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Gracii Guns

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You could try baking or microwaving the soil to kill the mold.  I don't think the mold really hurts if it's not to bad.

I'm thinking over watered it on the basil.  But sometimes the stuff just dies.

I'm transplanting today.  I called the fire department to see if they garden.  The guy said he knew of one house that use to and he was going to call around.  We may be donating to the fire departments.  I hope they don't come pick up with the truck, lol.

Two of my toes have blisters.  Really burned them.

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2 hours ago, cineater said:

You could try baking or microwaving the soil to kill the mold.  I don't think the mold really hurts if it's not to bad.

I'm thinking over watered it on the basil.  But sometimes the stuff just dies.

I'm transplanting today.  I called the fire department to see if they garden.  The guy said he knew of one house that use to and he was going to call around.  We may be donating to the fire departments.  I hope they don't come pick up with the truck, lol.

Two of my toes have blisters.  Really burned them.

Thanks for the tip. I already just scooped most of the mold out and figured Id still use it. Maybe I will pressure cook it first.

I could have over watered it. It was the runt so maybe waiting it as much as the stronger ones was enough to kill it?

I didnt know that fire departments garden. Cool. What you dont want to sit in the fire truck and honk the horn? :lol: Thats great that you are finding homes for all those plants!

Ouchy! Poor toes! One never thinks to put sun screen on toes, do they? 

Have you enjoyed a salad from your containers? I just enjoyed a mushroom and turkey melt with dried tarragon and balsamic cremini and fresh basil and kale. Tasty. I local bio dynamic farms are offering free delivery now, so Ill be ordering some meat cheese and produce.

Those basil are looking good. Is it Tulsi / Holy Basil by chance? Tulsi is called holy because the cross shape of the first leaves. Looks like that in the picture at least?

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It is just large leaf basil.  I haven't harvested yet.  Haven't heard back from the fire department yet either.  Have a few more people coming over.

Transplanted 90 marigolds for the park.  I have about that many more coming up.  I hope they have people to plant these.

Today I counted.  49 flats back in the garage.  I might count the plants just for fun tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, cineater said:

It is just large leaf basil.  I haven't harvested yet.  Haven't heard back from the fire department yet either.  Have a few more people coming over.

Transplanted 90 marigolds for the park.  I have about that many more coming up.  I hope they have people to plant these.

Today I counted.  49 flats back in the garage.

90 marigolds? Nice job! I hope they have planters too.

Well Im glad you have Simone and Lily to help with all those flats! Beakers grumpy today.

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If they don't have volunteers, Craig will plant them.  We have a bunch of lavender.  It is traditionally an antiseptic.  I'm going to plant up a bunch of them and we are going to give them to the nurses at the hospital.

Tonight should be our last frost.  The grand kids did plant up their veggies I gave them.

Thank god for cats, lol.  I had a stray dog come up behind me and start barking his head off today while I was watering plants.  It's my driveway!  Little shit, I almost pissed my shorts.  Oh yeah, I'm in shorts here.

I forgot to ask if it was white mold?  We've noticed a lot of small sticks in our mix.  The wood breaking down causes the white mold.

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12 hours ago, cineater said:

If they don't have volunteers, Craig will plant them.  We have a bunch of lavender.  It is traditionally an antiseptic.  I'm going to plant up a bunch of them and we are going to give them to the nurses at the hospital.

Tonight should be our last frost.  The grand kids did plant up their veggies I gave them.

Thank god for cats, lol.  I had a stray dog come up behind me and start barking his head off today while I was watering plants.  It's my driveway!  Little shit, I almost pissed my shorts.  Oh yeah, I'm in shorts here.

I forgot to ask if it was white mold?  We've noticed a lot of small sticks in our mix.  The wood breaking down causes the white mold.

What a perfect idea for the lavender. It is a powerful antiseptic. I make a polysporin type product using raw honey and lavender. Works really well. Also deodorant. And it smells s soothing too. 

"Last frost" "wearing shorts" well goody for you :P:lol: So jealous. Although spring will be sad when I cant start gardening out there.

Youre not as keen on the stray dogs? 

It was white, but the mold was in tight beads which looked different the the whole mold that Im used to seeing. The white mold I normally see in trays is more of a loose covering. My seed mix is smooth - no sticks. Do you figure this stuff is safe?

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Yeah, I think it's safe but you could call the number on the bag.  They may send you some free product or a coupon.  And what else do you have to do, lol.

Deodorant?  That's interesting.  Even little lavender plants, especially so many, smell and I'm a little stopped up this morning, lol.

It's my two year anniversary of retirement.  Almost forgot.  So easy to forget I'm not responsible for that any more.

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21 minutes ago, cineater said:

Yeah, I think it's safe but you could call the number on the bag.  They may send you some free product or a coupon.  And what else do you have to do, lol.

Deodorant?  That's interesting.  Even little lavender plants, especially so many, smell and I'm a little stopped up this morning, lol.

It's my two year anniversary of retirement.  Almost forgot.  So easy to forget I'm not responsible for that any more.

Happy anniversary!!! You are kicking ass in retirement! 4 years anniversary of NITL and 2 years for you. Seems perfect - in good company.

Yes please free products! Good call!

Yep, mix baking soda, coconut oil and lavender essential oil for a very basic lavender deodorant. Its a bit loose that way though. It would be good to sip really hot lavender tea if one needs to interact with people, too. 

You got me fixing to sow some lettuce myself. I havent had luck before but will try a different seed supplier this time.


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Yeah, GNR and I run along the same track, "come round the bend, you know it's the end, the fireman screams and the engin just gleams."

Just when I think I'm done with plant sales, more folks stop by.

Marsh won't let the petunias bloom yet.  It's killing me to have to pull off the flowers!  I'm cheating and letting them actually open up for a day or two. :lol:

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1 hour ago, cineater said:

Yeah, GNR and I run along the same track, "come round the bend, you know it's the end, the fireman screams and the engin just gleams."

Just when I think I'm done with plant sales, more folks stop by.

Marsh won't let the petunias bloom yet.  It's killing me to have to pull off the flowers!  I'm cheating and letting them actually open up for a day or two. :lol:

"cineater you better watch your speed" :lol: Nah, you just keep kicking ass!

You could start having your own private plant sales after this years success. Stay safe :)

Id cheat too. :lol: Those blooms were so gorgeous.

The Province declared Community Gardens as 'non essential' and therefore closed. The directors went a step further, for no reason whatsoever and said not to visit the garden. This is silly for many reasons, including that a 100 people who arent gardeners and receive no emails walk their dogs through there daily. So if it will still be used by loads of people, why on earth not by us? Its just beurocratic bullshit. Im going to continue visiting and Im gonna water my perennials. Also, how is food production not essential?? The migrant farm workers arent allowed to come this season... smh

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I know, WTF?  And now they are worrying about food shortages.

I almost felt guilty about that lunch picture. :lol:

So while I'm out on the driveway babysitting plants, I have a bucket of hot soapy water.  Might as well shave my legs. :lol:

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52 minutes ago, cineater said:

I know, WTF?  And now they are worrying about food shortages.

I almost felt guilty about that lunch picture. :lol:

So while I'm out on the driveway babysitting plants, I have a bucket of hot soapy water.  Might as well shave my legs. :lol:

Your lunch looked great! Well earned :headbang:My envy is softened because I just ate my lunch of spicy islander ground beef with kale and peas, scooped up with fresh made mountain bread, plus yogurt and pickles. Nice feeling to eat what we grow, eh?

Y'know shaving your legs out there might attract even more customers! :lol:

You sitting out there selling produce reminds me of that tv show Letterkenny. I just hope no hockey players show up at your produce stand :lol:,


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39 minutes ago, cineater said:

OMG, that was hysterical.  Where can you find that show?

Im glad you like it! Yeah its so funny! Maybe a bit crude. :lol: Its a satire loosely based on life in the rural parts of my province.

I think it streams on HULU in the US (get the free trial and binge it all in a month!). Or if you get CraveTV there, thats where I first saw it iirc.

You can also order dvds. The first 5 seasons come packaged from US amazon,


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17 hours ago, cineater said:

My neighbor is busting his butt so he can build a raised bed and get some of my plants. :lol:

So close!  Had to put two and a half flats on the car but none on the floor.  I'm clearing them out.  Have 4 people coming tomorrow.

Youre starting a whole veggie gardening revival over there by the sounds of it! Thats awesome about your neighbour :lol:

You only have 2.5 flats left?????? Thats wild!

Ive got green pea micro greens sown finally, haha. And Im ordering an additional grow shelf :dance:

Also, do ya figure if I wore one of those orange vets that city workers and construction workers where that I could just approach all the empty beds in the now empty office-parks and just grow my veggies there? No one would notice?? :ph34r:

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Oh no, the side shelves were full but I didn't have to put them on the wagon.  I'm trying to keep what I'm selling separate from what I'm keeping.  Del gave me permission to disperse the pantry bed plants.  Giving up on a spring cool season crop for the garden.  I have to say selling from the driveway has kept me at home.

I believe impersonating a public official would probably get you in trouble.  And might get you verbally attacked.  People like to bitch at city workers. :lol:

Marsha came by and inspected the plants.  I'm good. 

The library is very apologetic they had to cancel the May garden tours.  I may have to cancel June because when we do get back in there, we will be a weed patch. :lol:

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1 hour ago, cineater said:

Oh no, the side shelves were full but I didn't have to put them on the wagon.  I'm trying to keep what I'm selling separate from what I'm keeping.  Del gave me permission to disperse the pantry bed plants.  Giving up on a spring cool season crop for the garden.  I have to say selling from the driveway has kept me at home.

I believe impersonating a public official would probably get you in trouble.  And might get you verbally attacked.  People like to bitch at city workers. :lol:

Marsha came by and inspected the plants.  I'm good. 

The library is very apologetic they had to cancel the May garden tours.  I may have to cancel June because when we do get back in there, we will be a weed patch. :lol:

I gottcha. That would have been light speed! lol Are you planning to keep much? I hope so - we can be veggie gardeners of the zombie apocalypse together!!

I could just cough at anyone who bothers me whole I guerrilla garden? :lol:

I love that Marsha came over to do an inspection! Is Marsha your gardening Tiger Mother?

Oh man! Im really sorry to hear that about the library. June is likely off for many reasons as well. This sucks. 

As for the weeds, I have an idea: Alpacas. Like a good Deadhead you just need to let a herd of alpacas loose on the gardens property. They'll eat up all the weeds. Then you can make stylish sweaters with their wool. :lol:

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Marsha is using my place as a meet up with others.  But since she was here I put her to work.  Their plan now is to take orders from our group and run plants around to people's houses if they won't let us sell in a group setting.  As long as you order an herb or eggplant, it would be agricultural.  Eggplant is the only veggie we are growing this year!

I have my veggies in containers but I will plant in the ground as much as I can of what's left.  At least the baby bunnies will have something to eat and you know how my cats like them. :blink:  Found some red cabbage in the pantry stuff, that's mine.

I'm being talked into donating blood.  Never done that before and I'm a big chicken!

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45 minutes ago, cineater said:

Marsha is using my place as a meet up with others.  But since she was here I put her to work.  Their plan now is to take orders from our group and run plants around to people's houses if they won't let us sell in a group setting.  As long as you order an herb or eggplant, it would be agricultural.  Eggplant is the only veggie we are growing this year!

I have my veggies in containers but I will plant in the ground as much as I can of what's left.  At least the baby bunnies will have something to eat and you know how my cats like them. :blink:  Found some red cabbage in the pantry stuff, that's mine.

I'm being talked into donating blood.  Never done that before and I'm a big chicken!

That must be a whole lot of egg plants. Id eat enough baba ghanoush that Id have indigestion until the next virus outbreak :lol:

Im glad you got that red cabbage! I will be truly bummed if I dont get to at least plant some cabbage this year.

Can I talk you into staying home, please? :) Giving blood hurts and then you get a stale sugar cookie. You aint missing nothin'. I know you are giving and kind, so youll probably go anyways... 


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I might wait until they really need it.  A healthy fear of needles keeps you out of all kinds of trouble.

So if we include a roll of toilet paper with each order then it becomes essential! :lol:  Fortunately, we hadn't seeded any of the warm season crops yet.  We are know for our tomatoes and peppers.

And just when I thought I might get out of here, Marsha is going to plant me in again. :lol:  She wants to bring over more flats when the cool season is out of here.

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1 hour ago, cineater said:

I might wait until they really need it.  A healthy fear of needles keeps you out of all kinds of trouble.

So if we include a roll of toilet paper with each order then it becomes essential! :lol:  Fortunately, we hadn't seeded any of the warm season crops yet.  We are know for our tomatoes and peppers.

Hahahaha! Definitely essential :lol:

I bet y'all grow exceptional tomato and peppers.

Not many of us will get to grow those in quantity this year. As if hot sauce isnt expensive enough already :facepalm:

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We grow lots of varieties.  I'll go up to the co op and get mine.

I wonder if there is an elderly gardener in your area who would welcome your help in their garden this year in exchange for produce?  Is there any room on your roof for pots or outside somewhere by your building?

Since the car was open I took a little driveby of the gardens and checked them out from the road.  We look pretty.  I have more people coming by tomorrow.  I need to run up and get some more potting soil but I'm telling myself no.

Hey, it's Friday.  Don't let me forget the Dead concert.

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12 hours ago, cineater said:

We grow lots of varieties.  I'll go up to the co op and get mine.

I wonder if there is an elderly gardener in your area who would welcome your help in their garden this year in exchange for produce?  Is there any room on your roof for pots or outside somewhere by your building?

Since the car was open I took a little driveby of the gardens and checked them out from the road.  We look pretty.  I have more people coming by tomorrow.  I need to run up and get some more potting soil but I'm telling myself no.

Hey, it's Friday.  Don't let me forget the Dead concert.

Maybe order the seeds and soils? 

To stand on my roof would simply be to take the long way into my living room - its not study and would collapse :lol:. There are some raised beds near by that were left empty last season. That could be a go.

Thats nice you got to go by the garden. I bet they do look so pretty. Me, Im using a chef boyardee can to weight down my micro greens which are in a cut up mushroom bin. Not pretty but getting the job done!

Dont forget the Dead concert. And also dont forget to send me the link, please! I dont sleep lately so Ill actually be up probably this time :headbang:

1 hour ago, cineater said:

Marsha just texted.  She use a hose yesterday to water the plants. :lol:

Well, well, well :lol:


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