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Everything posted by SoulMonster

  1. Everything from the AFD or UYI lineups of GN'R weren't "pure gold" either. This is entirely subjective - and there are few things as uninteresting as hearing people say what they like and what they don't like and then act incredulous when other people have different preferences than themselves - but many people like Chinese Democracy and would be thrilled to to hear songs that were intended for the follow-up to that album. Personally, I think Hardskool is better than at least half of UIYs and I think a lot of the unreleased material has a huge potential. So don't try to "make some kind of sense" out of different musical preferences, just accept that they exist.
  2. That's just your opinion and I frankly don't understand why you think that is interesting.
  3. I don't think that's correct, or at least not the way I count "songs". According to my data, they have played 35 unique songs in 2023 against 36 in 2023. But setlist.fm often counts solos, snippets, intros and short instrumentals as songs, too. The way I count it, the country where they played the most unique songs was 2012 was 39.
  4. There are two more short videos with the Lebeis family that needs transcription/translation:
  5. @gabmmor THANK YOU! FANTASTIC! I have credited you in the relevant thread at A4D: (31) 2016.09.04 - Globo TV - Interviews with the Lebeis family (a-4-d.com)
  6. Hey guys. I think you all know our project over at A4D so I won't explain the context. I am currently working on transcribing this interview from Brazilian Portuguese to English, and neither the transcription method I use (Microsoft voice to text and/or Simonsays) or the translation method (google translate) gives very good results: This is what I got so far with Portuguese first and English translation in brackets afterwards; Lady: Volta ea caminho do brasil. Man: Fantástico foi até orlando nos estados unidos para acompanhar esse retorno conversar com os integrantes da banda e com a família brasileira que cuida de cada detalhe da vida do vocalista Axl Rose [cut] Voiceover: accionou esta você conhece essa também são hinos do gás e rose esse pessoal aqui do s nem nós foi um encontro acidental nos bastidores da banda do Axl Rose se fala muito português Alvaro Pereiro Junior: Aqui ó e aqui a gente tem uma mãe e seus filhos que vai explicar pra gente qual é essa conexão do Axl com o brasil. Wual é a tua função na vida do Axl? [Here and here we have a mother and her children who will explain to us what Axl's connection with Brazil is. What is your role in Axl's life?] Beta: Mãe [laughs] Mamãe. [Mum [laughs] mother]. Voiceover: santista Beta Lebeis extrato o cantor como um filho. [Beta considers the singer as her son]. Beta: é sempre case andar pra ele te dá pra minha família. Voiceover: Beta símbolo de santos nos estados unidos no começo dos anos 1990 na califórnia virou babá do filho da modelo Stephanie Seymour logo depois a Stephanie começou a namorar o Axl quando se separaram ele pediu deixa acabar comigo e isso já faz. Alvaro Pereiro Junior: seis anos. Beta: [?] seis, yeah. [Six, yeah]. Voiceover: mas vencerá no rock in rio de 2001 o Axl homenageou a Beta. Axl, from Rock in Rio in 2001: She has been a mother to me, Beta, from RIR 2001: [Translating] Axl, from RIR 2001: -my manager, my assistant. Voiceover: hoje a secretária de Axl é a filha da a Beta a Vanessa [Today, Axl's secretary is Beta, Vanessa's daughter] Vanessa Lebeis: eu só que preparo ele entrou no chão [?] Voiceover: e o filho Fernando entre muitos outros santistas da equipe tem o cargo mais alto [and son Fernando among many other Santos team has the highest position] Fernando Lebeis: eu já sou empresário mas o sucesso disso é realmente a família e por falar no trânsito é a confiança do Axl a gente fazer o que a gente tem que fazer para fazer o chão [I'm already a businessman but the success of this is really the family and speaking of traffic, it's Axl's confidence that we do what we have to do to make the ground] Voiceover: pra fazer o show tem uma coisa fundamental a banda precisa aparecer só que eles são tão imprevisíveis que nunca se sabe será que eles vêm mesmo pra nossa conversa. [to put on a show, there's one fundamental thing: the band needs to show up, but they're so unpredictable that you never know if they'll actually come to our conversation.] Alvaro Pereiro Junior: eis que chega o grande momento da entrevista com Guns N' Roses agora kek bem feio Axl sozinho foi o Axl com os outros dois nesta na dúvida se aparece uma parece enfim a si mesmo até para decidir qual sai a ser usada foram horas de discussão ficaremos plantados esperando o pessoal chegar foram umas quatro horas de suspense até que o Axl e Duff o douro chegaram [behold, the great moment of the interview with Guns N' Roses arrives now kek very ugly Axl alone was Axl with the other two in this one in doubt if one appears finally himself even to decide which skirt to be used there were hours of discussion we will be planted waiting for the people to arrive there were about four hours of suspense until Axl and Duff the Douro arrived] Could anyone here help me get this correct, at least the quotes from the Lebeis family?
  7. I don't keep a mental list over the band's unprofessionality, but I am sure there are some examples (it must be for such a big organization), like poorly mixed and selected live videos to release on YouTube, slow release of physical singles and gifts, etc. Luckily, what matters, the touring, has gone remarkably well since 2016. Anyway, I just found the thought that Fernando was doing the packaging himself, and not a third party, humorous.
  8. Being in a band of GN'R's stature that tours endlessly across the world is not necessarily easy. Not everyone is up for that. Paul quickly left, Brain did it for a while until he started imagining himself as a beaten and weathered travel suitcase. Bumblefoot struggled from the getgo, and it just got worse when he got injured. He wasn't cut out for it. And while the band seemed remarkable tolerant (or indifferent) to his repeated outbursts and complaining in the media, Bumble slowly fell apart. He probably should have quit much earlier, and I think he would see some merit to that. Richard, on the other hand, weathers it much better. I am not saying the life is easy for him either, with being a father and going through a serious accident just prior to the 2016 touring, he just keeps it internal and don't use media to try and force change. Basically, in the context of being part of a touring band, he is much more professional.
  9. Huh? Music is getting released now with Slash and Duff in the band. In addition, if your argument was true that it doesn't matter who is in the band when it comes to new music, we could still appreciate band members who actually enjoy being in the band. Bumblefoot is a fantastic musician and even more importantly, a fantastic human being, but he wasn't a good match to GN'R.
  10. People who constantly complain about being in the band yet are entirely unable to make the band operate any differently?
  11. Yeah. Josh flat out said it was the slow progress that made him leave the band. I believe Robin has indicated the same (although I haven't checked my records). And it is likely this also played into Bucket's decision to leave, considering how productive he is, although there were probably more reasons in his case. Brain, on the other hand, has stated that he couldn't deal with the touring and that is also given as the reason for Paul leaving (although unfortunately, he has never spoken about his time in the band). So Axl's sluggish approach to music making in this period (maybe unfair of me, he could have been sick) was the direct reason at least some of the guys left, which in turn caused further delays.
  12. I agree completely. There is something entirely soulless about all this touring and I feel genuinely sorry for the guys that were part of the band for so long and now have to see their parts on songs released replaced by those of Duff and Slash.
  13. In fits and spurs. Like Brain talked about being on a retainer for two years when he was touring with Tom Waits, still being paid. Then there were periods of intense work. Axl wasn't there that much, tho, and this seems to have frustrated at least some of the guys.
  14. Short answer: Yes.Long answer: (31) 23. JANUARY 2001-NOVEMBER 2002: RICHARD REPLACES PAUL, TOURING STARTS (a-4-d.com)
  15. That's exactly the response I got from Beta. She found it ludicrous they would do such a thing, but also saw no big issue with it happening.
  16. Short answer: Yes. Long answer: (31) 23. JANUARY 2001-NOVEMBER 2002: RICHARD REPLACES PAUL, TOURING STARTS (a-4-d.com)
  17. A vocal coach helps you with singing techniques and Axl has been using vocal coaches now and then when needed, like when he had to play with AC/DC. It seems like people here think singers would be using coaches all the time but there is no need for that, usually, when you continue singing the same material. What you have to do to keep your voice in shape is being fastidious with the exercises you have to do (typically suggested by the coach), and Axl has been doing warm-ups and warm-downs religiously since the 90s at least. More here: https://www.a-4-d.com/t6553-30-march-december-2010-touring-europe-and-reuniting-with-duff#25394
  18. The slowness of releasing them is exactly what I would expect from Axl. He works on geological time. As for why these are released, I guess a combo of releasing music that has already leaked and/or chronology.
  19. Yeah, I had to listen to it again. Reworked chorus. Sounds better than the 2001 version
  20. I don't recognize the song form the second clip. The first is clearly Perhaps. The second doesn't sound like Atlas to me. Or maybe the bridge in Atlas?
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