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most of the new songs suck, but the 'die-hards' can't realize it

I think the real 'die-hards' are the fans of the old band that refuse to even give any of the new songs a chance.

nah, the 'die hards' are the ones who will follow Axl to the ends of the earth. Even if he had a Polka backing band and still called it Guns N Roses.


most of the new songs suck, but the 'die-hards' can't realize it

I think the real 'die-hards' are the fans of the old band that refuse to even give any of the new songs a chance.

I agree. The fact that most of the "die hards" seem to put every new song below most songs on the Use Your Illusions just blows my mind - The new songs (every single one of them) have so much more creativity, energy, and spark than most tracks on either UYI, yet people seem to still prefer said UYI tracks in all their mediocrity *shrug*.

I mean, some won't even place a single new GNR song over a POS like Anything Goes - Simply because it was on AFD - Which is just sad.

Anything Goes is not a piece of shit

My World and You aint the First, are pieces of shit that I think they are the only songs the new songs beat easily, along with Bad Obsession but thats not a piece of shit.


most of the new songs suck, but the 'die-hards' can't realize it

I think the real 'die-hards' are the fans of the old band that refuse to even give any of the new songs a chance.

100% true, for some reason they wont even listen to the new songs before making an unbiased judgement.

I think really GNR is about consistency. All the songs are of a high standard. But some of the new ones make the old seem a bit cheesey. It was a different time and they were in classic rock mode. I do believe that the music has been worked on more this time round. So it's more interesting if you like music.

Naa Na Na...NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Na Naa Na Na...Na Naaaaa Naaa Na Naaa Naaaaa Naaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11eleven


Well it depends really. I really like november rain. And I really like There was a time.

It's kinda hard to compare those two. One is old fashion and people has lots of memories attached to it. Thinking about the old band and how they first made out to a girl with that song playing etc.

The new song is more up to date and has a bit of a modern feel to it. I personally really like it. And I feel that it's a rather good song to listen to. Maybe not as epic as NR. But still a very very close secound if we are to compare those to.

We must remember that November rain was Axl baby wich he brought into the band. Even before appetite he had the tune. So it is well done and has been done to perfection over many years. It was axls everest sort of speak.

I don't think There was a time ment that much to axl as NR did. Therefor not as good.

But still a hell of a good song. it has some of the best lyrics I've heard in awhile


You love me really. In time you will see I'm right.

Anyway, the new material is the only way to go after UYI, to tighten everything up and work on the songs longer. How far can you take the "baroom romanticism" of the Illusions as a creative artist.

To me it's so obvious that new stuff is way better than old stuff. Catcher in the Rye is catchiest tune I've ever heard. Nobody mentions it but it's almost impossible to forget. It has radio single written all over it.

Don't Cry is a grat song and Estranged has a momentum which carries it along whereas Nov Rain is a little sterile, turgid, borderline pompous.

Bottom line is that if GNR were gonna come back with new material it would have to be like this and be this good.

Does TWAT bury Estranged? Maybe not. But it assasinates November Rain and pours concrete in the grave.

Does TWAT bury Estranged? Maybe not. But it assasinates November Rain and pours concrete in the grave.

From which NR rises, grabs TWAT by the throat and strangles it to pieces...


'100% true, for some reason they wont even listen to the new songs before making an unbiased judgement.'

- I have listened to the new songs.... Like a gajillion times...As a matter of fact, I even tried to FORCE myself to like them.... But no matter what I do they sound like crap to me....


Obviously, NR is accepted as a rock classic and TWAT is just a demo on an unreleased album. Maybe they shouldn't be compared. I was trying to say something positive about TWAT rather than bag on NR which is a well respected song. It's just when GNR moved into this new direction some of the old songs seem a bit weak.

You love me really. In time you will see I'm right.

Anyway, the new material is the only way to go after UYI, to tighten everything up and work on the songs longer. How far can you take the "baroom romanticism" of the Illusions as a creative artist.

To me it's so obvious that new stuff is way better than old stuff. Catcher in the Rye is catchiest tune I've ever heard. Nobody mentions it but it's almost impossible to forget. It has radio single written all over it.

Don't Cry is a grat song and Estranged has a momentum which carries it along whereas Nov Rain is a little sterile, turgid, borderline pompous.

Bottom line is that if GNR were gonna come back with new material it would have to be like this and be this good.

Does TWAT bury Estranged? Maybe not. But it assasinates November Rain and pours concrete in the grave.



"Man was born to love-

Though often he has sought

Like Icarus, to fly too high

And far too lonely than he ought

To kill the sun of east and west

And hold the world at his behest

To hold the terrible power

To whom only gods are blessed-

But me, I am just a man"

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