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Duff's fitness

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I was watching those videos from Argentina and ...

It's just me who thinks that Duff doesn't fit in this band anymore?

I mean, the band sucks, but ... in a way or other, it's a band from the XXI century .... Duff is frozen in the 80's ... c'mon, this punk attitude doesn't fit in this band .... it looks like Marty Mcfly in the middle of the rockabilly age.

Just my 2 cents :)

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Duff doesn't fit in with losers. He's the only one that has the same attitude as when the real Guns existed. He commands the stage in a way that Axl has lost years ago. If he doesn't fit in it's because he's cool and this cover band is a joke.

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You knew he would have a presence on stage but it took seeing the videos to see how much of a difference it made. The contrast between duff and DJ was staggering. One manufactured, and the other just simply cool. Duff fucking walks cool.

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I mean, the band sucks, but ... in a way or other, it's a band from the XXI century .... Duff is frozen in the 80's ... c'mon, this punk attitude doesn't fit in this band .... it looks like Marty Mcfly in the middle of the rockabilly age.

Pretty sure this is a cupcake thread, but I'll play along :)

BBF shreds like its 1985; he comes across as an old guy who hangs around guitar shops and plays EVH shred riffs (poorly).

DJ is like a tool, douche-bag 12 year old kid trying to be an 80s rockstar from the Sunset Strip.

Tommy wishes he was Green Day. But whereas Green Day has aged appropriately, Tommy just looks like a sad old man wearing plaid pants, waiting for the next ska band to come on, because ska is THE COOLEST NEW THING.

And the rest of them look like idiots.

The end.

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Duff doesn't fit in with losers. He's the only one that has the same attitude as when the real Guns existed.

Wrong. His attitude is very different from the old days. He doesn't show up shitfaced to gigs anymore. He isn't a smack shooting alcoholic anymore. And so, therefore, his attitude is very different.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

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I think Duff looks great, especially regarding the health issues he's faced. He really must of woke up and is obviously taking care of himself. I guess it doesn't hurt that his wife is extremely hot and he needs to stay fit to keep up with her. Lol. Good motivation for anyone.

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I notice DJ looks bored during Attitude. WTF? That song may not be crazy difficult but it's fun. He looked like he would rather be having a root canal. He should have been taking notes instead of looking like he was feeling "too cool for this". Duff is the man.

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Duff has to stay in shape so he can remain married to a high-profile supermodel. Whereas Axl is content with his lifestyle of banging hot girls that go to rock shows.

When you build up a history, and a pot of money, keeping yourself in shape isn't all that necessary. Look at Brando.

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Wrong. His attitude is very different from the old days. He doesn't show up shitfaced to gigs anymore. He isn't a smack shooting alcoholic anymore. And so, therefore, his attitude is very different.

Except his on-stage attitude is totally the same. He moves the same way and plays the same way. Of course he's grown up and matured, but he still has the same stage presence he had back then.

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Totally lost me... Duff fits in perfectly, like a glove in fact! looks the part it's just a little weird seeing these snap shots of the gig. If you saw him with them in person you wouldn't think twice, I hope Duff brings Axl out for a jog or at least makes him do a sit up... maybe the rumor of a gastric bypass isn't the worst idea I've ever heard on here after all :P

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Wrong. His attitude is very different from the old days. He doesn't show up shitfaced to gigs anymore. He isn't a smack shooting alcoholic anymore. And so, therefore, his attitude is very different.

Except his on-stage attitude is totally the same. He moves the same way and plays the same way. Of course he's grown up and matured, but he still has the same stage presence he had back then.



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I was watching those videos from Argentina and ...

It's just me who thinks that Duff doesn't fit in this band anymore?

I mean, the band sucks, but ... in a way or other, it's a band from the XXI century .... Duff is frozen in the 80's ... c'mon, this punk attitude doesn't fit in this band .... it looks like Marty Mcfly in the middle of the rockabilly age.

Just my 2 cents :)

Seriously, WTF you're doing here?

Somehow, you hate both new and old lineup?!?!

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Wrong. His attitude is very different from the old days. He doesn't show up shitfaced to gigs anymore. He isn't a smack shooting alcoholic anymore. And so, therefore, his attitude is very different.

Except his on-stage attitude is totally the same. He moves the same way and plays the same way. Of course he's grown up and matured, but he still has the same stage presence he had back then.



Exactly. He's grown up and matured.

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