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Total Guitar Article On Chinese Democracy

Frozen Inferno

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Well here for instance is a case in point for all the Axl lovers in this forum. (Granted he is my hero but I do regard him as all to human)

Do you notice how many people in and out of the band and the industry are WRONG? I am amazed how so many people can fuck up to the degree and be completely WRONG about thier professional experiences with AXL. Kind of like the disiples were with Jesus... they never got what the hell he was trying to do and say.

Axl never fucks up. He alone is GNR. He alone the downtrodden misunderstood tortured genious has defied the corporate syndicate. If only we could get him a cape but alas no.... his sock puppetted bucketheaded friend(?) stole that prop.

Axl...... The Catcher in the Rye. Axl the Holden Caulfield of the music world.

Just bashing all you fuckers out there that say stupid shit like AXL=GNR. Theres a reason why Axl is pussyfooting this material around. There is a reason why the leaks occoured and the prying eyes of the industry are watching the reaction here on forums like this.

good article stayed informative for the most part but was for many of a a bit of rehash of old news.

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I cropped all the text from the article, made it all smaller and of acceptable filesize + made it all easy to read (and not too wide to be posted on a forum):

Part 1:


Part 2:


Just makes it easier for those who don't want to download the 5mb file. I didn't include any of the pics.

EDIT: You can repost these links anywhere, I couldn't really care less if i'm credited or not.


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Thanks. Pretty well written but, once again, very anti-Axl article. With comments like "he further alienated his bandmates" I really lost my respect for the guy. He doesn't know that. And if he does he should at least prove it... He's throwing in lines like that constantly.

well, the old guys didn't all leave because they felt 'closer than ever' to Axl.

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That was a first class article and one of the fairest representations of this story I've read. They gave a really solid review of the leaks and it's so true. The music world shouldn't care about Guns N' Roses anymore but there is just that thing about them which keeps us compelled. Or to quote Brian May ''Axl is magic.'' :)

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I haven't read the entire article yet, but from what I read in DarkFuture's first post, it sounds like a pretty accurate article. The only thing I have a problem with is that i'm doubting the author knows exactly what Axl's trying to do. He said that Axl is trying to make the "Ultimate rock N' roll album"...Mabye that isn't what he is trying to do. I'm just saying that this article puts further pressure on GN'R and bring the fan's expectations even higher. Which might not be such a good thing if CD really bombs. Which I doubt it will...ok i'm contradicting myself here, I know. :)

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I like how the article is telling the story of the now legendary album. It not anit-axl and not pro-axl. It's a tale of 13 years, 13 million, one famous frontman and one mythical album. I think this is th ebets thing to ever be written about chinese democracy and guns n' roses now. Someone just pikcing up the mag not knowing much about the band recently will know the whole story now. awesome read.

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Cool article.

I hope the album's great and Axl can find success, but anyone who still thinks Axl had a clear, genius vision for the band's new musical direction and blames the old members for not taking his lead must be NUTS. This whole CD period has undeniably been one big, long mess that screams otherwise...

Edited by Turn_It_Up
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That article was fucking garbage. The guy who wrote it doesn't even know that Robin came back and is still in the band. The whole article up until the last bit about the leaks is just a rehash of other articles that have been written over the years. I'm glad I didn't waste my money on this magazine.

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That article was fucking garbage. The guy who wrote it doesn't even know that Robin came back and is still in the band. The whole article up until the last bit about the leaks is just a rehash of other articles that have been written over the years. I'm glad I didn't waste my money on this magazine.

yeah god forbid you might wanna learn to play the songs on it. :rolleyes:

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- Axl has never promised as an album for a specific date.

- The Zakk Wylde quote has been taken out of context.

- He randomly makes up his own stories, like "Axl alienated his current bandmates even more", wtf...

- Too damn Anti-Axl article. It seems to be a great challenge to write a neutral story instead of just pointing the finger in one direction. :rolleyes:

Well, if Axl would do some fucking interviews then the journos would be able to present his side of the story. As it is, they have to rely on whatever quotes they can get from other sources, who tend to have an anti-Axl bias. They may be anti-Axl, but journos naturally gravitate towards supporting people who are willing to give a little.

EDIT: It's a pretty fair account, tbh. The only real sticking point for me is that the author's got his facts wrong on Robin's involvement with the band, suggesting he quit in 1999 and never came back.


Edited by 11dayempire
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thats a very one-sided view.

hopefully someday Axl tells his side of things.

He already did in the rolling stone interview with Kurt Loder.

Im not surprised you think it's one sided though.

It would be cool to have an updated version of that interview! ;)

Interesting article but nothing new.

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