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The Walking Shit (Season 4)


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I knew as soon as Hershel was captured by the governor he was going to die. It was so obvious.

I'm just glad the governor is dead now and all his dumb ass followers.

I'm glad Michonne got to stab him with HER sword and Rick got in a few good hits.

Now it's going to be interesting to see how each group survives and if they find each other?

I was proud of those two little girls who save Tyrese's life because Carol taught them how to fight and not be afraid. Maybe once Tyrese finds out that Carol was the one who killed his g/f he will realize that because of her teachings those two little girls saved his life.

I thought Daryl kicked ass the best. using that zombie as a shield was awesome! He deserves to live until the end of the show. He shows us all how good he is at being a survivor.

I'm glad most of them seem to be with someone else or a group of people, but honestly I don't know how the ones on the bus will survive? they seem to be the ones who know how to fight the least until Glenn gets his strength back.

I didn't feel bad for that little girl because she was so annoying from the get go. You just knew she'd be bitten soon. The zombie in the water was funny. It was like you were just waiting for him to go under.

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what an amazing episode. In the comics, when does negan appear? how much is left?


doesnt show up until the alexandria safe zone/the saviors story arc(which is the arc still ongoing in the comics)
i dont know how long in season time it will be until we see the negan story arc and all that encompasses it(if we ever see it)
if they can somehow reach the alexandria safe zone at sometime in late season 5 we may see negan in season 6 or 7

i so badly want to see this arc and what it is building up to.

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I thought it was a good episode, but that episode is how Season 3 should have ended. So far the illness plotline was worthless and the second half of this season is going to be the start of a new journey essentially, most likely ending in the middle of next season and so forth.

It's so stupid when shows get cut in half like this.

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True. Can someone who's read the comic spoil what's to come in TWD?

how far do you want to go ahead? :lol:

after the prison falls

the group gets separated carl and rick end up in some small town, where rick is banged up(in the comics he was shot in the stomach) so carl basically has to take care of himself and becomes quite the badass. rick and carl reunited with maggie and glen who have been staying with the rest of the survivors at hershels farm. (you also meet some new characters here) eventually you find out the new characters are heading for washington dc because one of the characters says he knows what caused the outbreak.

if you want to go even further.. :lol:

as the group marches towards washington DC they run into some cannibals called the hunters, that starts another mini sub plot to the story. after the hunter storyline reaches its gory end, the group marches towards washington dc and about 6 miles from washington dc they meet a new character that leads them to a huge community called the alexandria safe zone(which we know amc will milk for all its worth

Cool, thanks ;)

Is that where the story end? Do they ever find out where the zombie thing comes from?

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True. Can someone who's read the comic spoil what's to come in TWD?

how far do you want to go ahead? :lol:

after the prison falls

the group gets separated carl and rick end up in some small town, where rick is banged up(in the comics he was shot in the stomach) so carl basically has to take care of himself and becomes quite the badass. rick and carl reunited with maggie and glen who have been staying with the rest of the survivors at hershels farm. (you also meet some new characters here) eventually you find out the new characters are heading for washington dc because one of the characters says he knows what caused the outbreak.

if you want to go even further.. :lol:

as the group marches towards washington DC they run into some cannibals called the hunters, that starts another mini sub plot to the story. after the hunter storyline reaches its gory end, the group marches towards washington dc and about 6 miles from washington dc they meet a new character that leads them to a huge community called the alexandria safe zone(which we know amc will milk for all its worth

Cool, thanks ;)

Is that where the story end? Do they ever find out where the zombie thing comes from?

no, you never find out what caused the outbreak, i think kirkman said we will never find out.

that is not where the story ends, the comics are still coming out and kirkman says he plans on doing a lot more so i dont think the show will ever catch the comics, but i hope they do get to the part where they are now because it is quite intense. the latest volume of comics is called

all out war
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I'll never understand how people say say the Governor episodes were good. 2 episodes where nobody gives a shit about half of the cast except for one character who doesn't really say a lot in one of them anyway. Incredibly boring.

The Governor was good in S3 and in this most recent episode but his two solo episodes sucked other than setting up the story. Glad to see him killed off because he was getting very annoying, in my opinion.

The infection stuff was nice, it seems like the only people that are complaining about that kind of stuff are the people that see it as "filler" because they've read the comics - for someone that's never read them it seems like it could be an interesting storyline if it were further developed.

...Ditto people complaining about staying in one place for too long. I'm almost certain that were a zombie apocalypse type thing were to happen, people would want to build up some kind of civilisation and get some normality in their lives - of course once you found a safe place you'd hold up there, start farming and try to sustain yourselves as long as possible. In my opinion these kind of "inward" storylines are the best thing. It doesn't all have to be about mindless killing, but rather this kind of constant struggle to build a decent way of life that you could bring kids up in.

Even the early stuff with the governor in some ways was realistic. It's very easy to imagine that in this sort of world, once you do get two well established camps, you're going to meet someone that makes it their goal to have the biggest/best camp and to "make it into the history books". That sort of thing has happened all throughout history so it's not that far fetched. Having some kind of crazy super-villian is boring and over the top in my opinion.

Looking forward to the next half of the season. I hope they find somewhere else that they can hold up in and make a home.

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I'll never understand how people say say the Governor episodes were good. 2 episodes where nobody gives a shit about half of the cast except for one character who doesn't really say a lot in one of them anyway. Incredibly boring.

The Governor was good in S3 and in this most recent episode but his two solo episodes sucked other than setting up the story. Glad to see him killed off because he was getting very annoying, in my opinion.

The infection stuff was nice, it seems like the only people that are complaining about that kind of stuff are the people that see it as "filler" because they've read the comics - for someone that's never read them it seems like it could be an interesting storyline if it were further developed.

...Ditto people complaining about staying in one place for too long. I'm almost certain that were a zombie apocalypse type thing were to happen, people would want to build up some kind of civilisation and get some normality in their lives - of course once you found a safe place you'd hold up there, start farming and try to sustain yourselves as long as possible. In my opinion these kind of "inward" storylines are the best thing. It doesn't all have to be about mindless killing, but rather this kind of constant struggle to build a decent way of life that you could bring kids up in.

Even the early stuff with the governor in some ways was realistic. It's very easy to imagine that in this sort of world, once you do get two well established camps, you're going to meet someone that makes it their goal to have the biggest/best camp and to "make it into the history books". That sort of thing has happened all throughout history so it's not that far fetched. Having some kind of crazy super-villian is boring and over the top in my opinion.

Looking forward to the next half of the season. I hope they find somewhere else that they can hold up in and make a home.

it really isnt the fact that they are in one spot too long, it is that they built up the storyline for season 3 and at the climax of the season they fizzled out and nothing happend, then the show tried to kick start the war again. true we got a cool episode but the lead up was non existent. also keep in mind the comic the prison arc lasts 37 issues with the governor showing up in only 14 of them. in perspective the next stronghold of the series has been going on for 50+ issues.

they dragged it on to save money on the prison set. they could have effectively ended the prison arc in 16 episodes. you could have had the first governor attack in the midseason finale which like in the comics gets repelled, the governor goes back and regroups, and in the season finale ends with the battle we saw in the midseason finale of season 4.

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So what was the thing Tyrese showed Rick and Daryl?

Was it a dead rabbit like someone posted? I couldn't see it clearly enough and my daughter couldn't make it out either.

I figured it was something to either lore the rats or the zombies.

I think the zombie version was caused by the government.

In the earlier seasons, it seemed there was always a helicopter in the air when the zombies would attack.

Remember when Rick went to follow it in Atlanta and he ran into that horde of zombies? Then all of a sudden there was another helicopter and the zombies started to go to Hershel's farm. I mean why did they turn and go towards the farm? There wasn't any reason for them to do that.

Since everyone is infected, I'm pretty sure it was a government thing. Either they wanted to make super soldiers or they fucked up something.

It makes sense to me especially since that scientist was the one who told Rick they were all infected and would turn when they died.

I really love this show, but I honestly don't see the world ever becoming livable again. I mean fighting to survive all the time and trying to get supplies and a safe place to stay? I mean why? In the end, when they all die they turn. If they're lucky someone will be around to shoot them in the head so they won't turn, but when you're the last one, what happens then?

I really hope the baby wasn't eaten by the zombies. I would hate that and I really hate when the zombies eat animals.

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it was a dissected rabbit, i think it is to show they have a serious nutjob in the group, which may set up a storyline that was absent from the tv prison plot that was in the comics.

Edited by bran
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Pretty sure it was the little blonde girl. I think her name is Lizzy? I read a theory on another site that Lizzy was in fact the one who killed the two sick people after Carol told her she has to be strong, and Carol found out and took the fall for her.

Also I'm just guessing here but, I think they're establishing younger character's now so that they can be added to the main cast in Season 15 when everyone from the current group is dead except grown up Carl.

I really love this show, but I honestly don't see the world ever becoming livable again. I mean fighting to survive all the time and trying to get supplies and a safe place to stay? I mean why? In the end, when they all die they turn. If they're lucky someone will be around to shoot them in the head so they won't turn, but when you're the last one, what happens then?

Get a boat and a map. Find a private island and live the rest of your life in tropical, walker free Paradise.

Edited by Broskirose
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So Carol could be taking the blame for one of the kids? That makes sense. I guess we'll find out soon enough or maybe it'll take awhile.

Still say this whole zombie virus was caused by the government.

Well, I still think it's someone from Woodbury that was feeding the zombies rats and maybe doing the whole dead rabbit thing.

It jus to show you that even in the zombie apocalypse there are still regular human crazies you still have to fear.

Man is a dangerous creature in any world.

Edited by Val22
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I've never seen the show but I keep reading this thread. I don't have time for TV so this is probably as close to enjoying the show as it will get.

There are a couple of free TV streaming sites out there. PM me if you wanna know what they're called. I'm sure you'll have a couple of hours to kill every now and then… The show is worth it… sometimes… XD

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I feel like these back 8 episodes really have potential for Season 1 quality if done right.

i think the biggest reason why the show is drifting so aimlessly(outside of amc being cheap) is the fact the show has had so many show runners, if darabont ran the show until now i think the show would have a much better flow to it IMO.

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I've never seen the show but I keep reading this thread. I don't have time for TV so this is probably as close to enjoying the show as it will get.

There are a couple of free TV streaming sites out there. PM me if you wanna know what they're called. I'm sure you'll have a couple of hours to kill every now and then… The show is worth it… sometimes… XD

Thanks for the offer but I'm super busy going on super busier. I probably can't be hooked into it. I do wonder what makes people so engrossed in it though.
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I think sometimes the writers want to go in a different direction so there will be more surprises.

If they followed the comic or a book exactly then why bother filming a movie or tv show. It would be the same and then you'd know what was coming up and there wouldn't be the tension if you knew who died and how.

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I think sometimes the writers want to go in a different direction so there will be more surprises.

If they followed the comic or a book exactly then why bother filming a movie or tv show. It would be the same and then you'd know what was coming up and there wouldn't be the tension if you knew who died and how.

you can follow the main plot and still switch things up. hershel took tyreeses death in the comics as an example are things you can do to surprise people but at the same time follow the basic plot. the plot is half baked and half finished since they veered so far away from the source material.

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