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Everything posted by Rovim

  1. seeing how Axl hasn't released an album in 15 years, I just want him to release more unreleased Gn'R tunes. Whatever material that can be released the fastest so reallistically, what got updated again with Slash and Duff.
  2. Ole Beich died in '91, just saying.
  3. a lot of your posts can be summed up by this one sentence: "it was all Axl's fault".
  4. I don't think Axl would have invited Joe to the show and took a pic with him if he didn't like interacting with him
  5. Slash doesn't sound as exciting live nowdays as he did 20-30 years ago as a guitar player. I don't think you have to be a hardcore Gn'R fan to have that opinion. It's also common among other fanbases of bands who had more than 1 lineup to have favorites from less popular incarnation of a band cause what makes people connect with a musician is more than how popular they are, even in their own fanbase. (at least for some fans)
  6. but what I'm saying is that there is a really big difference. They are very different drummers Steven and Frank and it changes the feel of the tunes, especially AFD imo. I agree about most of the audience, but the difference is definitely there. again, I don't think Gn'R needs Steven or Izzy for the live shows, but just because there is probably not much to be gained financially by having Steven up there instead of Frank, doesn't mean that there isn't an obvious difference in sound and feel and that's expected cause drums are a big part of any hard rock band.
  7. I believe Axl doesn't want to have a lot to do with Steven and doesn't need him in Gn'R and I have nothing against Frank, but you don't have to be as gifted as Bonham was or to be able to play intricate shit to have a unique style to your playing which Steven always had. The groove thing is not just a word Gn'R fans like to use in connection with Steven's playing, it's an important element of his style of playing which is totally different to Frank's (Slash has said as much) and Brain has said positive things about Steven's drumming on AFD.
  8. is this guy an annoying ass and an idiot? idk I found it surprising how much cringe he Nuno packed into one clip. he acts like a 12 year old and the apology doesn't seem genuine at all, like he read a few nasty comments about him online and it bothred him so now he's talking about it again.
  9. I'd take Richard's Better chorus riff over Nuno's entire catalog with Extreme. Kidding. Kinda.
  10. honestly I think Joe is a fool, but fools can have charisma too and Joe has plenty imho. Maybe Axl liked him, and maybe that could lead to something of value to us, you never know. I would rather have a chimp interviewing Axl, but it would still be way better than nothing. edit: Axl liked DJ Ashba so anything is possible. Joe seems to be pleasnet to talk to, his guest like him and connect to him in an emotional level quickly. I doubt it would lead to an inteview, but it's possible and that would be great.
  11. when Marc Canter was still posting in his "Canter Banter" section on this forum and a poster asked if anything unreleased material remained from the AFD era, he said that Gn'R used everything they had and there was nothing left unreleased.
  12. yes, this is what I was thinking, the solos that were comped (and I'm not sure about the 95% figure Bumble gave, maybe it was less) were sections, not licks like you said. The 2006 TWAT leaks, one with the shorter Bucket outro and what made it to the final version do make me believe it was comped with a few full phrases. Catcher might have been lick for lick though. Also, Robin said that the solos he came up with came pretty quickly like his SOD solo for example. there is so much we don't know about this. I would really like to know exactly how Chinese was constructed, but even some of Slash's solo work is comped like Safari Inn. not the most organic approach if you're the guitar player and you're not the one who is doing the comping, but I think it makes sense when it comes to Axl and the album he wanted to make. He didn't have Slash anymore and he knew what he wanted which meant the solos had to contain some Gn'R type elements is my guess.
  13. you know I think what Blackstar said about it is likely. I know some people who don't smile while they get their picture taken. I guess what confused me was that in the past he did smile while people took his picture. Maybe now that he's older he just thinks it looks better without smiling, I really have no idea.
  14. DJ said that when he was still in Gn'R, Axl played him what was new material at the time on piano in hotel rooms, new ideas that Axl composed that DJ said were great and wondered why Axl didn't release that material, so I think he kept composing at the very least when DJ was in the band on his own.
  15. you do realize that the Locker leaks don't represent the entire Axl "vault" though, right? if not, we are too far apart when it comes to how we look at it. Also, I don't believe there is a good reason for Axl to lie about having completed a version of CD ll, a full album worth of material that was probably ready to go a decade ago. it doesn't make sense to go just by what got leaked in 2019 imo.
  16. we don't have to look far to find a good example imo: we have an almost complete version of an earlier version of the album that got officially released. So shit like Catcher, TWAT, title track, Riad, etc with full lyrics and vocals. That was ready 8 plus years before the offical release in 2008. Axl said in 2014 that he always considered Chinese a double, and that the second unreleased half of Chinese was completed. I'm not talking about instrumentals with no vocals or lyrics.
  17. technically, the metric is when the artist/musician considers it complete. I did mean material with all the lyrics and vocals. I believe what Axl said about having completed the second half of Chinese including all vocals and lyrics, at least a version of it that most of us if not all of us would consider complete, so I don't think that lack of material or quality material is the reason for why Axl almost never releases his music.
  18. why does material has to be played and/or released to become more than just ideas? sure, Axl can always tinker with it some more, but there comes a point, like the Locker leaks have demonstrated, that a song is considered finished by most people.
  19. depends on how much he uses it, takes care of it, and the way he uses it as a singer. Also, some singers, when they get to a certain age and are starting to lose range and power choose to go through surgery or try different things like changing their lifestyle or even attempt experimental shit and some just accept it and try to adapt to their new situation. sounds like Axl has lost some of his vocal ability but I think that with the way he sings now and if he takes care of his voice, he still got at least 5 years if I had to guess. (singing Gn'R material or challenging material in that style) but there's no way to really know imo. Every singer is different and there are a lot of factors.
  20. like the great Ginger Baker said: "it's not how fast you play, it's what you say". Having said that, Nuno is a monster guitar player and his abilities don't end in just great technique. He has a unique feel as well imo. not my thing though, I can't get into his note choices or Extreme's music, but he is an exceptional talent, no question imo.
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