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A look at the tweet itself, what do you get from it?

Guest NGOG

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I am not even 100% sure that was a response to the letter. Unless that's been confirmed since last night.

i dont think it was a direct response to the letter... it probably had a little to do with it, but may have been a generic response to everyone else whos been asking too... more than likely more for the people that asked on facebook and twitter since thats where the response was given... if it were a direct response to the letter, they probably would have posted something on this forum again

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I mean, let's think about perspective here.

To us, this letter was pretty much the biggest news we have going right now. It was a big deal, a huge topic of discussion, the center of our attention.

Now imagine what the inbox of Team Brazil looks like. They've probably got tour arrangements going on for South America, all sorts of business related stuff, and reams of other fan mail, tweets, posts, etc to sift through. This letter really isn't all that big a deal from their perspective. It's definitely not a very high priority. At best, it's something to deal with once all the other shit they're currently doing is taken care of.

I'm not being a Team Brazil apologist here. If this is their refusal, or if they refuse us in a more direct response, I will be very disappointed. But this mass hysteria over that tweet seems unwarranted to me. This has happened a bunch of other times, where people on the forum have misinterpreted tweets from the band's account and blown them completely out of proportion.

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I am not even 100% sure that was a response to the letter. Unless that's been confirmed since last night.

i dont think it was a direct response to the letter... it probably had a little to do with it, but may have been a generic response to everyone else whos been asking too... more than likely more for the people that asked on facebook and twitter since thats where the response was given... if it were a direct response to the letter, they probably would have posted something on this forum again

they will never post here again. and yes, the tweet is the response to the letter.

i just dont see them replying to a personal e-mail openly on a social media site... it is possible, but i still dont think it was a direct response... i dont have twitter, but im sure ppl have been asking on there.. i know ppl were asking on facebook so... i mean id take it more as a response to all the fb wall posts and tweets theyve been getting... its better than "complaints complaints complaints" thats for sure lol but i mean what do you want them to say if theres nothing to report ?

its either say nothing and ppl will be pissed about that, or say that there is nothing, which ppl will still be pissed about.. its a lose-lose... only thing that would have made ppl happy was a date or an estimate of a date, which theyll never do again due to the whole chinese democracy bullshit so... id actually prefer to find out the day before the release than a year ahead of time... leaves more time for shit to get postponed... idk afd, uyi 1&2, lies, CD and even TSI are good enough... if they release something great, if not im happy with the music we have already

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I gather that we will be in for another 3 year wait for a new record and constant boring touring. Yawn.

What makes you think in three years things will be better? Have they gotten better the past three years?

In three years time I will probably be saying "another 3 years". I just don't care anymore.

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I'm sure TB keeps an eye over here and they were completely aware of the letter and its importance. It wouldn't be a new email in their inbox that would make them aware of the letter. Just my opinion of course.

Exactly how often do you think they're checking in on this forum? I seriously doubt we're being watched very closely. Most I can imagine is someone from the management might log in for about twenty minutes every weekend or two.

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The way I interpret this twit is that they don´t want to take anything for granted until they are 100% sure.

Then tweet:

We know you're all anxious for albums, DVDs and more touring; but we'd prefer to have everything set in stone to avoid disappointment.

No argument here that your wording is immeasurably better than the way the update was worded from the GN'R camp. Perhaps you should be giving them advice on how to articulate their message? :thumbsup:

But, having said that, while I concur 100% that the way you worded it is infinitely better than the way GN'R worded the update, I do think that effectively it is the same message being delivered - a preference to wait until everything is confirmed or set in stone prior to making any announcement.


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I'm sure TB keeps an eye over here and they were completely aware of the letter and its importance. It wouldn't be a new email in their inbox that would make them aware of the letter. Just my opinion of course.

Exactly how often do you think they're checking in on this forum? I seriously doubt we're being watched very closely. Most I can imagine is someone from the management might log in for about twenty minutes every weekend or two.

I want to believe they are smart enough to know that MyGNR is a better representation of the fanbase than Facebook comments. I think they visit the forum very often. Aside from that, Manets told us many people on the camp knew the letter thing was going on.

What makes it a better representation? The GNR Facebook page has 23 MILLION likes, this place has perhaps 50 active posters? Yet again, your inflated sense of self entitlement is what is frustrating you. The only person with the authority to provide information (Axl Rose) could not give a flying fuck what you or I think. His or GNR's legacy will not be based on the opinion of members of MyGNR. The letter you guys put together is a very sincere thing, but ultimately can you imagine it being read out to Axl himself? And if it was, do you think he would even take the time to answer? The guy has never asked for your fame and worship, he owes you or I absolutely nothing.

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2 threads so Ill just copy what I wrote in the other one :nervous:

Fuck this band, man. Its getting so discouraging...

Speaking just on "nu"GNR

Ill always love the GNR shows I have seen from 2010 and Ill continue to see them when they come because I love this "band" but fuck this. Axl fought so hard to keep this stupid name and he has one album to show for it in 20 years. Think about that, that is just baffling. And let this one sink in... Chinese Democracy came out 5 YEARS AGO. It has been half a decade since it finally hit shelves and we have no word on new material. You can argue that its been like that for bands like Metallica, Aerosmith, AC/DC, etc but it is not the same thing at all. We got one album in 14 years, then were told all this other material was recorded, and nothing. At least those other bands released material in those 14 years Axl did nothing. AC/DC is practically retired and comes out once- twice a decade for a new album and tour. But they earned that, they got 10 years on Axl and were always consistent. Same with Aerosmith, they released material on a semi regular basis and have been around since the early 70s. They deserve that legacy status and at least have they're classic line up and have nothing to prove. Axl fought like hell for his stupid band name and has seemed to creatively fizzle away instead of trying to build upon it. It is irrelevent how much I love Chinese Democracy, it is the principle of it that makes this so shitty.

And dont get me started on Metallica. Yeah, they haven't released an album in the last 5 years like GNR, but look at what they have done since. Went on a major world tour promoting their record, made their own festival which has seen two successful years in a row, organized a big 4 tour complete with a DVD, released an EP with Death Magnetic leftovers (seriously Axl, fuck you this isn't that hard to do. I know we have loads of Chinese left overs), released a full collaboration album, celebrated their anniversary with theater shows complete with past members joining them, were inducted to the hall of fame too and had Newsted jam with them, and right now they are making a fucking full length and major release movie. All the while they are updating fans on a regular basis on what their plans on for a new album. What the fuck... GNR has literally just toured 3 years playing a similar show with a few new songs sprinkled in.

Im not saying GNR is completely useless... I think the shows overall since 2009 have been stellar. They have added some great songs in like Civil War and Estranged, played a bit with Izzy and Duff, had a great club tour for USA fans, and the Vegas residency. That is all great, good job GNR. But the new music situation has really brought things to a dark age again. Shows have become "cash grab, nostalgia tours" even if they are fantastic. We have no direction or future for where this band is going. I feel especially bad for Ron and the rest of the guys. Sure, they are getting paid and are in a huge band but as an artist, that has got to be really, really hard. Especially with all the talent and potential this group of musicians has together.

And Im sure there is legal crap blah blah blah but not to this extent. No legal thing can prevent Axl from getting in a room with these guys and just playing. Having fun, jamming, and bouncing ideas back and forth. He hasnt done that, it is almost like he doesnt care. Where did this guy's fire go? He used to be a crazy perfectionist always in search of new, great music. I don't see that in him anymore and it's sad. I still think he has immense talent, overall performs well (yeah, his voice isnt nearly as good though but I don't think it is bad yet), and I'll always think Axl is awesome, but this is still so sad to see.

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2 threads so Ill just copy what I wrote in the other one :nervous:

Fuck this band, man. Its getting so discouraging...

Speaking just on "nu"GNR

Ill always love the GNR shows I have seen from 2010 and Ill continue to see them when they come because I love this "band" but fuck this. Axl fought so hard to keep this stupid name and he has one album to show for it in 20 years. Think about that, that is just baffling. And let this one sink in... Chinese Democracy came out 5 YEARS AGO. It has been half a decade since it finally hit shelves and we have no word on new material. You can argue that its been like that for bands like Metallica, Aerosmith, AC/DC, etc but it is not the same thing at all. We got one album in 14 years, then were told all this other material was recorded, and nothing. At least those other bands released material in those 14 years Axl did nothing. AC/DC is practically retired and comes out once- twice a decade for a new album and tour. But they earned that, they got 10 years on Axl and were always consistent. Same with Aerosmith, they released material on a semi regular basis and have been around since the early 70s. They deserve that legacy status and at least have they're classic line up and have nothing to prove. Axl fought like hell for his stupid band name and has seemed to creatively fizzle away instead of trying to build upon it. It is irrelevent how much I love Chinese Democracy, it is the principle of it that makes this so shitty.

And dont get me started on Metallica. Yeah, they haven't released an album in the last 5 years like GNR, but look at what they have done since. Went on a major world tour promoting their record, made their own festival which has seen two successful years in a row, organized a big 4 tour complete with a DVD, released an EP with Death Magnetic leftovers (seriously Axl, fuck you this isn't that hard to do. I know we have loads of Chinese left overs), released a full collaboration album, celebrated their anniversary with theater shows complete with past members joining them, were inducted to the hall of fame too and had Newsted jam with them, and right now they are making a fucking full length and major release movie. All the while they are updating fans on a regular basis on what their plans on for a new album. What the fuck... GNR has literally just toured 3 years playing a similar show with a few new songs sprinkled in.

Im not saying GNR is completely useless... I think the shows overall since 2009 have been stellar. They have added some great songs in like Civil War and Estranged, played a bit with Izzy and Duff, had a great club tour for USA fans, and the Vegas residency. That is all great, good job GNR. But the new music situation has really brought things to a dark age again. Shows have become "cash grab, nostalgia tours" even if they are fantastic. We have no direction or future for where this band is going. I feel especially bad for Ron and the rest of the guys. Sure, they are getting paid and are in a huge band but as an artist, that has got to be really, really hard. Especially with all the talent and potential this group of musicians has together.

And Im sure there is legal crap blah blah blah but not to this extent. No legal thing can prevent Axl from getting in a room with these guys and just playing. Having fun, jamming, and bouncing ideas back and forth. He hasnt done that, it is almost like he doesnt care. Where did this guy's fire go? He used to be a crazy perfectionist always in search of new, great music. I don't see that in him anymore and it's sad. I still think he has immense talent, overall performs well (yeah, his voice isnt nearly as good though but I don't think it is bad yet), and I'll always think Axl is awesome, but this is still so sad to see.

He also carried a lot of anger that fueled him to succeed.

There's nothing left for him to be angry about.

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Generally speaking, we have no information on tours, albums, or DVDs. When things get confirmed we'll let you know. Thanks for your patience.

How unprofessional is this tweet?

First of all, by saying 'generally speaking' they automatically contrast their subsequenent claim that they don't have any information. What they are really saying is they have the information but aren't prepared to share such information with the community (because they have adopted a frustrating policy of only telling us things a day before they happen).

Secondly, how can a label signed band like GNR not have anything to say with regards records, DVDs and touring? At the very least they could say we're doing Chinese Democracy II or a record featuring the new line-up. Furthermore, they're flat out bluffing on the DVD/touring subject. They've been touring on/off for the best part of five years, am I suppose to believe they aren't currently knee deep in arranging further money making tours? They are currently consumed by negotiating with South American promoters... surely they could at least express their aspirations for the outcome of those negotiations? Finally, 'Appetite for Democracy', a simple simple thing, scheduled to be in our hands weeks ago as a 'summer release'. Fernando said a few days ago they were working on getting it out. So where is it? We don't know anything about our own DVD release.

If you don't know anything about anything, how could things ever get confirmed? If they at this point don't exist at a talking level, how is a release possible? Why is GNR content to just let us hope as oppose to telling us they want to do A. B. and C. for us as other bands would? No, they'd rather arrange GNRmania hits South America part XVI.

To conclude, thanks for our patience? It's unsurprising that the braindead person running GNR social media has dropped yet another GNR related cliche, but we are well beyond patience at this stage. It's actually a really embittered sense of frustration that GNR management need to try and appease quickly.

One has to wonder when reading that reply just how out of touch with reality is this group? Is there no vision, no excitment, no passion for thier product? Its been asked before but this is what Axls grand vison for GNR was going to be like? Maybe they spoiled the hell out of us original fans when there were radio interviews, televison specials, magazine write ups and exposure to the band every where anytime all the time. When GNR was making its move it was a movement...The excitement and thrill of all things GNR was electrifying....now its pathetic.

I know if my employees talked about my business like this I would be all over them like ugly on an ape! Promote promote promote. Chat the group up a bit, throw the dogs a bone.

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2 threads so Ill just copy what I wrote in the other one :nervous:

And dont get me started on Metallica. Yeah, they haven't released an album in the last 5 years like GNR, but look at what they have done since. Went on a major world tour promoting their record, made their own festival which has seen two successful years in a row, organized a big 4 tour complete with a DVD, released an EP with Death Magnetic leftovers (seriously Axl, fuck you this isn't that hard to do. I know we have loads of Chinese left overs), released a full collaboration album, celebrated their anniversary with theater shows complete with past members joining them, were inducted to the hall of fame too and had Newsted jam with them, and right now they are making a fucking full length and major release movie. All the while they are updating fans on a regular basis on what their plans on for a new album. What the fuck... GNR has literally just toured 3 years playing a similar show with a few new songs sprinkled in.

I asked about them doing a single/ep in another thread, it'd be easy for them, it would give us some new music to hold us over until the next album and it would give them some songs to put into the setlist so we don't see the same show

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That's the kind of poster that I'm my opinion should not be part of this forum.

I'm sure Jarmo started out by thinking the same thing.

Best post of the entire topic!


Blunoze - the last part of your rant is what the problem. Obviously Axl doesn't "owe" us anything, just like we don't "owe" him anything. BUT most bands do in fact feel like they owe their fans EVERYTHING.

You can be the greatest songwriter, singer and musician in the history of the world. But if the "fans" don't support you, then you'll be working at Best Buy for $15 an hour and playing gigs at your local bar.

Without us "fans" buying Axl's records, buying t-shirts, buying posters and shelling out hundreds of dollars to see him perform live, would Axl be living in a multi-million dollar mansion? Would he be driving lamborginni's (sp)? Would he be living like a king? Would he have women all over the world wanting to sleep with him? Would he be traveling the world playing in front of thousands of people?

So yes. On paper, he owes us nothing and we owe him nothing. But let's be real. If Axl wants to be a singer and make millions and tour the world, then he does owe us something - respect and appreciation. That's a relationship that EVERY OTHER BAND in the world has with their fans. It's so weird how a few people on here (usually Axl Nutters) always say that Axl owes us nothing. My local grocery store doesn't owe me anything either......but if they want to stay in business and make money, then they will give me quality products and good customer service. Otherwise they will go out of business.

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That's the kind of poster that I'm my opinion should not be part of this forum.

I'm sure Jarmo started out by thinking the same thing.

Best post of the entire topic!


Blunoze - the last part of your rant is what the problem. Obviously Axl doesn't "owe" us anything, just like we don't "owe" him anything. BUT most bands do in fact feel like they owe their fans EVERYTHING.

You can be the greatest songwriter, singer and musician in the history of the world. But if the "fans" don't support you, then you'll be working at Best Buy for $15 an hour and playing gigs at your local bar.

Without us "fans" buying Axl's records, buying t-shirts, buying posters and shelling out hundreds of dollars to see him perform live, would Axl be living in a multi-million dollar mansion? Would he be driving lamborginni's (sp)? Would he be living like a king? Would he have women all over the world wanting to sleep with him? Would he be traveling the world playing in front of thousands of people?

So yes. On paper, he owes us nothing and we owe him nothing. But let's be real. If Axl wants to be a singer and make millions and tour the world, then he does owe us something - respect and appreciation. That's a relationship that EVERY OTHER BAND in the world has with their fans. It's so weird how a few people on here (usually Axl Nutters) always say that Axl owes us nothing. My local grocery store doesn't owe me anything either......but if they want to stay in business and make money, then they will give me quality products and good customer service. Otherwise they will go out of business.

Axl nutters? Shouldn't be part of this forum? Unless I missed something, this is an open forum where people can post any view that they like (within reason of course).

You are suggesting Guns N' Roses should be conformist, and do what other bands do. You essentially miss the entire essence of Guns N' Roses. GNR has never done anything that other bands do. And it never will. If you understand the history of GNR, you will know that other band members ultimately LEFT because of Axl clearly showing he doesn't care what the fans truly think. In terms of mindset, Axl was more like Kurt Cobain in the sense that he also cared nothing for fame or worship.

Your thoughts may had had some relevance in the mid eighties, but whether you like or not Axl will live comfortably for the rest of his life off the royalties and touring the music which has already been made. If he does ever really need money, a reunion will make him a hundreds time what any new material release would. The guy is 51 years old, he has already reached his musical peak. He tried to surpass it with Chi Dem, but in his heart of hearts he would have known that he did not surpass the levels he set previously.

This entire board boycotting GNR, would be like taking a spoon full of water out of the pacific. You can scream, whinge, write as many letters as you want. But you won't change a legacy that has already been written. I can recognise that you guys must be quite young, and have obviously never known GNR to be on top of their game. And I understand that you want new music, and you want your musical taste to be relevant. But the reality is, its never going to happen. Your attitude is what is weird, you should appreciate the beautiful music that has already been made, as there is not going to be more to savour...

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So, basically, they got wind of the fact that the board was preparing to send in questions to ask Axl, and this statement is them essentially telling us, "Don't waste your time, because we have zero information to give out and Axl isn't doing any interviews." More brilliant marketing from this band. All I can do is laugh at how pathetic it is. Axl just wants to make his money and be left alone. He clearly has zero intentions of putting out new music.

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That's the kind of poster that I'm my opinion should not be part of this forum.

I'm sure Jarmo started out by thinking the same thing.

Best post of the entire topic!


Blunoze - the last part of your rant is what the problem. Obviously Axl doesn't "owe" us anything, just like we don't "owe" him anything. BUT most bands do in fact feel like they owe their fans EVERYTHING.

You can be the greatest songwriter, singer and musician in the history of the world. But if the "fans" don't support you, then you'll be working at Best Buy for $15 an hour and playing gigs at your local bar.

Without us "fans" buying Axl's records, buying t-shirts, buying posters and shelling out hundreds of dollars to see him perform live, would Axl be living in a multi-million dollar mansion? Would he be driving lamborginni's (sp)? Would he be living like a king? Would he have women all over the world wanting to sleep with him? Would he be traveling the world playing in front of thousands of people?

So yes. On paper, he owes us nothing and we owe him nothing. But let's be real. If Axl wants to be a singer and make millions and tour the world, then he does owe us something - respect and appreciation. That's a relationship that EVERY OTHER BAND in the world has with their fans. It's so weird how a few people on here (usually Axl Nutters) always say that Axl owes us nothing. My local grocery store doesn't owe me anything either......but if they want to stay in business and make money, then they will give me quality products and good customer service. Otherwise they will go out of business.

Axl nutters? Shouldn't be part of this forum? Unless I missed something, this is an open forum where people can post any view that they like (within reason of course).

You are suggesting Guns N' Roses should be conformist, and do what other bands do. You essentially miss the entire essence of Guns N' Roses. GNR has never done anything that other bands do. And it never will. If you understand the history of GNR, you will know that other band members ultimately LEFT because of Axl clearly showing he doesn't care what the fans truly think. In terms of mindset, Axl was more like Kurt Cobain in the sense that he also cared nothing for fame or worship.

Your thoughts may had had some relevance in the mid eighties, but whether you like or not Axl will live comfortably for the rest of his life off the royalties and touring the music which has already been made. If he does ever really need money, a reunion will make him a hundreds time what any new material release would. The guy is 51 years old, he has already reached his musical peak. He tried to surpass it with Chi Dem, but in his heart of hearts he would have known that he did not surpass the levels he set previously.

This entire board boycotting GNR, would be like taking a spoon full of water out of the pacific. You can scream, whinge, write as many letters as you want. But you won't change a legacy that has already been written. I can recognise that you guys must be quite young, and have obviously never known GNR to be on top of their game. And I understand that you want new music, and you want your musical taste to be relevant. But the reality is, its never going to happen. Your attitude is what is weird, you should appreciate the beautiful music that has already been made, as there is not going to be more to savour...

It's cute how you subtely insult people by saying they must be very young.

As for your message:

"""You are suggesting Guns N' Roses should be conformist, and do what other bands do."""--------no, I'm suggesting they treat their fans with respect and consideration. Shocking, right?

"""You essentially miss the entire essence of Guns N' Roses.""""----so many things wrong with that sentence. DJ and Frank have nothing to do with the "essence" of Guns n Roses that you speak of. You might not know this, or maybe in your old age you have forgotten, but Axl is the only current member of the band who was around during Appetite. Axl and Dizzy were the only current members around during the Ilusions era. I hate to break the news to you, but DJ, BBF, Tommy, Fortus, Frank, Brain, Pitman, Bucket, Finck - those guys had ZERO to do with creating the "essence" of GnR that you are talking about.

Also, maybe you've also forgotten this in your old age, but Axl used to do tons of media in the old days when this "essence" was being created. TV interviews, magazine interviews, the band performed at awards shows and late night tv talk shows. How many videos did the band do for the Illusions albums????

"""GNR has never done anything that other bands do.""""----- read my response directly above. GnR used to do EVERYTHING that other bands did. From 1988-through-1992 the band GnR operated just like all other major bands. Tons of music videos, tons of interviews, and they released tons of music. Maybe you'd forgotten about this era?

"""" If you understand the history of GNR, you will know that other band members ultimately LEFT because of Axl clearly showing he doesn't care what the fans truly think."""----- With that point, you are spot on 100% correct. Surely you aren't implying that this is a good thing though, are you? That old band put out four albums worth of amazing music in five years. Since then, Axl has released one album of new material over the past 20 years.

YOU might care about a band's "essence" and bad boy attitudes and all that drama crap. Not me. I love Axl and GnR for the MUSIC that they have created. I couldn't care less about attitudes, how much drugs they did and all that stupid crap.

"""In terms of mindset, Axl was more like Kurt Cobain in the sense that he also cared nothing for fame or worship."""---Really? So why put out music, tour the world, do videos, charge up to $400 a ticket for fans to come watch you perform, etc. Everything I've ever read about Axl claimed that he was obsessed with what people thought about him. Have you actually spoken to Axl about this, or is this just your guess?

"""Your thoughts may had had some relevance in the mid eighties, but whether you like or not Axl will live comfortably for the rest of his life off the royalties and touring the music which has already been made.""""------Why would I like it or not - that's a weird thing for you to say. Obviously Axl has made millions of dollars. So now that he is rich, in your opinion, he doesn't owe anything (even gratitude or respect) to the people who made him rich? Dang, that's pretty harsh of you. Luckily I think that most people have respect, gratitude and consideration for those who helped them reach high points in their careers. If Axl doesn't that would make him a pretty shallow person and a real prick in real life.

""""If he does ever really need money, a reunion will make him a hundreds time what any new material release would.""""---Nobody has ever argued that point. You've stated the obvious - congrats!!!! I don't care if he does a reunion or not, that's betwen him and the old guys. All I want is for my favorite rock singer to put out music more often than once every 20 years.

"""The guy is 51 years old, he has already reached his musical peak."""----wow, that's harsh. I disagree with you. I think he can still operate at the level he used to, and still has the talent to make GnR the biggest rock band in the world again. Guess I have more faith in his skills than you do.

"""He tried to surpass it with Chi Dem, but in his heart of hearts he would have known that he did not surpass the levels he set previously.""""----just out of curiosity, how do you know what he feels in his heart of hearts? People on this forum say you can't measure the quality of an album/band/tour by record sales or by critical and fan response. So how do you - some random fan - know what Axl feels deep down in his soul? He might think that CD tops any other album he has been a part of.

"""""This entire board boycotting GNR, would be like taking a spoon full of water out of the pacific. You can scream, whinge, write as many letters as you want. But you won't change a legacy that has already been written.""" You are correct in that only Axl can change his legacy. Damn those fans who wish that Axl would put in the effort to build the GnR legacy back to where it once was. Damn those "kids" who wish their favorite singer would put out more music and occassionally update the fans on his plans. What a TERRIBLE thing that must be for poor Axl to live with. What terrible fans he has.

''"I can recognise that you guys must be quite young, and have obviously never known GNR to be on top of their game.'''"again, cute insult. But what about those of us who were around when Axl was actually relevant? GnR has been my favorite band since 1988. I've seen them at their best and at their worst. And the worst thing about being a die-hard Axl fan? One album in the last 20 years.

""""And you want your musical taste to be relevant.""""---comments like this make you sound like an arrogant prick. Nobody cares how "relevant" their favorite music is. We are die-hard fans of a singer who has put out one album in the past 20 years.

"""""""""But the reality is, its never going to happen. Your attitude is what is weird, you should appreciate the beautiful music that has already been made, as there is not going to be more to savour""""------you got this information from Axl himself? He told you that no more music would ever be released? If so, please share that email/conversation. Second, the rest of your comment makes no sense at all. Wanting new music from Axl has NO BEARING whatsoever in how much we all love the old music. We all appreciate the music Axl has created. Wanting a new album doesn't mean I've stopped loving Civil War and Yesterdays and Nov Rain and Nightrain. The only weird thing about all this is you trying to chastise fans on here for wanting new music........when those are the fans who still have faith in Axl's skills and ability. We are the fans who think that Axl can still make amazing albums.

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Generally speaking, we have no information on tours, albums, or DVDs. When things get confirmed we'll let you know. Thanks for your patience.

How unprofessional is this tweet?

First of all, by saying 'generally speaking' they automatically contrast their subsequenent claim that they don't have any information. What they are really saying is they have the information but aren't prepared to share such information with the community (because they have adopted a frustrating policy of only telling us things a day before they happen).

Secondly, how can a label signed band like GNR not have anything to say with regards records, DVDs and touring? At the very least they could say we're doing Chinese Democracy II or a record featuring the new line-up. Furthermore, they're flat out bluffing on the DVD/touring subject. They've been touring on/off for the best part of five years, am I suppose to believe they aren't currently knee deep in arranging further money making tours? They are currently consumed by negotiating with South American promoters... surely they could at least express their aspirations for the outcome of those negotiations? Finally, 'Appetite for Democracy', a simple simple thing, scheduled to be in our hands weeks ago as a 'summer release'. Fernando said a few days ago they were working on getting it out. So where is it? We don't know anything about our own DVD release.

If you don't know anything about anything, how could things ever get confirmed? If they at this point don't exist at a talking level, how is a release possible? Why is GNR content to just let us hope as oppose to telling us they want to do A. B. and C. for us as other bands would? No, they'd rather arrange GNRmania hits South America part XVI.

To conclude, thanks for our patience? It's unsurprising that the braindead person running GNR social media has dropped yet another GNR related cliche, but we are well beyond patience at this stage. It's actually a really embittered sense of frustration that GNR management need to try and appease quickly.

You read and think more than this one liner is worth reading and thinking into. They don't "have a label", they have publishing deals. It's Black Frog /Team Brazil plus whoever has the nerve and budget to cope with the risk that GN'R is these days. Be it Geffen, Interscope, Universal, concert promoters. There is no "label" backing the band in a concentrated act of support, concept, development or promotion. Material for a DVD that was intented for a theatrical release was recorded but not backed by any label because it's so utterly depressing and horrible that "the label" (or whoever was approached to actually put this out) won't even recoup half the costs of that ride. That's where management fails, getting a good camera and sound technician, getting actual promoters, making actual deals, making ends meet. There is no label, there is no management and there is barely a band and surely no new material. There is no vault. Nothing. It's all just a bunch of elderly people trying to get their own asses to the wall on their way to retirement.

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They just finished touring after doing it pretty consistently for a few years. I feel as though they ran that into the ground about as far as they could.

We'll either see more of the same shows next year, or maybe Axl will get inspired/motivated and we'll see an album in a year or two.

That's really all you can expect or hope for... anything else would just be bonus. I know Axl could put out a great album with the current lineup, it's just a matter of him committing and getting the material done within the decade.

Edited by Ak1nney
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