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The David Fincher Worship Thread

Dan H.

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The man is a goddamn genius. One of the best directors from the 90s/2000s. Possibly THE best.

I love his cinematography. The things he does with lighting, camera angles, and monolgues is fucking fantastic,

Not to mention the soundtracks in his films are superb.

Not only does he have great writers, but he can tell a story visually with such perfection. I am always awestruck after seeing his films.

My ranking of his films:


The Social Network

Fight Club


Alien 3
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

The Curious Case of Bejamin Button

Panic Room

Oh, and the US version of House of Cards is phenominal as well.

Edited by LiveFromNormal
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Aside from PTA, I think he may be the best major American director of this era. Certainly top tier at any rate.

I go -

Fight Club
Social Network
Alien 3 (assembly cut from that box set a while back, it's fucking fantastic, haters be damned)

The Game

(acknowledging drop in quality)

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Panic Room

The Curious Case of Benjamin Butto.... :sleeper::sleeper::sleeper:

Edited by Angelica
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I haven't watched Zodiac(which many are saying is awesome) nor social network( but I doubt I will, facebook really!?).

So I would just say he's good but not great still he seems to still want to make good films so maybe he'll get there eventually.

As you can see, Zodiac comes very highly recommended. As for Social Network, even though I don't have anything against Facebook itself, I felt the same as you did about the movie (like, who cares, really?) However, I ended up watching it and it is pretty damn good.

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The man is a goddamn genius. One of the best directors from the 90s/2000s. Possibly THE best.

I love his cinematography. The things he does with lighting, camera angles, and monolgues is fucking fantastic,

Not to mention the soundtracks in his films are superb.

Not only does he have great writers, but he can tell a story visually with such perfection. I am always awestruck after seeing his films.

My ranking of his films:


The Social Network

Fight Club


Alien 3

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

The Curious Case of Bejamin Button

Panic Room

Oh, and the US version of House of Cards is phenominal as well.

Great topic and great list.

Though I'm amazed that so many people love Zodiac. I found it quite boring. I've always been interested in the case and have done tons of research on it, so maybe my disappointment was because the movie really doesn't focus on the actual killer that much, and they spent a lot of time on somebody who wasn't actually the killer. I went into it thinking I was going to love it........but walked away bored and disappointed.

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  • 11 months later...

Aside from PTA, I think he may be the best major American director of this era. Certainly top tier at any rate.

I go -


Fight Club


Social Network

Gone Girl

Alien 3 (assembly cut from that box set a while back, it's fucking fantastic, haters be damned)

The Game

(acknowledging drop in quality)

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Panic Room

The Curious Case of Benjamin Butto.... :sleeper::sleeper::sleeper:


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Only seen Panic Room, Fight Club, Seven & Zodiac...enjoyed em all except Panic Room which was alright, not brilliant or anything. As a director, overall, since the thread title is 'worship' I think it's relevant, he's really not that brilliant. I like what he does visually, in a purely asthetic sense but the movies themselves are kinda...i dunno. They're good, very good even but...i dont think it's like upper percentile directing going on.

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I feel like The Game gets too much ridicule among film snobs and general audiences alike. Even Fincher himself seems to kind of regret making it, he treats it like it was a mistake, or something.

To me, it's a modern day Hitchcock: It has ambiance, suspense and gravitas. The story itself might not have a lot of substance, but it was elevated by the talent involved and it was infinitely more engaging than the premise and execution of Panic Room.

I can't wait to see Gone Girl tonight. It looks like a winner and not a dog.

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