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Irving Azoff deal with Bon Jovi

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I know this is not GNR Related and Most of the people here wont even be interested in this, but well Bon Jovi has signed a Management Deal with Irving Azoff

If Irving Azoff was given the chance to Manage GNR again then would it be a good Idea? I think if given a chance, Alan Niven would do a great job


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I don't think there's any chance given Axl had just finished a lawsuit against Azoff a few years ago.

"the singer claims Front Line purposefully spoiled the Chinese Democracy album art, botched a sales deal with Best Buy, and even leaked songs online." in addition is trying a start a reunion tour which Axl was obviously never going to partake in.

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2010/may/20/axl-rose-chinese-democracy

Edited by AtariLegend
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He got the VH reunion done. At one point he almost controllable the industry with Live Nation?

Why Azzof was such a dick I don't know.

Leprechauns tend to be dicks in the proximity of rainbows.
All about the pot of gold, not so much the black rainbow.

Azzof true intentions was to secure a reunion. The guy has a lot of stroke in the music industry.

Kind of using getting CD out as leverage. He probably thought Axl owed him a reunion tour.
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Azzof true intentions was to secure a reunion. The guy has a lot of stroke in the music industry.

But well I dont blame him, CD was getting delayed and delayed, he thought in terms of money doing a reunion would be a good idea, I know you and Gunner PT will not be in the favor of it, but as a Manager he wanted to make money, any manager would want to make money some other way

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I think if he'd have offered to put out CD And CD II and put an epic tour to promote it with VH. And got some video money. Then maybe Axl might consider a reunion if first he got his record out in a great way. But trying to do it in that way is way to insulting. Maybe he getting CD out at all and paying off the label was a miracle on Azzof part so he thought now Axl will play ball. It's strange no one in VR didn't explain Axl to Azoff.

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I've never seen this before but this was a release party at the Roxy. Andy Gould co-managed GNR (and Morrissey) with Azoff. Maybe some forum members are in here?

It's a half hour interview but at 19:41 he talks about GNR for a couple of minutes...struggles with his words a bit. Overall, devaluation of the music industry, working with difficult artists, etc.

Somehow Merck managing Morrissey and GNR ties into how Azoff & Front Line wound up managing them, and Merck was supposed to go to Front Line but something happened where he couldn't I think Azoff going on to run Ticketmaster & Live Nation was what tied into the lawsuit, but I could see Azoff trying to get Izzy, Slash, Duff, and Axl in a room together. I think it was to appease Jimmy Iovine and Interscope because Axl may have owed the label millions in advance money, than trying to force a reunion to happen, and that's where the Best Buy deal came into play.

Axl owed money to Front Line, why he didn't just pay it and not take it to court...he felt he was in the right? Maybe he was. There probably is a court transcript of what was said, other than the papers filed that we've already seen.

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I think Azoff must realize how badly he misplayed his hand now. What else can he think? He tried to play Axl, got punked, and now he's been reduced to running errands for C-list bands.

He's always managed the Eagles, he still manages Steely Dan and Van Halen personally. C-list? He's now managing Chelsea Handler, to the point that he's her sidekick.


Azoff knows how to promote like a motherfucker and make money, if someone like Axl refuses to listen to him? It only hurt his financial well-being. The fuckups surrounding Chinese Democracy - I still think Interscope has to do with that. I also think Iovine was the one who was pushing to get Axl and Slash in the same room and talked Irving into doing it. They've known each other since the 70s (as well as David Geffen) so there's a lot of history with those guys and favors made and repaid over the years.

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The hate for Azoff is just fucking ridiculous.

ANY MANAGER WORTH THEIR SALT is going to try and get the classic band back together, because that is what everybody (except Axl and a few dozen lunatics) wants to see and would secure a fuckload of $$$ for all parties.

Who hires a manager to steer their career further down the toilet? Axl.

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Irvings first big mistake was thinking he could come in and control Axl. No manager in the history of the band has ever done it, at the end of the day he thought he could work with Axl just like other bands... problem is Guns are not like any other band :P

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I think Gould and Azoff were doing what they could to get Chinese Democracy out, and Interscope didn't give a fuck once Azoff made the Best Buy deal. Axl probably owed the label millions in advance money and Azoff cleared the decks.

Tickets being expensive is a whole other topic but I don't put that just on Azoff. The only thing he did was have them lower nosebleeds and make the prime seats ridiculously high, which is no different than what Kid Rock did with his 20 dollar tickets. He still charged a lot for the best seats in the house. It's just the perception of Kid Rock being "man of the people".

Azoff has a great sense of humor - Hagar put in his tour rider he wanted a bottle of wine but he was building up a wine cellar. Azoff caught on and started popping open the wine bottles :lol:

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I think Azoff must realize how badly he misplayed his hand now. What else can he think? He tried to play Axl, got punked, and now he's been reduced to running errands for C-list bands.

I gave your PM some serious thought.....but then I see a post like this and, well, maybe you need to look at your own posting agenda before you call out others.

Thanks to Fernando there were leaks way before Azoff.

That could be true. That could alse be media propaganda designed to undermine Fernando's influence in order to more likely engender a reunion scenario.
And this one.

You are trying too hard to be Wasted.

The hate for Azoff is just fucking ridiculous.

ANY MANAGER WORTH THEIR SALT is going to try and get the classic band back together, because that is what everybody (except Axl and a few dozen lunatics) wants to see and would secure a fuckload of $$$ for all parties.

Who hires a manager to steer their career further down the toilet? Axl.

At least there is one person in here who see things without Axl bias. Doom, thanks for using logic and common sense and not just trying to spin everything to make excuses for Axl.

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I think Gould and Azoff were doing what they could to get Chinese Democracy out, and Interscope didn't give a fuck once Azoff made the Best Buy deal. Axl probably owed the label millions in advance money and Azoff cleared the decks.

Tickets being expensive is a whole other topic but I don't put that just on Azoff. The only thing he did was have them lower nosebleeds and make the prime seats ridiculously high, which is no different than what Kid Rock did with his 20 dollar tickets. He still charged a lot for the best seats in the house. It's just the perception of Kid Rock being "man of the people".

Azoff has a great sense of humor - Hagar put in his tour rider he wanted a bottle of wine but he was building up a wine cellar. Azoff caught on and started popping open the wine bottles :lol:

This is about the size of it. Azoff's job was to clear the Interscope tab and get a record out. He did that. Did he press for a reunion? Probably. But anyone in a management position would when looking at ROI. The thing that people hating on Azoff are forgetting is that nuGNR wasn't generating returns for a massive expenditure. Be it the never-ending album or tours that had the plug pulled on them. Yet Axl would no doubt still demand massive advances before setting foot in the studio or on the road. Only a reunion album/tour would allow both the massive investment and the possibility of generating a return.

If Axl scaled back his demands a bit, there may be more room for accommodation. But he got used to being treated a certain way and having a certain lifestyle.

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Don't get me wrong- I think Azoff served his purpose well, but in the grand scheme of things he got out-puppetmastered by Axl. Even from the reunionist perspective he squandered his shot by choosing the most obvious angle too soon. He would've been better served to create a situation in which Axl felt secure enough to do a reunion rather than try to undermine the mark IV version of the band.

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