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Merck says we will hear.....


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So let me get this straight. Someone from elsewhere, a source that is just as unreliable as the others we've had, reports that Merck may be making an announcement soon? Then, you people flock in here hoping for some kind of information that is relevant, when you really already think Merck is a turd anyways? Then, you people constantly insult Merck in pointless post-whoring in some sort of attempt to get information out of him at a random time, even though you still think he is worthless?

Just wow. You people need some air.

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You just can't trust anything he says, it's bullshit. But, then, you know, why get mad at him? It's Axl people, it's AXL. Merck isn't a liar, Axl is, think about it! If you have shit to talk about Merck, to me you just mean you are talking about Axl, the little lying pussy perfectionist who is scared shitless.


fuck him for not being specific, unless he doesnt even know whats going on. which i think thats whats going on.. fucking lazy prick, hes so damn lazy he couldnt even give you answers..

For christ sake, think about it. How the fuck can he know what the fuck to say or do when an asshole he works for can't give him straight answers and is an unreliable douche bag.

For once, i agree with this guy.

Axl said the album would be out this year, and if it's not then Axl is a lying bitch.

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You just can't trust anything he says, it's bullshit. But, then, you know, why get mad at him? It's Axl people, it's AXL. Merck isn't a liar, Axl is, think about it! If you have shit to talk about Merck, to me you just mean you are talking about Axl, the little lying pussy perfectionist who is scared shitless.


fuck him for not being specific, unless he doesnt even know whats going on. which i think thats whats going on.. fucking lazy prick, hes so damn lazy he couldnt even give you answers..

For christ sake, think about it. How the fuck can he know what the fuck to say or do when an asshole he works for can't give him straight answers and is an unreliable douche bag.

For once, i agree with this guy.

Axl said the album would be out this year, and if it's not then Axl is a lying bitch.

exactly...a lying bitch

If it isn't coming out then why not tell us why and when it's planning to hit? No answer? Too deep to dig yourselves out? Good job Axl and good job Merck. :(

Edited by 3rd Wheel
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So I guess this year is out if we "might" hear from GNR about this album. That statement sure sings a different tune than Axl saying "absolutely" for the album coming out this year, and Merck saying "There are 13 Tuesdays left in the year. Now its we "might" hear something about the album??

What a fucking joke GNR has become, ive seriously about had it. If we dont have any announcement of at least a release date on this album by years end im done with this band. I will just download CD if and when it comes out, because I refuse to waste my money on a band that obviously doesnt give a shit about their fans.

Axl said the album would be out this year and like an idiot I actually believed him, and if it isnt then im done with keeping up with GNR.

You sound like me!!!

Merck seems so out of the loop. I wouldn't be surprised if he came here looking for updates on the band..


Merk is a flaming homosexual with no dick and loves animal sex with children in clown masks while his mother watches and masterbates to movies with Judy Garland and Moe from the three Stooges!!!!

You just can't trust anything he says, it's bullshit. But, then, you know, why get mad at him? It's Axl people, it's AXL. Merck isn't a liar, Axl is, think about it! If you have shit to talk about Merck, to me you just mean you are talking about Axl, the little lying pussy perfectionist who is scared shitless.


fuck him for not being specific, unless he doesnt even know whats going on. which i think thats whats going on.. fucking lazy prick, hes so damn lazy he couldnt even give you answers..

For christ sake, think about it. How the fuck can he know what the fuck to say or do when an asshole he works for can't give him straight answers and is an unreliable douche bag.

For once, i agree with this guy.

Axl said the album would be out this year, and if it's not then Axl is a lying bitch.

I'll bring the bridge table and a deck of cards.....................

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And you wouldn't think he would say "this will be the year for Guns N Roses" in 2005 if one thought he knew what was going on too, right?

actually, you got me on that one.. IAM STUMPED. YOU GOT ME.. heh, yeah i guess so man, i totally forgot about that..


man, lying bitch sounds harsh.. harsh but true.;

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I wouldn't be surprised if he came here looking for updates on the band..

great post.

management is not one of Merck's strong points...clearly visible with the enormous success Sanctuary is busy enjoying right now...

this guys should be released of his duties, and Axl should either let his lawyers handle all of his shit (as they seem to be able to get shit done), or just let Universal deal with it.

this middle management crap is not working.

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Ye, i think everything is up in the air at the moment, they really dont no whats goin on - why, well thats another question, i just hope we find out.

The main website has been stagnent for about 4 weeks or something. My guess is that something has happened in the last month to push the release back.

When they haave it sorted out, we will get a statement - they are probably still tryiong to get it out this year but are unsure whether it will happen so are reluctant to say anything yet.

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I'd never thought I would ever say this, but: "Fuck you Axl Rose and fuck you Merck!!!". You cannot imagine how much you dissappointed me as a GNR fan!!!! Not because you won't release CD in 2006, but because of how you misleaded us and how your fucking undeserved arrogance stands in the way between a wonderfull band and its fans. I've never asked you any favours Axl, untill now: "Please stick Chinese Democracy up your ass and sit on it for another 14 years, you fucking disrespectfull cocky cheap immitation of Michael Jackson!!!!"

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5 fucking pages of same bitching. We don´t even know if this is true. "fuck the horsefaced fuck" blaaa bhaa"

"Axl is a lying bitch" etc.

People always complaining that we don´t get information, but appearently complain even more if the information not please you. Tell me why the hell Merck would tell us that the album won´t be out if that is the case, when people get more pissed of that then any information at all. If I was Merck I would shut up and don´t tell u a fucking thing.

Things have appearently went wrong. Think of it. Axl OR Merck would never have told us in first place that the album would be out if they were pretty sure of it. They know how pissed the fanbase would be if they couldn´t fulfill it. And that "Lie to make money on the tour"-argument have no substance at all. Axl have worked for CD in a decade so I don´t think short-term profits is their way to deal with things. And there are plenty of shows AFTER this year who they would risk to ruin totally if they will be highlighted as liers.

If he is about to make that kind of statement I think it´s pretty obvious that they have problems releasing it.

Problems with Universals. We had a rumor that the rec company had a huge release/promotion plan for CD. This is the last piece that makes this whole puzzle make sense. BUT this releasplan take more tima and delay the album. Axl and Merck wanted it out this year. Look at the TV inerview again. This is pure speculations, but I think Merck told Axl to say that the album would be out this year only to put pressure on the rec company. "Trust me Axl, do that and they can´t deny us", and an unsure Axl did that.

They havn´t done those baseless statements to lie to us, but to put pressure at the rec company to actaually get CD out this year.

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Sorry mate, but you're a puppet in the Axl Rose show. How do you know that the "Lie to make money on the tour"-argument has no substance at all? Do you have access to Axl's bank- or savings account? Do you know Axl's financial status? Why do you think he couldn't affort to pay those Warhole paintings during the year? Money doesn't last for ever, you know? You know just as little as us, so please don't be so sure of yourself, because I'm losing my FUCKING patience. I was a puppet just like you, and like you, defended Axl too long. The only ones who have my support and respect right now is the band.

Edited by Roy79
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I think we can safely say after that comment from Merck that there are very serious doubts over the record coming out this year. We always had our doubts, but I'm sure Axl and co were on course for a 2006 release at some point. They may add new dates - no sure thats a great idea on an already low turn out tour without an album.

This all boils down to the GNR comeback without proper planning. It's pretty obvious that there wouldn't have been this tour if the tracks hadn't leaked.

At least they didn't give us an exact date then miss it. An explaination would be nice though. Failing that, a safe release date in 07 would be a sensible option.

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