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Meet Stalin's granddaughter

Strange Broue

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2 hours ago, AtariLegend said:

I'm not sure what purpose that article is supposed to serve?

She was born almost 20 years after Stalin died, was born in the US and had an American father? What dark past is she hiding?

ummm dunno, maybe the mere fact that his granddad was the biggest serial killer in history?

2 hours ago, Len B'stard said:

I was expecting a legendary tache :(  She looks loonier than a shithouse rat...then again i expect i might be short a few bob upstairs if my grandad was a mad genocidal cunt.

awww, i thought that you could shag her:P

Edited by Strange Broue
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8 hours ago, Slash787 said:

If Stalin was still alive, he would have shot himself if he looked at those pictures. 


You don't know Stalin very well. He would probably think little of her like his first song Yakov. One day, Yakov tried to shoot himself and he fudged it, Stalin said "He couldn't even shoot straight!" One day Yakov while surving in the Red Army was captured by the Germans. Hitler offered to trade him for Freidrich Paulus, the Field Marshal that surrendered at Stalingrad. Stalin replies "I will not trade a Field Marshal for a common soldier" Yakov ended up committing suciide by running at a fence, forcing a German guard to shoot him. Stalin softened up about his son after hearing this news.

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5 hours ago, Strange Broue said:

ummm dunno, maybe the mere fact that his granddad was the biggest serial killer in history?

awww, i thought that you could shag her:P


He was not a serial killer. Millions died under his 30 year rule but that doesn't make him a serial killer. He is more like a brutal pragmatist. He transformed the Soviet Union from a backwards rural agricultural economy to an industrial superpower. If it weren't for Stalin, the Nazis would have taken Moscow and Western Russia all the way to the Urals, cold weather or not. Stalin was a monster but I say he was a nessecary evil. The British would have lost the war if Stalin hadn't bogged down most of the German army. 80% of all German losses were on the Eastern Front. Considering it wasn't until late 1943 the US wasn't ready to take on the Germans fully, I say he was instrumental in defeating Nazi Germany.


More people died under Mao Zedong and with very little to show for it. 

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1 hour ago, Slash787 said:

@Georgy Zhukov, how was it working under Stalin? like you would know him better than anyone else. Did you see him as a friend or both of you just had a Boss/Worker relationship? 

It was a mutual respect. Once I was certain he valued by expertise in military affairs and not have me executed like so many of my comrades and mentors, I say we got on fairly well. I would say I could read him better than most of the STAVKA. I knew when he was in a good mood, when he was going to throw himself in a fit of rage. It has kept me alive.

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2 minutes ago, Georgy Zhukov said:

It was a mutual respect. Once I was certain he valued by expertise in military affairs and not have me executed like so many of my comrades and mentors, I say we got on fairly well. I would say I could read him better than most of the STAVKA. I knew when he was in a good mood, when he was going to throw himself in a fit of rage. It has kept me alive.

You look a bit like Henry Fonda in a Polish cavelry uniform :lol:

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17 hours ago, Georgy Zhukov said:


He was not a serial killer. Millions died under his 30 year rule but that doesn't make him a serial killer. He is more like a brutal pragmatist. He transformed the Soviet Union from a backwards rural agricultural economy to an industrial superpower. If it weren't for Stalin, the Nazis would have taken Moscow and Western Russia all the way to the Urals, cold weather or not. Stalin was a monster but I say he was a nessecary evil. The British would have lost the war if Stalin hadn't bogged down most of the German army. 80% of all German losses were on the Eastern Front. Considering it wasn't until late 1943 the US wasn't ready to take on the Germans fully, I say he was instrumental in defeating Nazi Germany.


i disagree.

hitler wouldn't have got as strong in the first place without stalin's help.

both fought against the true revolutionaries (makhno, durruti, etc.) that would have prevented ww2.

take a look at the spanish civil war (1936) : stalinists and fascists fighting against the proletarian revolution...


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At the same time that the Bolsheviks were destroying the Soviets, the Bolshevik emissaries arrived in Germany, where councils were being formed by the working class, councils that were on the verge of becoming effective institutions of proletarian power, in order to deliver a stab in the back to the revolution. Wherever they went they discredited the slogan of Workers Councils and advocated a return to the corrupt trade unions and the social democratic party. The German council revolution collapsed under the pressure of the calumny, intrigue and isolation that resulted from the activities of the Bolsheviks. Upon its ruins the old social democracy and the postwar German State would rise, with Lenin’s blessing. Lenin did not hesitate to fight the defenders of the council system by heaping them with insults in his followers’ favorite pamphlet, Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder. In this text, he took off his disguise. Smothering the left communists and the councils under an avalanche of false accusations, Lenin defended his All-Russian pseudo-socialism, whose further elaboration by Stalin would reveal it to be a new kind of fascism. He was utterly incapable of perceiving that the liberation of the oppressed can only be achieved by way of the destruction of power, terror, fear, threats, and constraints.

One could not imagine better preconditions for the establishment of a bourgeois order than the absolute separation of masses and leaders, class and vanguard, party and trade unions. Lenin sought to bring about a bourgeois revolution in Russia and formed a party that was perfectly fitted to that task, but the Russian revolution took on a working class character and spoiled his plans. Lenin had to use the Soviets to achieve victory so that he could later destroy them. Communism plus electrification gave way to the NEP and Stalin’s Five Year Plans, thus inaugurating a new form of capitalism where a new class, the bureaucracy, played the role of the bourgeoisie. It was State Capitalism. In Europe, the working class was stifled, discouraged and led to one defeat after another until it was demoralized and lost faith in its own slogans, a path that would lead to its submission to Nazism. Hitler seized power so easily because the social democratic and Stalinist leaders had so corrupted the German proletariat that the latter did not hesitate to surrender without a fight. “Brown Fascism, Red Fascism” was the title of a memorable pamphlet in which Otto Rühle demonstrates that the Stalinist fascism of yesterday was simply the Leninism of the day before yesterday. His essay was the inspiration for the title of this article.


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1 hour ago, supercool said:

i disagree.

hitler wouldn't have got as strong in the first place without stalin's help.

both fought against the true revolutionaries (makhno, durruti, etc.) that would have prevented ww2.

take a look at the spanish civil war (1936) : stalinists and fascists fighting against the proletarian revolution...



Stalin only half-heartedly supported the Spanish Republicans. Many of them were followers of Trotsky whom he feared more than anyone. Instead it was a testing groups for both sides, testing tanks, airplanes and tactics. 


I don't know where you are getting at with Hitler wouldn't have been strong in the first place, but Hitler seized power with only the help of his followers and a naive government that thought they could control him. The most the Soviets ever did for the Nazis in the 1930's was allow them to develop tanks on their territory but the mass re-armement in Germany was already well underway. The British chose not to do anything about it, they felt the Versailles Treaty was too harsh and it was their right to re-arm. With the British allowing Nazi Germany to re-arm, re-occupy the Rhineland, Austria and the Sudetenland and the French unwilling to enforce the treaty made both powers more responsible for World War II than Stalin ever was. In fact, Stalin actually tried to reach out to the British and French governments to control Hitler over the Czechoslovakia crisis, Chamberlain gave him the cold shoulder which caused Stalin to distrust the British. The French government was more open to a Soviet alliance but they were too timid and stood by their British friends. This is one of the reasons why Stalin was forced to sign a non-aggression pact with Germany. The Soviet Union was not ready for war and they did not want to be dragged into it. Stalin believed the British would force them to take on the brunt of the German forces. Irony was, that was exactly what ended up happening. 


Long story short, if anyone is responsible for the war besides Hitler would be members of the British Parliament lead first by Baldwin then finally Chamberlain. Did you know German generals were actually ready to remove Hitler from power in 1938 during the Czechoslovakia crisis? They were waiting for British and French support but it never came. The Munich Agreement sealed the fate of Europe. As Churchill said "In the choice between shame and war they chose shame but they will reap war"



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On 2016. 03. 19. at 1:55 AM, Georgy Zhukov said:


He was not a serial killer. Millions died under his 30 year rule but that doesn't make him a serial killer. He is more like a brutal pragmatist. He transformed the Soviet Union from a backwards rural agricultural economy to an industrial superpower. If it weren't for Stalin, the Nazis would have taken Moscow and Western Russia all the way to the Urals, cold weather or not. Stalin was a monster but I say he was a nessecary evil. The British would have lost the war if Stalin hadn't bogged down most of the German army. 80% of all German losses were on the Eastern Front. Considering it wasn't until late 1943 the US wasn't ready to take on the Germans fully, I say he was instrumental in defeating Nazi Germany.


More people died under Mao Zedong and with very little to show for it. 

i get that you are mygnr's resident history teacher, but i don't care about your alternate reality history lesson


Under Stalin's rule, 50 million people died, not to mention the irreparable damage he has done to the USSR 

Mao was his greatest pupil, though 

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You are the one talking about alternate history. 50 million is a gross exaggeration. The figure was closer to 20 million, most of which is through starvation, horrible living conditions in the work camps. The executions do not even amount to the numbers by the Nazis whether they were done by the SS Einsatzgruppen or the gas chambers. This doesn't count the 27 million Soviets who died as a result of war. 


And please, Stalin was no friend or mentor to Mao. Stalin suppored Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalist Government over the Communists. Mao was simply the opportunist who took over any land the Nationalists were pushed out. Stalin didn't want Mao interfering with his affairs in Mongolia and Siaking. Stalin had to give up the latter but Mongolia remains an independent state thanks to Mao backing off. 

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The 20+ million died of starvation because they they forcibly took harvests and traded it on the world market for arms and other capital to build their war machine. That fact that you think it's cute to think those guys weren't absolute human pieces of trash is ridiculous. But from a Bernie supporter I can't say I'm surprised. 

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They didn't trade it on the world market, for arms. The Soviet industry built their own arms. The food went to areas more important like the cities, mismanagement did leave to millions starving in Ukraine and the Caucuses, which in the 1930's resulted to about 5 million people. The 20 million happened in a span of 30 years. It was horrifying, but that was how the system worked. Do I say I agree with it? No. But Stalin's crash industrialization is what made them ready to take on Nazi Germany. The best part is, that after Nazi Germany was defeated, Stalin was easy to deal with. Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and East Germany would be under Communist rule in change for not helping out the Communists in the Greek Civil War and ensuring DeGaulle the French Communists will not interfere with him taking power in France. Woe to the people living under Communism, but that is Realpolik for you. 


Now I am a Bernie supporter, but Bernie isn't a Communist. He is a Socialist, or a Democratic Socialist. I do not expect a Trump supporter to know the difference. 

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