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Need help finding video for Garden Of Eden

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I haven't seen it for years and can't seem to find it on youtube, but there are at least two versions of the Garden Of Eden music video and I can't find the one with the lyrics and bouncing ball running across the bottom of the screen and the band tangled up in magnetic tape (at least these are what I remember as differences from the standard version). Anyone know where I can find it?

By the way, this is my first post... Hopefully this isn't a stupid location of the forum for this topic...

Also, if you wanna know what I think about this common issue, here it goes:

I like Chinese Democracy but I don't consider it a GNR album. I generally refer to the band who made that recird as axl's response to Slash's Snakepit: Axl's Armpit.

Again, I like the record for the most part, but it doesn't compare to the 80s and early 90s band of the same name. I'm also not some half assed fan who thinks Appetite blows everything else out of the water. I love all GNR: from Live?! To the illusions, and to some degree spaghetti incident. I mean this to an extent that I don't think any one record is crazy superior to the others. Tbh, UYI I and Appetite are neck in neck as my favs, but at times Lies or UYI II win the battle for me.

Edited by Alain4911
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Welcome to the forum.

Did you check the official site? They have all the videos up but I'm not sure if the version ur looking for is on - I believe that one was released overseas.

Yep, I checked the site and they only have the standard version. I'm in Canada and when those videos were first relesed they'd appear on Much Music (Canadian MTV) and it was close to a 50/50 chance which one you'd get. I always liked the other version better. It just had more going on in general and really captured the hectic nature of the song. I think so anyways.

Both versions of that video kill me though. They crack me up. Couldn't really be more appropriate!

I could be wrong, but my memory of that video has Slash so tangled up in tape he gets flipped completely upside down; hanging in the tangleand messy disaster that was the tape, his hair, and his life. My memory is admittedly hazy though since I was probably 13 the last time I saw it.

Edited by Alain4911
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Sure here ya go: low quality thoughhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br2hB4xjVeoLoved both versions

Thanks! I guess I wasn't finding it because I was using the mobile version of youtube as well as one via a youtube app for an apple TV (probably the reason I'm not able to play the video I see you posted... I'll switch to my PC and check it out though!) The closest I could come up with was:

It usually just bugs me when people clog up youtube with stuff like this, but I do find this fun. Even better is with windows media player you can increase the speed of your songs without changing the pitch... It's really hard to go back to the normal tempo after doing this for a while. You start figuring out what you could be doing with the time you'd save as well as wanting to climb into the MP3 and slap the singer "SPIT IT THE FUCK OUT!"

Incidentally, this is a great function for listening to slayer; but that's for another forum.

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I'm also not some half assed fan who thinks Appetite blows everything else out of the water. I love all GNR: from Live?! To the illusions, and to some degree spaghetti incident. I mean this to an extent that I don't think any one record is crazy superior to the others. Tbh, UYI I and Appetite are neck in neck as my favs, but at times Lies or UYI II win the battle for me.

It is my humble belief that UYI I and II destroy AFD.

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Always appeared to me that Eden and Yesterday were filmed at the same time. Both filmed in an abandoned warehouse and as I remember those 2 songs were released back to back.

I don't recall where I heard this but back in the day I had heard Eden and Yesterdays were filmed in a airport hanger in Toronto Canada.

I am going to look into that further

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I remember seen an old interview with Duff and Slash years ago on Fuse, and they were sayin they spent all day/night filming the Yesterdays video and it was like 6 in the morning and they said fuck it lets make another video. They changed clothes and filmed the Garden of Eden video. So yes they both are at the same location.

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love that song, assome lyrics, it has that GNR early spirit for me, but it deserved a diferente vídeo that better captured it's meaning. It's a fun watch though :lol: and it must of been fun for them, after the heavier mood of Yestearday.

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love that song, assome lyrics, it has that GNR early spirit for me, but it deserved a diferente vídeo that better captured it's meaning. It's a fun watch though :lol: and it must of been fun for them, after the heavier mood of Yestearday.

i can't imagine a better video for that song. It's awesome.

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