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Rollingstone.com thinks November 21st is the date!


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The problem is, most people say, it's not GN'R, it's something else. I mean, I know some people I told I'm going to see GN'R and they all said, the won't go, because Slash is not going to be there. So they don't care about new GN'R. That's why it's possible, that Jay-Z will sell more albums.

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OOOOPPPS, sorry. I got this info from CD.com and assumed it was legitamite. Sory for the confusion.


Ah, yeah. I knew I'd seen this before and thought the same thing. I typically don't post over there anymore. As full of crap as users are here and over at HTGTH, it's even worse at CD.com. That forum flat-out sucks.

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There's not much point in creating a thread for every article stating this, considering the fact they're all coming from the same source, which is Rolling Stone.

UltimateGuitar.com also have an article on this up. Some interesting comments which show just how few people actually believe that it will be released this year, if at all.

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if i have CHIDEM in my hand before 2007 i'll be happy. i dont give a flying fucking pink shit whether it comes out in November or not..

lets just hope it comes out this year. I know everyone says it will but fuck... its been so long i think every GNR fan has a bit of doubt these days

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im still not even sure if the album will sell THAT well in the US...i know itll be huge in europe and probably canada and who knows where else....itll still do good in the US but prolly no more than velvet revolver (~2 million)...as for first week sales if its up against Jay Z, i dunno if they can top that...he'll do around 500,000 in the first week its hard to say if GNR will do that...unless ofcourse im over estimating jay z's numbers but he is huge in the hip hop world...

I wouldnt be surprised if it doesn't even make #2 in the U.S., to be honest. Jay-Z will crush it easily, and on top of that with so little promotion, it might end up in the #3 spot.

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... I just wish these kind of articles would show a picture of the current lineup of the band :(

The problem with that, is that there are no publicity shots of the current line up. It's not really a complex operation to get a photographer to take some photos of the band and send them out to the media.

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It doesn't support it with any new sources though. They use Rolling Stone as their source.

Yeah, but November's the only logical release date. We're too far into October for there to be any promotion for an October release, December's too late 'cause it'll won't sell enough before Christmas, and Axl's said that it will come out this year.


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Remember that solid singles can sell albums. If Axl releases a brilliant first single which catches on, then it stands every chance of outselling Jay-Z.

Nope. It doesn't stand a chance. Thats like a Run DMC album debuting higher then one of the UYI albums. Except Run DMC was still relevent when they released it. Most of the general public don't even know what "Chinese Democracy" even is.

Jackamo its 2 completely differant genera's (sp?) of music so what if it dosent outsell Jay Z

The billboard charts are kind of a big deal. ;)

Edited by da_pope
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