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blacklisted politics 101

Order of Nine

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Just now, Kasanova King said:

Uhm.  Where are you getting the authority to make such claims?  Have any links proving that those sites are "invalid sources"?

Seems really convenient to dismiss the sites that debunk all of your conspiracy rhetoric....without any valid reason to dismiss them...lol.

Look at the info that gets censored and or deleted, it's a pattern. For instance, when I first began to listen to Cooper's broadcasts years ago they would periodically get removed. Since this has been happening people have learned to download and re share information/links because they constantly get removed. 

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8 minutes ago, soon said:

I know the Feds have said its shut down.  But it could be ongoing, as they didnt acknowledge it bak in the day either.

I do get a bit uncomfortable when the issue of where activists funding comes from is raised.  It happens on the small scale and the larger scale - these fears of the source.  I believe they are largely unfounded.  Im involved in grass roots movements.  In grass roots activism we are often funded by PIRG's at Universities (public interest research groups) and from unions and/or labour councils.  People will accuse that the universities are controlling us by attaching strings to the funds.  This could not be further from the truth however.  Its typically a small groups of undergrads who decided how to give out this money.  Sometimes we get a big cheque mostly because of partying and romantic encounters, lol, its hardly overseen by elites.  Or if the money is from Unions they will accuse that we are mere operatives from the union movement.  This one is hysterical as the entirety of most unions Movement activity is voting on the allocation of dollars, handing out grants and donations, while sitting around eating BBQ, lol.

On the larger scale, Im sure there is more room for intrigue.  There are historical examples of Capitalists funding both sides of wars, manipulating news: the well documented Robber Barons.  That may continue as the structure of capital today was designed by these very Robber Barons.  

However I urge people to take pause about the capitalist funding of Movement.  For instance, if a corporation donates to Doctors Without Borders, does that sound suspect?  I would say it does not.  But what is really the difference between the organized group of do gooders in DWB and the organized group of do gooders in BLA?  Only that the govt wont give charity tax status to one.  So funding comes via grants rather then individual public donation.  So I dont want to see non charitable status as sinister shadowy forces just because of the govt model.  

There have also been instances that get very ugly with these accusations.  The first that comes to mind is when a group of insurrectionary anarchists (mostly white folks in this case) called out an indigenous community for using non-violent resistance in defence of their own treaty lands.  The so called anarchists were offering to help the indigenous community and had researched the funding (why would they look up dirt on a community they are claiming to offer support to anyway?) and noted that a Sorros funded grant fund had a given monies for training in resistance with a stipulation of non-violence.  The Indigenous community was happy to train in non-violence; both because that is their tradition and also because children would be taking part.  (also the situation only warranted non violence).  So these dumbass 'hardcore' anarchists demonized this community as "pawns" and drew media attention away from the issue.  Basically they wanted to feel badass and fight cops, using the lively hood and struggles of oppressed people as justification - a launch pad to live out fantasy.  It became such an issue that for years after any non-violent action training would be immediately labeled as a pawn of Soros- even the majority of times that there was zero funding from anyone at all!  Even the militant acknowledges that most resistance is non-violence so its a key skill set.  It in no one discounts the existence of violent communal defence.  Any ways that funding none sense was really vulgar to observe.


Thanks for the info. Have you ever looked into the put options people like Soros have played around with??  

I love to look into that, it's one of those things that is not instantaneous and you see motives and intentions and foreknowledge after the fact.

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7 minutes ago, Order of Nine said:

Thanks for the info. Have you ever looked into the put options people like Soros have played around with?? 

I hadn't.  Had to look it up - just a quick glance for now. Seems to have to do with stock markets?  I dont have a mind for that stuff.  Whats the long and short of a PUT option?

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11 minutes ago, soon said:

I hadn't.  Had to look it up - just a quick glance for now. Seems to have to do with stock markets?  I dont have a mind for that stuff.  Whats the long and short of a PUT option?

Im no money guru, but to give quick explanation.. a put options is basically a bet that something will fail/lose money. When put options are made in advance then the same people that invest in the put options make out after the fact. 

Clairvoyance? Luck? Business minded shrewdness?

Let's just say when you listen to people like Soros talk, and follow thier money it becomes obvious that they are not humanitarians. 

It's worth looking into. Anytime something big happens look into the put options of what businesses were effected and see if there are put options against them. 

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16 minutes ago, Order of Nine said:

Im no money guru, but to give quick explanation.. a put options is basically a bet that something will fail/lose money. When put options are made in advance then the same people that invest in the put options make out after the fact. 

Clairvoyance? Luck? Business minded shrewdness?

Let's just say when you listen to people like Soros talk, and follow thier money it becomes obvious that they are not humanitarians. 

It's worth looking into. Anytime something big happens look into the put options of what businesses were effected and see if there are put options against them. 

So the idea being that on paper, since they are investors, in theory they want the stock to do well.  But with the put in place they are free to make moves to tank the stocks?


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3 minutes ago, soon said:

So the idea being that on paper, since they are investors, in theory they want the stock to do well.  But with the put in place they are free to make moves to tank the stocks?


Once the buyer of put exercises his option (before the expiration date), the seller of put has no other choice than to purchase the asset at the strike price at which it was originally agreed. The buyer of put expects the value of asset to decrease so that he can purchase more quantity at lower price.


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1 hour ago, Order of Nine said:

Yeah. That's how the MSM paints him as a loon. I will point out some facts about him and this is important because there are patterns that happen with people that have once worked on the inside and then speak out aka whistle blowers.

Why should I trust you above Wikipedia? 

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Another brave x politician, 

Jim Traficant, former US Congressman and former Sheriff in Youngstown, Ohio, was leading Project Freedom USA to end the IRS, Divorce the FED, restore HONEST MONEY to the US and our Nation’s destiny to the American people. Here speaking out about the Zionist lobby.

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4 hours ago, Order of Nine said:

6 corporations control our entire media, this has been happening at an extremely fast rate. This is a blatant example of the consolidation of power, and at this point is a complete illusion of choice.

In the 80s we had over 50 corporations that had a stake in the MSM, now we have only 6, they are 


Time Warner





This is important to know because the internet is the LAST place for freelance journalism. The CEOs want to control the internet just like they control the cable, if that happens then searching for any shred of truth online will be extremely hard to do. As of now, countless people and groups are censored and targeted when they expose things. I can't tell you how many times I've seen videos pulled down.


Now I see where you get your theories...this guy is real tin hat conspiracy stuff...........call me crazy but this guy makes Alex Jones seem credible..........

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19 minutes ago, Order of Nine said:

Another brave x politician, 

Jim Traficant, former US Congressman and former Sheriff in Youngstown, Ohio, was leading Project Freedom USA to end the IRS, Divorce the FED, restore HONEST MONEY to the US and our Nation’s destiny to the American people. Here speaking out about the Zionist lobby.

Boy you know how to pick them mate

He was expelled from the House after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns, racketeering and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and houseboat in Washington, D.C. He was sentenced to prison and released on September 2, 2009, after serving a seven-year sentence.

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39 minutes ago, classicrawker said:

Boy you know how to pick them mate

He was expelled from the House after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns, racketeering and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and houseboat in Washington, D.C. He was sentenced to prison and released on September 2, 2009, after serving a seven-year sentence.

Framed for speaking the truth. It's called getting your life ruined.

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4 hours ago, Order of Nine said:

Look at the info that gets censored and or deleted, it's a pattern.

I suppose unverified claims get deleted from Wikipedia? And I suppose you use the fact that they are deleted as some kind of proof they must have been true, hence circular logic.

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42 minutes ago, classicrawker said:

Now I see where you get your theories...this guy is real tin hat conspiracy stuff...........call me crazy but this guy makes Alex Jones seem credible..........

This guy worked in the naval intelligence, before that he served in Vietnam. If he is sooooo crazy he must have fooled the U.S. navy to get where he was at right? Alex has no government credentials at all in his life. Alex lied about an incident here in Pgh at the nuclear power plant, blatant lies, called out here by Cooper. I had family working there at the time so I know his claims were 100% false. 

"Theories" the fact that we have corporations running a monopoly over our media.   Noted.



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2 hours ago, Order of Nine said:

Do some research. 

No, I am not going to do any research to verify your claims. If you know that Wikipedia can't be trusted then explain that to me. What data do you have to support that belief? Because I don't think you have any. You believe in crackpot theories and when they are not accepted by the editors of wikipedia you use that as confirmation, not for them being crackpot theories, but for there being a big conspiracy here. 

Just now, Order of Nine said:

This guy worked in the naval intelligence, before that he served in Vietnam. If he is sooooo crazy he must have fooled the U.S. navy to get where he was at right? 

A. People can get jobs even if they are mentally challenged - even in the US military.

B. Insanity can develop over time.

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7 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

No, I am not going to do any research to verify your claims. If you know that Wikipedia can't be trusted then explain that to me. What data do you have to support that belief? Because I don't think you have any. You believe in crackpot theories and when they are not accepted by the editors of wikipedia you use that as confirmation, not for them being crackpot theories, but for there being a big conspiracy here. 

A. People can get jobs even if they are mentally challenged - even in the US military.

B. Insanity can develop over time.

Wikipedia is a not a first hand source of information. It is COMMENTARY on first hand information, so it is subject to interpretation, bias, and false information, intentional or unintentional. It has weak credibility because it has immunity from peer reviews, and it requires no first hand documentation to make it's claims. Also, it isn't even able to be cited by scholars and is subject to constant editing. 

When Cooper made a claim that he was in the Navy as an intelligence officer he supplied the photo copies of his documents, that would be considered first hand documentation, aka proof. He has countless hours of broadcasted material, if he was that crazy he would not have had the audience that he did. 

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4 minutes ago, Order of Nine said:

Wikipedia is a not a first hand source of information. It is COMMENTARY on first hand information, so it is subject to interpretation, bias, and false information, intentional or unintentional. It has weak credibility because it has immunity from peer reviews, and it requires no first hand documentation to make it's claims. Also, it isn't even able to be cited by scholars and is subject to constant editing. 

When Cooper made a claim that he was in the Navy as an intelligence officer he supplied the photo copies of his documents, that would be considered first hand documentation, aka proof. He has countless hours of broadcasted material, if he was that crazy he would not have had the audience that he did. 

So what peer-reviews sources do you have that suggests you are correct and wikipedia are wrong? Because I still believe Wikipedia over you, especially because it is a curated source that tends to be quite extensive in its primary sources, whereas you tend to over-focus on the ramblings of loonies.

No, whatever photocopied documents Copper had are NOT proof that his theories are correct, unless they both have been verified to be real and conclusively support his theories. Can you prove to me that they are genuine and not fake? And can you prove to me that they actually thus unequivocally support his theories? No, you can't.

And no, crazy people can have huge audiences. Just the fact that people are willing to listen to you does not make you sane. Neither does the fact that I engage you in discussions lend any credibility to your claims. 

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3 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

So what peer-reviews sources do you have that suggests you are correct and wikipedia are wrong? Because I still believe Wikipedia over you, especially because it is a curated source that tends to be quite extensive in its primary sources, whereas you tend to over-focus on the ramblings of loonies.

No, whatever photocopied documents Copper had are NOT proof that his theories are correct, unless they both have been verified to be real and conclusively support his theories. Can you prove to me that they are genuine and not fake? And can you prove to me that they actually thus unequivocally support his theories? No, you can't.

And no, crazy people can have huge audiences. Just the fact that people are willing to listen to you does not make you sane. Neither does the fact that I engage you in discussions lend any credibility to your claims. 

What "theory", the fact that there are 6 corporations that own our MSM?? Or that cointelpro is a real government program, that fact? Or the one that AIPAC is not constitutional? Which "theory"?

Wiki is "extensive in it's primary sources" I just gave you the reasons why. Re read. You just gave me a vague word salad..

Idc if you engage me in a discussion or not, Im here to present information that is withheld from the MSM. Let me guess they withhold information to protect you and keep you informed? To help you make informed decisions? I can give you an entire listing of people that we're working within high positions of government that have exposed alot of corruption, Im sure you will do a quick "Google" search and deem them nuts as well, maybe if they we're on cable TV they would be credible then right?

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Just now, Order of Nine said:

This should get you up to speed from the MSM's trance, but a hunch tells me it's information you would rather not know. 

I don't know why you don't seem to grasp the point that I won't be watching any videos you show me. A video of some dude saying something is NOT going to convince me in either direction. You have to show me EVIDENCE. And more than anecdotal evidence from whatever dude who has had the honor of getting his ramblings documented for eternity Youtube.

The fact that you constantly fail to substantiate any of your outrageous claims, yet again and again point to the videotaped opinions of like-minded fellows, is a strong indication that you have nothing else. You don't have proper evidence. You have a strong conviction that is repeatedly re-confirmed by listening to other conspiracy theorists, in Internet echo chambers, and between yourselves you share a few documents and facts that in your already predetermined minds are sufficient evidence to discard much more plausible explanations that are supported by much more data. It is a collective mental flaw that prevents you from successfully assess various theories and their probabilities, and this leads to a downward spiral where everything is interpreted in your already determined and warped world-views.

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5 hours ago, Order of Nine said:

Im no money guru, but to give quick explanation.. a put options is basically a bet that something will fail/lose money. When put options are made in advance then the same people that invest in the put options make out after the fact. 

Clairvoyance? Luck? Business minded shrewdness?

Let's just say when you listen to people like Soros talk, and follow thier money it becomes obvious that they are not humanitarians. 

It's worth looking into. Anytime something big happens look into the put options of what businesses were effected and see if there are put options against them. 


There's MILLIONS of put options placed on THOUSANDS of businesses/stocks.....EVERY SINGLE DAY.


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