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Status Updates posted by RussTCB

  1. There's a fine line between clever and stupid.

    1. highvoltage


      it's not as fine a line as you might think :P

  2. There's been a lot of new soul artists popping up lately. I'm loving most of what I've heard.

    1. Powerage5


      The soul revival movement is awesome - best thing to happen in music in ages.

  3. These "Paul Is Dead" documentaries are a fun watch if nothing else.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      Give netflix some credit LOL

    3. RussTCB


      None on Netflix that I know of. I just came across one on YouTube.

    4. Dean


      Winged Beatle is a good one. The guy who made it has created some fantastic tunes despite his lunacy

  4. These Super Mario 3D World levels aren't going to finish themselves!

    1. PITBOSS


      well get to work, you should check out rayman legends

  5. Things just ain't the same for gangstas

  6. Thinking about getting an Xbox One.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Amir
    3. Amir


      But if I had the inclination (and money) to get a next-gen console, I'd get a PS4. I say that as someone who's loathed every console Sony has brought out until now and had an Xbox (and a 360 for all of a week when Halo 3 came out). MS royally screwed up with the Xbone.

    4. PITBOSS


      well I said I got the gamecast man

  7. This is why we can't have nice things.

  8. This new Division Bell vinyl reissue has made me fall in love with that album all over again.

  9. This new Division Bell vinyl reissue has made me fall in love with that album all over again.

  10. Thought we had escaped needing a new furnace right now... WRONG!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bran


      damn that sucks.

    3. RussTCB


      Yeah. I'm just bummed because we thought we'd be able to make it through the winter and have a new one installed when we were better prepared. Not the case lol

    4. bran


      that is usually how it happens. happened to my car one year. if i could only get to income tax time......

  11. Time to go figure out if our grill works...

  12. To Rock On The Range or not to Rock On The Range? That is the question.

  13. To Rock On The Range or not to Rock On The Range? That is the question.

    1. Powerage5


      Do it! You can wear your Ashba Swag PJ's and have free shots of Jager with DJ!

    2. RussTCB
  14. Today the Lions have a chance to be 11-4 for the first time in my life.

    1. ZoSoRose


      I cant believe it

  15. Took my son to see the Lego Movie tonight. It was actually pretty good!

    1. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      I really enjoyed it

    2. Forsaken


      My GF thought it was cute, too

    3. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      I dig the Batman song, but I also like Metallica, so...

  16. US retail stores opening at 6pm on Thanksgiving is ridiculous.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RussTCB


      I've heard that as well. I could be wrong, but I think Wal-Mart is the one opening earliest.

    3. arnold layne

      arnold layne

      Yeah it's bullshit. People have no heart anymore.

    4. RussTCB



      I support retail as part of my job. Because of Best Buy, I have to start work on Thursday around 5pm. I'm not even that concerned with myself. It's the people that are going to work 12+ hour shifts on Thursday instead of being with their families.

  17. Vegas isn't gonna end up working out for me but I'm still excited for everyone going!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RussTCB


      Yeah, I'm reasonably sure I'm gonna end up paying that out. How many Fridays are left in 2016? lol

    3. Powerage5


      Same. We'll drown our sorrows together. And by together, I mean 6 hours apart. And by drown our sorrows, I mean I'll probably be driving home from Chicago.

    4. DieselDaisy


      They will probably annouce a tour and by the time they play your locality, Mickey will have turned into rasp, so you will win out in the end

  18. Waiting to board a flight home from Vegas. Home for 2 days, then heading right back here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RussTCB
    3. darknightfan


      Why would you leave Vegas?

    4. RussTCB


      Because my work required me to do so for a few days.

  19. Was so looking forward to a blu ray coming out today, but I can't find anywhere with it in stock!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RussTCB


      An Elvis concert movie called That's The Way It Is.

    3. Mansin Humanity

      Mansin Humanity

      i guess that's just the way it is.

    4. RussTCB


      ^ well played.

  20. Watching the new Lindsey Lohan reality show and rooting for her.

  21. Way busier with work than usual for this time of year. Getting a little overwhelming...

    1. magisme


      Bicker with some people on the forum. Always helps me. lol

    2. RussTCB


      Haha. Honestly, I sometimes have to cool down from idiotic work conversations before I check in on the board.

    3. magisme


      Another curse of being a mod. See, someone at work pisses me off and there's always someone around the forum who deserves a bit of a kicking. lol

  22. Well I wish I could tell ya just what my three women do

  23. Well, it's one louder isn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AxlisOld


      It can't be played...ever...no...don't point, even.

    3. RussTCB


      Hahaha....well played all around!

    4. Powerage5


      I told them once, I told them a hundred times - Spinal Tap first, puppet show last.

  24. Well! It would appear I'll be making a minimum of TWO trips to Vegas in 2014!

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