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Everything posted by WhazUp

  1. Most people who aren't journalists looking to get clickbaity with their headlines and articles have given them favorable reviews it looks like. Both from many better written and thoughtful articles than the ones you cited as well as many reviews given via posts on social media, Reddit, etc. from folks actually there Many, many people seemingly enjoyed their performance. I am sure some didn't too, but to call those who did the minority seems just a tad silly IMO
  2. Not that I think it would happen but to agree with above ideas, this would be the perfect time to bring out a couple new/reworked CD tunes for release. The one-two punch of the good publicity of the Glastonbury gig, and then their next show later in the week keeping the publicity going by dropping some new songs I think would be super smart - which is why I doubt it will go down that way lol
  3. Reading some of these articles I genuinely think these "journalists" already had their minds made up of what they were going to say and no matter what GNR did on stage they were gonna stick to it It seems like most people, even casual fans on other message boards and Reddit subs not related to GNR, that knew not to expect Axl Rose of 2023 to sound like Axl Rose of 1993 were pleasantly suprised by the set and enjoyed it
  4. Elton still has it! Great set today at Glastonbury, glad I was able to catch a Twitch stream of it The thing with Elton's set that always blows my mind is that it is hit after hit after hit, like it is nonstop just music that has been the soundtracks of so many people's lives
  5. Maybe it is because they are recent additions to the set but PTU and Bad Obsession I think went over great! Bad Obsession was a perfect song to have early in the set like that and it really had this energetic feel that reminded me more of the Ritz '91 version than most of the 1992 versions Pretty Tied Up gets my vote though because I just love that song and I am stoked to get a soundboard of it so soon after its debut this year, it sounded great
  6. I am curious beyond the Twitch stream, is there any other way to watch the broadcast without a VPN currently?
  7. Somebody needs to show Fernando this forum topic thread after the show. We aren't a bunch of haters, we all want GNR to succeed and right now we are all seeing them do exactly that and having a great time doing so
  8. MyGNR overexaggeration? Usually this place is pretty realistic when Axl is not up to form on a proshot lol So far this performance has been great
  9. I really hope they have DJ Ashba come on and serenade the world with his avante-garde renditions of the Patience outro solo!
  10. Kinda crazy that so soon after the set shakeup we will get soundboard audio of PTU and Bad Obsession most likely - very cool! Axl has been great on those two with his lower register
  11. I mean, they did release two reworked CD songs not long ago and have soundchecked another one, I don't think it is "low IQ-esque" to assume at the very least new music is coming in the form of some more reworked CD stuff I don't know if you were around before 2014 in the days of volcano62 but this board definitely didn't have that much higher of an IQ back in the late 2000s I can tell you that much
  12. This shit is weirder than Robin Fink's look in 2002, take a pause for the cause folks lol
  13. Hell yeah! One of my favorite tunes of CD, glad to see it is still kicking around in the setlist
  14. If this is the other alternative to how things can go in this thread, can we start a petition to bring Pele back? Lol we just hit a rock bottom I thought we already hit when he was here
  15. It did, though in the form of the segmented Bumblefoot guitar demo track with the song so it isn't properly mixed - it is fairly similar in structure to the officially released one
  16. Oh for sure, don't get me wrong I love a lot of the guitar work throughout Chinese! Buckethead's solo on There Was a Time, the solos on Street of Dreams, the riffs and lead work in the breakdown of Better, etc. And it does make sense, if Slash and Izzy aren't there to provide the things that made the old stuff sound like the old stuff with the infusion of their riff sensibilities, it is a wise decision to pivot and take the other elements that Axl brought to the Illusions and build on that in a different way. Instead of trying to recreate the vibe that other dudes have - which years down the road he must have forgotten when hiring DJ
  17. As a guitarist myself, I do agree. Not that I dislike CD, but there is a lack of songs driven by the epicness of the identifiability of the guitar riff. Songs like Locomotive, Brownstone, all the ones you mentioned, etc. have such distinct riffs that people would go out of their way to learn them based on the power of those riffs by themselves Chinese's approach is intentionally different where the guitar work more adds to this huge layer-driven sonic whole with tons of things going on at once as opposed to the focus being on the groove that supports the main riff of the songs. Not that I think it is wrong to have that approach, but I can see how Guns N' Roses fans would want more guitar-centric riffage from a group historically known for guitar-centric riffage
  18. Thanks for the warning, that is all I needed to know about this doc lol
  19. Lol yeah Pele was very very comfortable in sharing guesses as fact Which I am not saying it 100% isn't - but I don't think we should take it as gospel or even with a hint of seriousness yet comparing State of Grace to a barely audible phone clip that is in a totally different key in both of its sections (E for the solo and then D) compared to State of Grace which is just in F# the whole time. We just don't have enough sonic info from The General to say SOG is its early version
  20. I mean musicians can many times have different sounds and styles they want to try, Duff isn't bound to writing stuff that is like his solo stuff if he writes stuff with Axl and Slash in mind.
  21. I personally think Slither and at the very least the title track off Chinese have some overlap stylistically. Both are in Drop D and the key of D in general, follow the same basic structure and are rockers, the whole "take it down for the verse and palm mute your riffs and let loose in the chorus" thing.
  22. Just personally and subjectively speaking I feel like the whole "Slash just noodles now and it sucks" thing to be a bit overblown on the forums. I am not saying every improvisation he does will land, but I overall find his soloing even on most of the CD stuff totally fine
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