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Steven's Next Appearance???

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6 hours ago, Slash787 said:

Rights for what? 

Right to put his face up there on the banner. They might have to pay Adler for that.

All this might have to be negotiated. I'm just wondering if there is an issue having his face up there. Adler doesn't just turn up and play, there are lots of business decisions being made behind the scenes for him to play those two songs. I'm not privvy to their business, but my friend who works in entertainment tells me that everything is negotiated to the letter between lawyers. Ashba might be paid to have his face up there - I don't know. Something to think about.

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1 minute ago, Slosh13 said:

Right to put his face up there on the banner. They might have to pay Adler for that.

All this might have to be negotiated. I'm just wondering if there is an issue having his face up there. Adler doesn't just turn up and play, there are lots of business decisions being made behind the scenes for him to play those two songs. I'm not privvy to their business, but my friend who works in entertainment tells me that everything is negotiated to the letter between lawyers. Ashba might be paid to have his face up there - I don't know. Something to think about.

NO man, this is a fan site, you think Downzy would pay Chris Pitman? LOL

You can put anyone's face in the banner on this site. 

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4 hours ago, Slash787 said:

NO man, this is a fan site, you think Downzy would pay Chris Pitman? LOL

You can put anyone's face in the banner on this site. 

Oh shit, I thought you were talking about something else. LOL. Ignore what I wrote - I think everyone else did.

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anyone dismissing Steven's importance, should consider why led zeppelin flat out refused to continue on after bonham had fallen. yes, Bonham's sound was essential to led zeppelin. Jimmy and Bonham: with those two you could come a long way of wreaking some havoc on stage.

funny how a drummer seems to be important when it comes to one band, but when we're talking GNR a drummer suddenly seems of lesser importance...

all I know is, appetite had this "swing" i have never heard of GNR ever after. Come to think of it, other than Steven i havent heard such a swing, at all.

"retroNUguns" (as i like to call this frankenstein band consisting of a melange of old and new) is what led zeppelin would sound like with a new drummer, i guess: a trip down nostalgia lane without heart.

kind of like those fake digital vintage telephones they sell these days, with rotary dials you can't even move

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I never thought GNR sounded terrible without Steven. I don't like Sorum, but Sorum's drumming on UYI is great. And I don't think Frank is all that great, but he's decent enough and I don't mind him.

I'll quote myself from the concert thread because that post should rather be here than in the concert thread.


8 minutes ago, Frey said:
2 hours ago, RONIN said:

Not necessarily true. Axl had tension with Steven for years and the final straw was the speedball incident with Erin Everly where she ODed. Erin blamed Steven and Steven maintains that Erin Everly lied about the incident. Either way, Axl wanted him gone by then.

Duff and Slash had a strong bromance and Steven was not their boy anymore, so neither fought hard for him and were the first to want him gone when the UYI sessions were getting held up while Adler was trying to get clean.

Adler has a point -- how many times did the band stop working on UYI to accommodate Axl? The entire Chicago sessions were ruined by Axl.

Yeah well, that's just the difference between Adler and Axl. Axl was more or less irreplacable. I know they considered firing him a couple of times, but could they have seriously pulled through without Axl? Most likely not (or only on a much smaller scale) and that's why they never ended up doing it. In the eyes of the general public, Axl and Slash are the only two guys who are absolutely necessary for the band to pass as Guns N Roses. Axl's singing, performance, song writing, etc. made him unique and absolutely crucial to the band, they would never have found a suitable replacement singer.

Adler on the other hand? Just the drummer. And not even a drummer who contributes other things like song writing or is heavily involved in running the band (like Lars Ulrich for example). What did Adler bring to the table except this nebulous, yet constantly cited sense of groove/swing? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And like you said, Slash's BFF was Duff now and he already seemed mostly annoyed by Adler and his lack of brains/unprofessional behavior, and Axl never liked Adler anyway, so who was gonna stop them from firing the weakest link when they perceived him to fuck up too much?

Then Adler spent 25 years proving they were right about firing him. 25 years in which the other guys didn't touch Adler with a 10 foot pole and never involved him in any of their projects. And the one time Duff did (being the nice guy that he is), Adler screwed it up again. Adler is a guy who manages to piss even Duff off (of all people) and Slash is actively avoiding and ignoring Adler (or has been until recently at least). IMO it speaks volumes about Adler that both his own former best friend and the most mild-mannered and reasonable guy in the band don't like him much. And then of course you've got Axl who probably has a million reasons (both deserved and undeserved) to dislike Adler.

Considering all that, Adler should kiss Slash's, Duff's and Axl's feet for even letting him have a part in this in the first place. And they've been exceedingly gracious and nice to him about it too. Adler should count himself the luckiest guy there is.

But knowing Adler, I wouldn't be shocked if he manages to screw this up as well, and then we'll be back to Adler giving whiny interviews about Duff hating him and Slash ignoring him all the time and Axl being mean :facepalm:


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1 hour ago, Frey said:

I never thought GNR sounded terrible without Steven. I don't like Sorum, but Sorum's drumming on UYI is great. And I don't think Frank is all that great, but he's decent enough and I don't mind him.

I'll quote myself from the concert thread because that post should rather be here than in the concert thread.



I agree with everything you said in that post, except for maybe that Axl never liked Adler at all. When Steven had his first heroin overdose Axl was the only guy out of the band who showed up and waited by his bed in hospital. He'd have no reason to go if he didn't like the guy, when even the guys who liked him didn't go. 

But to note also is that when Duff invited Adler on his loaded tour Adler didn't "mess up" the performance, in fact he played quite well. It was the amount of alcohol he took and how shitfaced he got that got to Duff, he thought Adler would know better these days (it was 2011 I believe).

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45 minutes ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

I agree with everything you said in that post, except for maybe that Axl never liked Adler at all. When Steven had his first heroin overdose Axl was the only guy out of the band who showed up and waited by his bed in hospital. He'd have no reason to go if he didn't like the guy, when even the guys who liked him didn't go. 

But to note also is that when Duff invited Adler on his loaded tour Adler didn't "mess up" the performance, in fact he played quite well. It was the amount of alcohol he took and how shitfaced he got that got to Duff, he thought Adler would know better these days (it was 2011 I believe).

Yeah I know, but it seems like Axl was the only one who ever bothered to do things like that in general when it came to the people in and around the band. He was also the only one who visited Duff in the hospital when his pancreas exploded, the only one who bothered to get Slash's ass out of jail, also saved Del's and Dizzy's asses... He does seem to be more caring in that regard than the others were (or used to be).

And yeah, Adler didn't mess up the performance, but went off on a bender. Still, from listening to Adler talk, it seems that Duff was pretty pissed off and disappointed.

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On 2016-08-20 at 10:04 AM, DieselDaisy said:

Frank does not even have to relinquish his role. If I was in Frank's shoes I would go up to Axl and go, ''Axl, listen mate , give Adler a few more of these Appetite songs''. It would be the decent thing.

LOL Who wants Adler's perfect tempo, laid back groove and and heart-warmning smile!!!

We want Frank!


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18 minutes ago, action said:

i would like to know what went on in their heads in that pic of slash and steven. they look like the last of their platoon, returning from an unimaginable battlefield

lol. Yeah somebody that can work with pictures ought to replace the guitar in Slash's hand with a rifle and make jungle the background.

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As an aside, but somewhat relevant to the convo...I briefly chatted with frank while he was waiting outside for someone on LA night 2 - very nice guy...I asked about how the tempo seems faster...he says that is definitely a "band decision" (although I guess what's he gonna say..."screw them, I do my tempo" - probably not ) :)

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5 minutes ago, conjurer said:

As an aside, but somewhat relevant to the convo...I briefly chatted with frank while he was waiting outside for someone on LA night 2 - very nice guy...I asked about how the tempo seems faster...he says that is definitely a "band decision" (although I guess what's he gonna say..."screw them, I do my tempo" - probably not ) :)

During the brief chat, did you ask if Steven will do more shows/songs or if he knows where is Izzy? 

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10 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

You remove Watts from The Stones and it would sound terrible. Same with Steven really.

I think terrible is too strong a word however, if Gn'R makes another album it should be with the appetite 5.

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On 8/20/2016 at 4:59 AM, DieselDaisy said:

It is obvious Adler is being fed titbits to keep him silent, a very minimum of titbits it has to be said. It is a bit like feeding a shark the occasional bacon rasher hoping that he doesn't bite your hand off. Still, at least it sounds excellent and it is good to see - he seems to be enjoying himself.

What an odd scenario? GN'R's real drummer guesting on two songs. I rather understand why they are refusing interviews as there is such a lack logic about many aspects of this hybrid, a lack of logic obviously borne out of Axl's eccentricities which the other two have been forced to buy into. Better to just not say anything.

I don't know if they have been forced into anything. I've always thought the guys looked up to Axl, kinda like "daddy", except Izzy. Or it could all be based on fear. haha

Edited by Lancelot
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3 minutes ago, Lancelot said:

I don't know if they have been forced into anything. I've always thought the guys looked up to Axl, kinda like a father figure, except Izzy. Or it could all be based on fear. haha

I had to wipe tears of laughter away. A father figure.

... though now I think about it... dad (Axl) has the keys to the car (the band) that they really, really want to take for a spin. They've got to follow dad's rules or he won't let them ride in the car. Either someone forgot to ask Izzy if he wanted to ride in the car with them or he is not as excited about it and doesn't think the ride will be fun enough to make up for the chores he'd have to do to get the ride.

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