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Posts posted by PatrickS77

  1. 3 minutes ago, Dazey said:

    I'd disagree with that. As bad as TLJ and ROS are, the prequel trilogy movies are infinitely worse. The sequels may be shit but at least they didn't make Darth Vader into a spotty teenager who was a whiny little bitch. 

    Well, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad. You're not supposed to like Darth Vader. He was a flawed human being, otherwise he wouldn't have turned to the dark side and stayed there for most of his life.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Jw224 said:

    Yeah, the sequel trilogy wasn't planned. And there's plenty to complain about, but some wreckage falling from and exploding ship is not one of them. Star Wars fans take everything too literally and it's why the series is stagnating and they are afraid to do anything new. They introduce something cool and the entire fanbase goes "em that contradicts some small thing that happened in that one scene six films ago so it sucks and I can't enjoy any of it anymore". 

    No. That's not it. There are plenty of contradictory things in the PT, but nothing is too jarring to not enjoy those movies for what the are. Unlike the ST. And really to throw out the EU, to come up with the crap they came up with instead adds further insult to injury and makes it even harder to overlook things.

    And I know exactly (and care about) what Star Wars is (it's the people who don't care and don't have a clue, who celebrate these new movies). It's what's been introduced 40 years ago. That is the framework. Those are the rules. Any further story should be based in the framework and follow those rules. And not bend, extend and shit on those rules however they see fit.


  3. 35 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    OK, so the incest plot hole across the OG trilogy means nothing? What about Carrie's cardboard acting and shifting accent? The former isn't a plot and consistency issue? The latter isn't a quality issue? Sorry, but these arguments just keep coming across as "it's because I like the OG trilogy better". 

    Why the hell is it an incest plot hole? The characters obviously didn't know they were related. And them feeling an attraction to each other is natural. So there was some slight sexual tension. It's what you expect in a plot revolving around young, good looking people. I don't really see how that is a problem. It's less of a problem than Kylo getting the hots for Rey and abandoning his life path for her and her having feelings for him, after she watched him killing his unarmed father, which really doesn't make too much sense.

  4. 2 hours ago, Flake said:

    Have you ever been to a gnr show? Let me tell you: I've seen them all around the globe. Gnr has still a lot of die hard fans and those are pretty die hard. I don't think many bands these days have a core of die hards as guns do. 

    Maybe 1% of them is on the forums.

    Ah, you'd be surprised. Every band has die hards.

    • Like 1
  5. 44 minutes ago, Jw224 said:

    The wreckage fell when it blew up, that's the clear explanation. No wonder filmmakers don't want to work on star wars when fans complain about stuff like this. 

    Right. And after being blown to bits and falling (shouldn't whatever is left just float) and then finally falling, after it miraculously managed to float to a planet, it pretty much stayed in one piece, after it crashed to the ground.

  6. 2 hours ago, Jw224 said:

    Complaints like this make no sense to me, you're watching a film about people who can use powers and fly spaceships and turn into ghosts and you're complaining about some wreckage. 

    Yes. I complain about that. Suspenscion of disbelief only goes so far. Superman can fly and has superstrength, but if they would tell me that Batman suddenly can fly too and also has superstrength, then I would say, get the fuck out of here.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    The explosion was fairly comprehensive,


    Yet we are led to believe that this survived, and somehow managed to make it to the planet,



    Yeah. Like I said. The whole movie is dumb as fuck. You can only enjoy it if you hand in your brain at the door when entering.

    I'm sure though someone will say that the emperor has survived in that piece of DS that miracoulisly wasn't destroyed and made it on that planet. :facepalm:

    • Haha 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    How the heck did the emperor survive? He blew up when Vader shoved him down that hole at the end of Jedi, and then the entire Death Star blew up soon after! Now we see him stuck on tubes. I am sure somebody will produce a comic about it but I am not interested in any of that nerd stuff. 

    That brings us to the question of how that blown up wreckage of the death star can end up on a planet pretty much intact? When planes fall out of the sky, there usually is not much left. How would a death star from out of space be intact?

  9. 1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

    And it is meant to be an ancient Sith relic, built centuries before the death star!!

    Another thing is that Palpatine shagged somebody at some stage to produce a granddaughter. 

    Oh, well. He was a late bloomer as an emperor. Somehow he had to pass the time, before his face melted off. :P It probably would have made more sense (LOL) to make her his great grand daughter.

  10. 2 hours ago, Dazey said:

    Mate, it was utter arse gravy from start to finish and I’m really annoyed at that.

    For me, the biggest eye roll moment came when she holds up the dagger and the shape just happens to fit perfectly against the silhouette of the Death Star wreckage. Now correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the dagger supposed to be some ancient relic? If so then how the fuck did it fit the outline of the 30 year old wreckage? :lol: 

    Also how did she just happen to be in the exact right spot for that to work? Like in an alternate cut the Emperor wins because Rey was standing 6 feet to the right. 

    A) the relic is prothetic and b) she's Mary Sue. She can do anything. Even stand at the right spot, where the ancient, prothetic relic makes sense. :lol:

  11. 40 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Even without the Ewoks the movie is all over the place. The first third is a convoluted side quest that has nothing to do with the main story asode from rescuing Han, Hans character is neutered, and the sister reveal is quick and glossed over.

    There's still a lot of excellent stuff and I love ROTJ but nostalgia and it being a product of its time are obviously huge factors 

    At least Luke didn't force project fight himself into Jabba's lair. Would have made things much easier though to rescue him. 2 bad writers didn't pull that out of their ass then. I wouldn't really say that getting a main character back is a side plot. But guess what, they had one of those in Rise too.

    • Like 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    People are really lowering their expectations here because they want to like this film. It is utter garbage. 

    That. And really offered nothing. Except old heroes dying without having one scene together. To me the continuation of the saga will always be the now discarded EU. Fuck the new/remake trilogy. As a whole, it was a total fail.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Jw224 said:

    They didn't just decide that that Luke was going to die after they finished filming the movie, which is the only way what you're saying makes any sense. They came up with it and then came up with reason why, which is in the film and makes perfect sense. I agree about TROS being lazy, I don't think TLJ was at all. I feel like a lot of fans would be happier if they just stuck with everything that was established before and not change or add anything. That's very boring and how franchises stagnate. I want to see new things in star wars, and I won't get angry when I see them. 

    Show me where I said that they decided after the fact that Luke was gonna die??? I said it makes no sense for him to die like that, for no apparent reason. If that force projection fight, as you make it up, killed him, then Rey and Ren should be dead too. Rey is not even suffienctly trained in the force. And spare me the crap of her being Palpatine's offspring. Another bs contrievance. And really, if they want to kill him anyway, I'd preferred if they would have just gotten his ass over there and let him die in a real fight.

    I want them to tell an exciting, coherent and interesting story, within the parameters set forth of what Jedi are (hundreds of books, comics and computergames were able to do that). Not the crap they invented and added to gloss over the fact that they don't really have a story.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Jw224 said:

    That makes absolutely no sense you're basically saying the people that wrote the film wrote the film to justify the fact that they are making a bad film in advance. Just because you disagree with what happened does not make it lazy. Snoke was Palpatine. You disagree with what happened in the film, that's fine, this does not make it lazy. 

    No. What you're saying makes no sense and is not what I was saying. I'm saying we know since over 30 years what Jedi are and what they can do. Force projection, force projections fights across galaxies, force ghosts that fight, like they are physically present, force telephone video calls across galaxies, force healing mortal wounds of others, force raising the dead is not in their skillset. Never was. Until some writers thought, "What the hell? Let's make them do that.". And yes, to say "Gotcha. Palpatine was never dead and spent the last 30 years in hiding, with some metal arm up his ass." is lazy writing and really undoes and cheapens the original trilogy. Nevermind the missing explanation of what went on in those 30 years and why really nothing has changed, except the name of the empire. And for that the ruined and discarded the EU. That's lazy and poor as fuck.

    And you act like the writers, making up and inventing shit, to make sense of the shit they put on screen. People go crazy that Lucas dared to mention midichlorians, but that shit Disney did is acceptable?

    • Like 1
  15. 39 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    The whole trilogy pertaining to Rey, Kylo Ren and others (Luke, Leia, Palpatine), especially in Last Jedi and this, resides on what I'd call pseudo-philosophical Jedi gibberish; both Johnson and Abrahms exploit the open canvas that is the religion of the Jedi to circumnavigate writing errors, plot loopholes and a paucity of ideas. ''Yes, Luke sort of becomes an intergalactic force ghost''. Baloney. It is just lazy storytelling.

    Exactly. And really, they give a shit what a Jedi, as established in 6 movies, tv series, countless books, comics and computer games that where released in 30 years really is. They give a shit about the rules this galaxy far far away has when it comes to what Jedi are and what they can and can not do and come up with shit as they please. And people overlook that and claim it's "real" Star Wars, when in fact it's bollocks.

    38 minutes ago, Jw224 said:

    Luke hadn't used the force in years and had just recently started again when he used it. And Snoke helped bridge their minds. 

    Yeah. Just as the writers, making up shit as you go along to justify the crap they threw on the screen. That's not how Star Wars (or any story) works. Rey hadn't used the force before either and there was no Snoke in Rise.

  16. 3 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    Back from the theater. The “Star Wars fan” part of my brain loved it! However, the “movie analysis” part of my brain didn’t like it at all. With that being said, I didn’t need this to be a good “movie.” I just needed it to be a good Star Wars. So (overall) I’m happy, and I’m (mostly) at peace with the saga.

    I don’t quite know how to explain this but, even though I know this movie is objectively bad, something about it just “felt” right to me. It really left me on Cloud 9!

    ill give more thoughts and a ranking in the spoiler thread, once I’ve had time to process it more.

    And for the life of me I can't figure out why one would say that (Star Wars) movie was okay or right (and especially from people who pan the prequel trilogy). Because really, nothing was "right".

  17. 4 hours ago, AtariLegend said:

    I didn't really think about it till after, but John Boyega's moves from being 1 of the centeral characters of previous films to just a side kick in the background.

    Apart from 1 scene near the end and that might be pushing it, does his character really do anything? There also isn't really that much interaction between him Rey except a scene near the start. I mean they are in multiple scenes together, but they don't really talk.

    Yeah. And also that he's a little lap dog always chasing after Rey, trying to save her... as if Superwoman needs saving. I mean, she can do anything. And if she really is in trouble, she has an almost Sith Lord bringing her back to live. 

  18. 6 hours ago, Dazey said:

    She died because Carrie Fisher died and they had to rely on previously shot footage for her scenes in the movie.

    Ah. That's the Explanation. Right? Duh. I know that Fisher died, but just because Fisher died they didn't need to make her drop dead in the movie too. Especially considering Luke dropped dead in the movie before. They really should have let her float to her death in 8.

    6 hours ago, Jw224 said:

    It is clear why luke died. I think choosing to not accept an explanation is different than there not being one 🤷‍♀️

    Oh, it's clear? And what would that explanation be?

  19. 5 minutes ago, Daedalus said:

    ^yep, today I don't care too much about the story. But the film has some strong moments when your heart just broke a little - like Chewie's reaction when Leia dies. Or seeing Han Solo (thank god he is not shown as a force ghost).

    I found that reaction totally over the top, especially as she died for no apparent reason. Just like Luke. No one knows why they died. Jedi Masters who just drop dead for no reason.

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