Jagger can still command the stage, Axl could do a little more than roll around and pant. And yes, losing weight could help put an end to the lack of breath(which destroys his singing performance) and allow him to be more free onstage. Greatness isn't decided by age. Fans expect greatness from the man once considered the greatest frontman of this generation. Most people don't applaud bad work ethic and half-assed performances. At least not outside of this forum. As others have stated, his weight affects his performance and is a reflection of his typical work ethic which is a "*cha-ching* fuck it!"

But you keep showing that you WANT to make this about sex so I'm sure this post will whoosh right over your head.

You are wrong in your statement that he isn't giving great performances, as evidenced with numerous recent reviews. You are right in your statement that he isn't as great as he used to be. You are utterly mistaken if you think that he should improve himself just because you got too used to how he was 20 years ago. Let it go, dude.

Time to heed your own advice; let it go, dude. Guess what? People are going to have different opinions than you do. It's the internet, that happens. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you need to get into an argument over it in every damn thread. If you want to discuss something that you can't sort out without derailing the thread, then PM that member about it, plain as that.

And this one goes for everyone: knock it off with the name-calling bullshit, please. It's getting old seeing people calling each other cupcakes because they don't agree with someone else. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned the tensions around here - this kind of behavior doesn't help ease those tensions.

Nice call.

Arguments are LOL worthy, and enjoyable, but if its nitpicking just cuz someone have different opinions, it gets annoying.

It is not nitpicking to point out that from objective criteria (the consensus of numerous recent media reviews) Axl and the band is giving great performances and not "half-assed performances" as RustyCage claimed. That is a piece of information that is both factual and extremely relevant in the discussion and hence should be welcomed by all involved who are actually interested in mature discussions and not just the sharing of unsubstantiated personal opinions who they have no intention of modifying even in the face of opposing hard evidence.

Every opinion isn't equally valuable. They might be equally valid insofar as they are genuine opinions held by real people but in regards to accurately describe reality, they are just not equally valuable. Our opinions are based on foundations. We have an opinion because it rests on some foundation. That foundation could be highly subjective preferences or a set of informations thought to be factual. E.g. having the personal opinion that Axl's voice sucks is just as valid as the personal opinion that it doesn't suck. It is a matter of personal preferences. We like what we like. Many people detests Axl's voice. That is fine. There is no right or wrong answer here, and such things is pretty moot to discuss, at least in the hope of reaching some kind of agreement. Those two opinions and both equally valuable and valid. But the opinion "Axl is fat" is not based on personal preferences because "fat" is just not subjective, it is a term that is related to average weight which can be accurately quantified. It is still a valid opinion, of course, but it is not necessarily equally valuable as other opinions regarding his weight which might rest on more solid foundation. Another opinion that is valid albeit not necessary valuable is "Axl gives a half-assed performance". Again, this isn't entirely connected to your own enjoyment of the show, but claims to say something beyond personal taste since it conveys to give a description on the objective performance of Axl. This is an opinion much harder to assess than fat/weight but we do have access to what we must assume to be unbiased descriptions by people who have reviews of concerts as part of their job description, and based on their testimonies Axl gives a lot more than "half-assed performances".

Being able to share actual informative arguments and pieces of information which can help to modify or dispel opinions that are based on weak foundations, is NOT to force one's opinion on anyone. This is how proper discussions takes place. If we don't allow and welcome proper arguments and facts then each thread would just be a shouting match between people of different opinions trying to make their opinion manifest through nothing but being the loudest or most numerous.

These are the kinds of posts that serve to derail discussions. You're so fucking bent on trying to prove that your opinion is right and other peoples' are wrong that you're trying to dissect their posts word-by-word.

Everyone's opinions are equally valid on whatever the topic; Axl's voice, Axl's weight, etc. His voice and his weight are totally subjective - what someone else considers "fat" you may not and vice versa.

To play devil's advocate - your last sentence is exactly what you're doing - you're trying to sway peoples' opinions (Most of whom have been very set in their opinions for years) by trying to break down their opinions every single time they disagree with you in the slightest. It's a shouting match; they say something you don't agree with, then you respond trying to disprove their opinion with some sort of pseudo-factual evidence, then they lash back at you and this goes on and on until discussion has taken a backseat to everyone calling each other a cupcake.

If it bothers you that much that someone may have a different opinion, you can always just put them on ignore.

And if you feel the need to continue this debate, PM me - we're not doing it in this thread.

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Thanks Powerage, this bullshit needs to stop. Sorry for the OT.

Lol...........is there anybody else on here who would constantly argue with the actual MODS about how they want the forum ran?

I might not agree with everything they say - but they are the bosses. What they say goes and we ALL SHOULD RESPECT that. If we don't agree.........it's a free world and we can start our own forum with our own rules.

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Guest cbgnr666

If they re-recorded Get In The Ring they'd have too change the part of Gnr weighing in at 850 lbs,to 180850lbs to be more accurate.

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in my mind Axl was never that hot even in his prime, but he was dangerous, and controversial, and crazy, and cool as hell. and even those who called him asshole knew that. and thats why i love him so much, besides from being great singer, frontmen, lyricist etc. and now internet is full of fat jokes and memes. and that drives me mad. so yeah id like him to get in shape. i know its selfish but what you gonna do. maybe i hope that if he looks cool it will somehow bring back his old cool persona that wrote all those cool songs.

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