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Everything posted by Cosmo

  1. It wouldn't really make sense for them to release a new album on the AFD 40 year anniversary as it would ruin a possible anniversary edition box set, which would give them easy money with very little to no effort. Plus, what's the benefit of releasing a new album on the old album's anniversary? It would be a mess for their PR people. Media outlets would have to divide the attention between AFD and the new album. " GnR releases new album to celebrate 40 years of AFD - remember 5 iconic songs from the groundbreaking record".
  2. Best GnR mix and production ever, I agree. But not like... production ever out of every album in the world
  3. I really like Steven and I feel sorry for him but if I had to get one of them to join my band, it would certainly be Matt.
  4. Yeah my favourite so far was Obi-Wan, then Mando season 2. I gave up on Andor halfway through and didn't like Book of Boba Fett.
  5. Cool, this way all of them will be doing the same thing, separately, for a while.
  6. The latest episode of Ahsoka was amazing. So far, it's been the best of the Disney+ series, I think.
  7. Don't worry, Buckethead probably doesn't want to be anywhere near Axl ever again
  8. Well, Buckethead is a more skilled bassist than Duff and Tommy put together But in my completely unrealistic dream scenario, Tommy steps along with Bucket/Finck while Slash tours with SMKC.
  9. I hope it's the isolated strings stems featuring different parts of the song to be used as an intro.
  10. His voice didn't get worse from year to year. He sounded much better in 2016 than he did in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, didn't it? It's not exact science he'll be 63 but if he's in better shape and does things right (for a change) health-wise, it might be good for his voice.
  11. If a one-year break is enough for Axl to get his voice in better shape and compose new music together, that's far better than endless touring with Axl's voice in a downward spiral.
  12. That's kinda bizarre, isn't it? I mean... kinda goes against the whole "I want this band to stand up on it's own" thing. I guess Axl just didn't want the public to be too attached to any member after so many left.
  13. I don't think so. The closest we got was probably this:
  14. I have no problem with the mixes apart from the drums in Hard Skool, but it doesn't ruin the experience for me.
  15. I had no idea the AC/DC fanbase preferred Simon to Chris. Funny Simon was on what I consider to be AC/DC's weakest album (Fly On The Wall), and Blow Up Your Video, which is a mid-to-decent record, while Chris got in when AC/DC got back in the spotlight with Razor's Edge.
  16. If I'm not mistaken it was Bob Ezrin that said he had like 2 or 3 good songs - and it was probably the label that kept pushing for a release asap because of the rising costs of the album.
  17. Past idk, maybe 2006 or 2008, absolutely no incarnation of GnR would have been "massive". The biggest thing that could've happened is a huge reunion tour but no new material would've "taken over the world", no matter the quality. At that point they would have already been seen as a nostalgia act, much like other veteran bands like Metallica, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, etc... I know I'm in the minority here but IMO, TWAT is one of GnR's greatest artistic works, maybe tied with Estranged or SCOM. CITR and Prostitute are also amazing songs in the quality of their best material. And, IMO, it's by far the best thing to have come out any ex-GnR member related material since UYI. Plus, I'm pretty sure the reason for rock bands not being huge nowadays is not the quality of the music itself but the fact they are rock bands, and rock music is not what sells and therefore receives less media coverage, less investment, less airplay, etc...
  18. Best moments, IMO: Rock in Rio 2001 Buckethead's Nightrain solo Buckethead's KOHD solo Rock Am Ring 2006 - especially WTTJ and IRS TWAT live at Hammerstein Ballroom 2006 Tokyo, Taipei and Osaka 2009 - especially Tokyo Live at the Forum and Live at the Joint 2012 livestreams Robin Finck guest appearance at House of Blues 2012 The leaks along the way
  19. Aside from the "you're all alone now" lines, I have no idea why he does it. His falsetto, the way it currently sounds, makes him sound weak and out of breath af.
  20. I wonder what is Axl's problem with rehearsing. I mean, yeah it's not the most pleasant thing ever but man... go once in a while, you know? Why have a band when you're gonna be so damn distant all the time?
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