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Everything posted by ZoSoRose

  1. I like TiL in a weird way. Nostalgia is a factor, but the melody is good and Axl’s vocals kick ass. Then Robin comes in with one of the best GNR solos imo. The lyrics are wtf, and it’s cheesy, but fuck it
  2. I just bought Chinese finally lol
  3. That is correct. We were all disappointed in the Rio set because there were no new songs- even though we finally got Estranged! We felt starved even in 20- and- freaking- 11!
  4. Perhaps wasn’t mentioned in the 2011 incident. I remember when it happened, pretty well and watching the care bear blackmail video in class. I remember the slideshow pictures about a usa tour he leaked, the email titles list, and song list. Cuban Skies and Tonto were there MSL may have had Perhaps as a title in there, but he didn’t publicly share that one back then
  5. Slash has been killing the TiL solo from what I’ve heard, this year. It was the best solo of the night when I saw them at Fenway
  6. Why did people get hung up on it being State of Grace? That chord progression is pretty common and it’s used very differently in SoG compared to the cell clip
  7. I think it’s because the band has actually done good things. Revamped setlist with new deep cuts, Perhaps, and now The General. It’s hard to complain as a GNR fan, right now
  8. Best case- Soul Monster/Oklahoma (or other instrumentals/unheard shit) Mid case- A finished locker instrumental/ Atlas shrugged or State of Grace Meh case- Atlas Shrugged/ State of Grace
  9. The Last Fight is my favorite song on that album, by far. It is sort of forgotten, now, but it is a great tune that did alright when it came out
  10. Watched Midnight Mass and Fall of the House of Usher. Loved both. I’ve liked all of Flanagans stuff aside from Bly Manor. He is monologue heavy, but it’s all really good stuff Also watched a movie where a silent Nick Cage kills Chuck E Cheese. Why not
  11. Got my frog, Blob and my two cats. Best pets ever
  12. This is what I want nov 2! Freaking awesome
  13. I think it’ll debut later in the week
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