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Status Updates posted by magisme

  1. I'm going to harass the fuck out of some women today. It's going to be great! lol

  2. What is downzy trying to hide?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. ColdHeartBreaker
    3. RussTCB


      We're just trying to take the high road on this guys. If we don't have anyone talking about WC, there won't be anything for anyone to report elsewhere and create drama.

    4. bran


      party passes! :P

  3. I'm taking a bunch of teenagers to Europe tomorrow. Freaking out a bit.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Padme


      Warsaw? All this time I thought you were having fun at the French Riviera with a bunch of under-age girls

    3. GUNNER PT


      I thought you were in Europe xD

    4. magisme


      It's not vacation, unfortunately.

  4. Parent/Teacher conferences today. Go-go gadget charm.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Johnny Drama

      Johnny Drama

      So Mrs. Smith, your son, well he's been a bad boy in class. Personally, I'm not one for sorting things out outside of the classroom but I think you and I could come to a...compromise over the issue. *flops cock out* LET'S SPIT ROAST HIM! :awesome: *pulls strap on out of drawer and throws it to Mr. Smith*

    3. alfierose


      In that case some subliminally messaging evil overlord teacher has done a great number on son #2. That boy be crazy...alternatively it could be my fault I suppose. :-)

    4. magisme


      Alfie, never blame yourself when you can blame someone else. You should know that by now. We're GNR fans for Christ's sake. lol

  5. What kind of cartwheels do I have to pull? What kind of jokes should I lay on her now?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. RussTCB


      LOL Yes, Adrift :)

    3. magisme


      If I cook for a girl, that means I'm already sleeping with her.

    4. AdriftatSea
  6. I'm finding it harder to be a gentleman every day

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Facekicker


      Bang her in a toilet stall. It's the only logical conclusion to this whole sordid affair.

    3. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      See, Kicker knows what I'm talking bout!

    4. magisme


      Yeah, i have to blow this shit up soon.

  7. OK. Time to find out why the show thread is 34 pages. Fingers crossed.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Thin White Duke
    3. magisme


      Stop fighting on my status. Everyone knows I am to thank for everything good that has come in the residency.

    4. Thin White Duke

      Thin White Duke

      Thanks for the last day setlist.

  8. How upset should I be that neither of my brothers called me on my birthday?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. bran


      happy birthday mags.

    3. UK SUBS

      UK SUBS


      That's fuckin terrible man :(

    4. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      No fuckin' way! LOL!! *applauds*

  9. Have to go on a 5 hour mall trip with the kiddies today. I'm going to spend a lot of money to make myself feel better about it.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Lio


      LOL Alfie. I wonder who I should feel sorry for, your kids or Mags :-)

    3. alfierose


      Mags. Definitely Mags!

    4. magisme


      I don't pay attention to kids who don't have trust funds.


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Broskirose


      Foreskin is deleting my comments. Just like Layne Starlight deleted himself.

    3. magisme


      Broski and I are like peas in a malformed pod, Forsaken. No need to delete. Besides, this is a no holds barred exclusive. Tell us, Forsaken, what has Broski been up to that makes you quick with the delete trigger finger? I see another jab at Layne's death. Have such shenanigans pushed you to the brink?

    4. Forsaken


      I'll give you one more warning publicly right now Broski, stop with the bullshit or you are fucking GONE buddy. Stop pushing my buttons. You are still trolling me and if you do as much again it will be your last.

  11. I'm not sure what this high is gonna be like, so please let me know if I get super annoying or say anything out of line. :)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. magisme


      Burger King was closer, so I went there. I'm a fat bastard. Extra workouts for me this weak.

      Who's Len calling a lightweight? I'll fuck him up proper.

    3. Thin White Duke

      Thin White Duke

      Worst high ever

    4. Redhead74


      Burger King tends to be better than Maccas where I am. So good choice. And get on that treadmill! Hahaha!!!

  12. If you had to guess, would you say that magisme is fatter than Axl, thinner than Axl, or the same amount of fat as Axl?

  13. Artist talks about Axl = Calamity. Axl talks about artist = Legend. Logic of MyGNR.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. bacardimayne


      The comments were meant to be taken on a metaphysical level. You simpletons just don't understand Axl's genius.

    3. Coma16


      magsime is slowly turning into Groghan.

    4. Padme


      Magisme it doesn´t matter who is minority or not. A minority opinion is as valid as a any other, for me at least. As long as it makes sense. I think what we are debating about is the interpretation of Axl´s comments. I think some stuff he says it´s funny. Like "so much for science" or "Google glass Google ass". Axl´s comments came out of the blue. As I posted before in the thread. It is possible that Axl crossed the line between being funny and being stupid...

  14. On a scale of 1 - Addiction to the Friction, how gay is it that I like to clothes shop when I'm stressed?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      I enjoy clothes shopping all the time so i suppose 'all the time' would include times that I'm stressed too.

    3. sturginho


      Buy some Ashba Swag, wear it to school and ask what your students think of it?

    4. Facekicker


      I think schools in America have had more than enough trauma sturginho. Ashba swag is just going too far

  15. 6 hours on a bus today. Time to listen to lots of new music so the kids don't bother me.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. magisme


      Regional cross country championships up there, Len.

      Almost there. Lobster roll.

    3. bran


      my grandfather used to live in lewiston a long time ago. maine is just a beautiful place. all of new england really would fit for first blood lol

    4. Mansin Humanity

      Mansin Humanity

      what town in maine?

  16. What is the rap equivalent of rasp?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sixes


      yeah the DOC tore his larynx and that produced the worst rasp ever..it makes me sick hearing it

    3. Street Of The Blues

      Street Of The Blues

      Whitey Ford singing the blues.

    4. Estranged Reality

      Estranged Reality

      you got a dope beat? i got a dope beat.

  17. I brought in a stray last night, so I have a cat now. I've named her Daisy.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      SPG SPG SPG!

    3. November_rain


      Aw, so cute. My cats were stray too when I kept them years ago.

    4. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      So...where's the kitty Mr Bateman? LOL

  18. Are soccer players taught to grab a vague area of their leg and roll around in agony every time they fall?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Apollo


      Len........flopping in soccer is like Green Day being called the greatest punk band in the last 30 years.

    3. magisme


      I always bought into the narrative that the value of sports is in sportsmanship. Reality doesn't always adhere to the narrative, but I like the narrative. All of this shit is counter to sportsmanship.

    4. magisme


      I get that of course. I've just always struggled a bit with soccer, even thought I do love it, because trickery is crucial to the outcome of matches more often than it is in other sports, or at least it seems that way to me.

  19. Damn, I want in on that "Who Is This?" thread.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. magisme


      You're such a killjoy, Lio. That thread was ripe for one-liners.

    3. Lio
    4. magisme
  20. Thank you to the kind folks who have alerted me that the crazy woman is trying to fuck with my actual life. I am aware. My attorneys are drafting a C&D letter. lol

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Satanisk_Slakt


      lol, Warchild is funny sometimes.

    3. darknightfan


      That shit is legit. Best thing to do is to go over on the dark side. Embrace it.

    4. highvoltage


      she's just the worst. good luck.

  21. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Mygnr. Love you guys.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. maynard


      Merry Xmas you filthy animals.

    3. wkuk04


      Thanks, merry christmas magisme!

    4. Padme


      Thanks a lot magisme. Merry Xmas to you and everyone at Mygnr

  22. Chargin' top dollar for your ass at your worst. $150 ticket with no rasp in the verse.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mao5


      it's a fraud

    3. magisme



      Mine is supposed to be in synch w a Kanye verse. Everyone else freestyling? I like it.

    4. magisme


      Now you sittin' poolside, Beta on the other side

  23. On a scale of 1 to Paul Stanley, how gay is it if I throw my lovesick ass on the couch and watch romance films all day?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. John Bonham

      John Bonham

      "No, I like you very much.

      Just as you are."

    3. Lio


      ^^ That is my favorite. And Love Actually.

    4. magisme


      Bunch of softies y'all are. <3

  24. People say magisme is a woman hater, well that's not true. I love women, every fucking one of them, even the ugly as shit ones. But don't ask me to trust them, not even none, because every pair of tits comes with a gaping hole of need that even magisme can't fill.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. My Name is Trinity

      My Name is Trinity

      fill the gaping hole with a 250ml can of red bull

    3. Redhead74


      I hear that's common with 20 something girls. Some of them grow out of it, some stay insecure all their lives.

  25. Get well soon bacardi and Facekicker.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mr. Dude

      Mr. Dude

      Usually its the US fucking up UK brands. Turnabout is fair play I suppose.

    3. ZoSoRose


      5 Guys has amazing hot dogs too

    4. ZoSoRose


      5 Guys has amazing hot dogs too

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