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Everything posted by Rovim

  1. they can, but how much time would be needed for Axl to come up with lyrics and vocal melodies is maybe a relevant question and how long until Axl thinks the instrumental is good enough? maybe shit has changed in the meantime with Axl, but there's nothing to indicate such change has taken place.
  2. idk, but Axl did say in 2016 in the China Exchange interview that he would love to release more music and that was 3 years before the Locker leaks so if you believe what he said then, I think he might have released more tunes but the leaks did happen so I guess we'll never know unless someone askes Axl or someday Axl writes about it in a book or something.
  3. that's fine, by now I kinda already know your opinion on Robin anyway, I just don't get why would anyone spend time posting clips and mock shit they're not even into, but that's your business.
  4. love this clip and Robin's playing. Doesn't have to be perfect to be good and imho, Robin's version of the SCOM solo was good.
  5. I agree that, like you said, Slash could have talked in general about some of the songs, but on the other hand, he did come up with a new solo for Better which to me sounds more fluid and not as choppy as what Robin came up with, which I prefer btw. the interviewer asked it kinda like a dick, basically saying that Robin was trying to copy Slash, I imagine because the second half of the solo where Robin does licks that uses similar hammer ons and pull offs to how Slash does it, but it's as a whole, it's very much in the Robin style imo. my guess is Slash liked some stuff Robin recorded on Chinese and some not so much. They both are influenced by Jimmy Page so I don't believe Robin ever tried to sound like Slash when it came to original material.
  6. Bumble really doesn't seem to be the two faced type, if anything, he seemed to be very honest, maybe to a fault, and he also seems to be a sensitive guy. Most people can't control their emotion 100% of the time, so even if he was upset about the Gn'R situation and shared it with the public, it doesn't mean he didn't appreciate what being in Gn'R allowed him to have. I think he also stayed that long cause he didn't want the fans and Axl to be let down by him. He showed loyalty imo and still kept touring when he was in a bad shape and didn't want to go on tour. Couldn't ask for more really.
  7. not everything is black and white. Of course there were positives for Bumble, but I think it was challenging for him to be a band member in Gn'R. Sometimes no one is to blame, but I feel it was not a good match and Bumble suffered because of it and also cause I don't think he knew what his role was going to be in Gn'R before he joined.
  8. I think every band is allowed to play at least some songs more for themselves. I think it makes sense to keep playing it cause it only got its official release a couple of years ago.
  9. maybe Axl enjoys singing it live and/or the band likes to play it
  10. maybe Axl likes to sing it live and/or the band likes to play it.
  11. Bumble talked about how he couldn't book solo tours for his own fans cause he had to be ready to tour with Gn'R when he was needed. For a guy like Bumble, being not able to contribute his own ideas and also not being able to support his own thing with touring seems like pretty major problems. also not being able to put his mark on Gn'R in a proper way. also, I don't think it's the same thing with Slash. He gets to play mostly stuff he came up with or that came from his band (Gn'R) while Bumble had to cover his guitar parts. if Bumble stayed for longer in Gn'R, my guess is he would have been even more unhappy with the situation. For some musicians, not being able to do the regular album/tour cycle without waiting years to do it is not a natural feeling or anything close to ideal. You gotta have the right personality and priorities to last in Gn'R, like Richard for example.
  12. I don't find that hard to believe cause even if it seems like there was a lot of content there, I suspect that it's a tiny part of what Axl got in his hard drives. At the very least it doesn't represent everything Axl has managed to hoard over the years. Agreed about the intro, it sounds cinematic and horror movie-like which is nice.
  13. yes, I think the orchestral intro that was played live was from The General and no, I really don't think The General and State Of Grace are the same tune.
  14. but we don't have access to all the potential demos of this track that were created after the Locker leaks so maybe the drum fills aren't new.
  15. I come back to listen to live performances of 4 tracks often and I like the album. A lot of really cool tunes, especially instrumentally. The studio versions of Slash's solos are undercooked imo, but live it all sounds pretty damn good. Fall Back To Earth is a highlight for me. The River Is Rising is a fun little tune.
  16. sure, I think it was probably a part of that as well, which is fair imo. In the end, Bumble gave everything he had when he was still in Gn'R imo, to the band and to the fans for 8 years and he's a fairly prolific musician that wasn't really interested in joining Gn'R in the first place, much like Bucket wasn't really into it at first.
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