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Axl should release one song per month culminating in a 12 song album. In between releases (monthly) release like legit artwork for sale and remixes and merch. Also one intimate show per month and then at the End a huge (Chinese size arena/festival) world tour.

Another idea- states with the most sales/downloads get the intimate show :o

Edited by Estranged Coma
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Axl Rose doesn't owe us anything

I cannot believe you said that. Complete, crazy Axl-fan, cliche.

It's not a cliché. I can't believe you actually think Axl owes you something, obsessed zealot.

Fuck it if he owes or doesn't owe any one. What people EXPECT is normal or at least acceptable band behavior. Treating their paying fans with respect, not leaving them in the dark, not taking a generation's worth of time to release ONE album. Not using the GnR name to cash in when he needs to and that's it. Man, it's not too much to ask, fans want a new song. It would take NOTHING of him to play ONE new song live. He could have done that in 2011, in 2012, in 2013, in any year but he chose not to. He added cover songs, brought back old songs, tinkered with the same old same old, but anything that would require the minimum effort in his part is too much. Going Down leaked. Why not play it live? Tommy fucking sings it. Nope. Can't do it! Axl obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about anything, and he gets what he deserves in terms of criticism. I use to think people were harsh on him but man... It's been almost 7 years since CD and not a word of a new song. Not a sign of progress.

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Axl Rose doesn't owe us anything

I cannot believe you said that. Complete, crazy Axl-fan, cliche.

It's not a cliché. I can't believe you actually think Axl owes you something, obsessed zealot.

Yes, because I am a shining example of someone who eagerly expects him to release something!!!

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Axl Rose doesn't owe us anything

I cannot believe you said that. Complete, crazy Axl-fan, cliche.

It's not a cliché. I can't believe you actually think Axl owes you something, obsessed zealot.

Yes, because I am a shining example of someone who eagerly expects him to release something!!!

You are a shining example of a Karen McNeil in the closet.

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Axl should release one song per month culminating in a 12 song album. In between releases (monthly) release like legit artwork for sale and remixes and merch. Also one intimate show per month and then at the End a huge (Chinese size arena/festival) world tour.

Another idea- states with the most sales/downloads get the intimate show :o

Great idea. Hopefully The Beta will read your post and run your idea by Axl.

The dude says he has two completed records recorded. And we know that DJ and BBF have turned in ideas for songs. Plus surely over the past decade Axl has came up with me ideas.

Why not start sharing those songs with his fans?

How about two songs per month as a package deal for $1.99. A new song and a song from the remix album.

Why sit - for years - on so much music?

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Remember when he went apeshit at Sebastian Bach, his homie of what... 20 odd years? when he suggested Axl ought to move along with actually putting an album out around 2006?

“When we were first hanging out in 2006, we were just standing around a bunch of people. I go, ‘Axl, do you think you might get the record out? It would be a great time, now that we’re on tour and everything',” Bach explained.

“He goes, ‘Oh. Great! Everybody! Sebastian has a great idea here, man. Guess what? Sebastian, should I put out a record? Maybe it would be a good idea for me to put out a fucking record! Hey everybody, listen to this! I never thought of that! That never came to me! Oh, great idea dude'.

If anyone within the inner circle actually prodded him a little they know what's coming. Bumblefoot tried absolutely everything without getting his ass thrown out prematurely for being too blunt and concerned.

The hand of doom comes down for anyone getting too big for their boots and putting a logical shadow over Axltime.


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We will have to agree to disagree on what the artists say. I believe Axl and DJ when they say "done" and "recorded." I have to take the guys at tier word.

Nobody is saying its simple. But every other major artist is able to do it. Heck at one point GnR released four albums - all with art work and promotion - in a four year period. He'll Slash is able to do it all every 2-3 years.

You would agree that other bands are able to accomplish those things on an extremely faster basis - yes? Why do you think that these things take Axl so long?

Take our die-hard fandom out of the picture. Axl has released one album of original material since 1991. CD came out seven years ago. Axl said he has a completed album, songs that have been I'm existence for almost a decade. He has band members that want to release music. Yet here we still are with no news of a new album any time soon.

Do you think Axl just doesn't care or do you think he really just can't do it at the same speed as most other artists?

I'm not saying they lie when they say they have stuff recorded. But recorded doesn't mean finished in a box with a cd inside and a booklet.

I think artists should not be compared and yes, some other musicians are very prolific and release tons of stuff but take a look at the major bands from the the 90's: Metallica, Pearl Jam, Tool, Radiohead and also Motley, Aerosmith... They haven't released anything in the last 4-6-8 years. Looks it's kind of normal for bands that are not in the peak of their success to increase the period between new material.

The creative process varies from artist to artist and we don't know how that process is for Axl. I really don't think he works on his music on a daily basis. I think he does it once in a while when he feels like and that's why everything takes so long, specially now that he is on his own.

I don't think he doesn't care at all but I also don't think he feels any pressure to make music because he already did and achieved everything he ever dreamed of. He is a multimillionaire rockstar, he doesn't have to worry about money for the rest of his life. He had success, he has fame, glory, toured the whole world, he has own awards, filled stadiums, has millions of fans, the band he founded became a classic and his music will sound forever in radio, because unlike a lot of artists and bands, he made it, he made it really big.... So what is left when you got everything you ever wanted?

Seriously, I don't know why we expect much from the guy, except because we adore him, we know he's talented and we wish he would do way more and share his amazing music with us. But with all honesty, Axl Rose doesn't owe us anything he doesn't want to give us because in his world, he's already done it and conquered it all.

But it's not just the 6 last years. It's also the entire 15 years before CD. That's one god daimn album in over 20 years.

What does it take so long to release an already recorded album? This stuff is recorded for years now.

Normally it's the writing process and the recording that lasts the longest but thats already done if we believe in what Axl said.

You can't compare it to an artist who worked the last 20 years his ass off and hasn't anything left to write now, a musician who is out of his ideas.

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