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El Guapo

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Posts posted by El Guapo

  1. 46 minutes ago, downzy said:


    I was going to say we can't blame Duff for what's happening with GNR.  But at what point do guys like Duff and Slash decide that between the lawsuits over sexual assault (not so much the legal action against Axl, but the lawsuit filed by Kat for harassment during their tenure), the botched release schedules, the shoddy attention to basic details, and the disaster that is mixing and mastering a GNR song these days that they decide enough is enough and they move on. 

    There's no way either need the money anymore.  The band has likely generated closed to, if not surpassed, a billion dollars since 2016 and now.  Duff certainly didn't need the money before the reunion, he's got to be completely flush now.  And Slash's kids are now adults, which hopefully for him means his alimony and child support payments to Perla have dropped precipitously. 

    There's got to be a line for these guys where it makes less sense to stick around.  Maybe they're actually working on a new album.  Then I get it (to a certain degree).  But if no album is in the works, why continue to be associated with an organization that repeatedly trips over itself almost every opportunity it gets.  

    I'd say that point should have been reached right now, at the very latest. With the release of The General, the Perhaps "artwork" and the Kat/ Fernando case, how low can you go? 

    Nobody's in it for the music anyway anymore so it can only be Appetite for even more money.

    • Confused 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Ratam said:

    Seem the majority of vote go to "move on".

    I think the Chinese vault finally lost all it's appeal now that we've heard The General and Monsters. Apart from 3 people nobody is waiting for State, Atlas and all that and the chances of some great, completely unheard of stuff is basically zero.

    So, new stuff with the current band is the only option for most people still interested, I guess.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    I disagree. I don't think there is anything wrong with a band keeping their sound or changing it. It all just comes down to the song writing. I love Chinese Democracy and AfD and those could not be more different. I love 70s and 80s Rush and the band changed a lot between decades. I love the new Stone's album even though it doesn't mix up their formula. Who cares if a band "evolves" or not? If the ideas and songs are good, that is all that matters. 

    The General is not a masterpiece to say the least. I like it for what it is, and I like that I was at its live debut, but it is a jarring, repetitive song that sounds unfinished. I am not surprised the general reaction outside the forum is negative. Preferences are personal, so it is cool for people to love the track, but it is dumb to say people don't like it because they did not evolve. People just don't think it is a good song. :shrugs:

    The road to The General is a lot of things, but certainly no evolution. lol

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, oneway23 said:

    It's kind of weak for people to constantly use the "mullethead AfD crowd who just doesn't get it" deflection to defend these songs. 

    There may actually be folks out there who simply don't enjoy 'em!


    I like artists as wide-ranging as John Zorn, Mr. Bungle, Tears for Fears, Prince, Miles Davis, Willie Nelson, Cannibal Corpse, Kate Bush, and Leadbelly, and, I can listen to them one after another all day long.

    Diversity isn't my primary issue with the newer, Post-CD stuff...It's that I find the songwriting mediocre.

    CD was a mind-blowing album, imo....I adore it.  Most of my friends who liked Guns back in the day were mocking me for still liking them as far back as '94/'95!  No one I know could care any less, at this point.

    I've held firm for decades....All the shows, the bootlegs, the forum threads, the line-up changes...Have never had a mullet, and have never wanted an AfD sequel.

    There are some cool pieces and parts to the last few songs, imo, but cool parts does not a great song make!

    These last few songs are, imo, a step below the best of CD.  I'm not crapping on the last few because I hate what GN'R has become; I crap on them because I don't personally find the endeavor and clear lack of ambition very interesting.

    I know what this group of musicians is capable of, if only they gave themselves a clean slate and started fresh.  It saddens me, because I want to hear what they sound like NOW, not what they sound like pro tools bolted onto some old, unfinished track with one verse and half a chorus that Axl couldn't be bothered working on beyond 2006.  How freaking lame and limp is that?


    I agree, in fact, I support GnR trying new things and new sounds.

    But they don't do that. Everything they released since the reunion is old ass leftovers which sound dead AND dated.

    There is nothing clever or "far out" about The General, it's just a shitty, unfinished turd of a song with uninspired perfomances and bad production.

    My most "listened to albums" this year are probably Crime Slunk Scene, Disco Volante and Hackney Diamonds. Not exactely mullethead material, I'd say.

    Here's hope that The General was the last of the released CD leftovers for now.

  5. 13 minutes ago, evilfacelessturtle said:

    The point is, I have a very hard time believing any of the band members think that this is a bad tune. Because it is really, really good. It just is. Just listen to that incredible bridge thingy. The ending sounds just like something no one else could do, it's so good it can't even be parodied.

    You can sit there in your stonewashed AFD sweatpants and ignore the truth and force yourself to hate this masterpiece, but why?

    You think that's clever? Mmkay. 

    2 minutes ago, Lethalis said:

    Am I the only one who's worried all this negativity reaches Axl and he'll give up on releasing new stuff altogether?


    Since nobody close to him seems to be honest to him - might be a good thing if the negative reactions reach him somwhow.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, DSTK said:

    Fortus plays on the studio track,  melissa doesn't 

    It's clearly her voice right at the beginning of this mess ("daddy don't").

    The point is, I have a very hard time believing any of the band members think that this is a slamming tune. Because it is really, really bad. It just is. Just listen to that laughable bridge thingy. The ending sounds just like something Dustin Bones would do, it's so bad it's like a parody.

    You can sit there in your stonewashed Perhaps sweatpants and ignore the truth and force yourself  to like this abomination, but why?

    • Like 1
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  7. 15 minutes ago, Jakey Styley said:

    I fucking hate Slash’s wahwahwah fill in the beginning of each verse 

    You can just hear he's not into it, probably hates it even. 

    I wonder what Melissa, Fortus etc. really think of this release. I mean, they're all great musicians and they all look like idiots and shameless and greedy leeches because they're involved with this mess.

    Maybe it really is a joke, some kind of self parody?

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
    • PERHAPS 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Mustard Tiger said:

    I've now listened to both the Vinyl and the digital version on Tidal. The Vinyl sounds a LOT better. The clipping and popping that is all over the Tidal release is not on the Vinyl. At least, if it is, it is absolutely nowhere near as audible. 

    I think there is a very real possibility that the track uploaded to digital providers is the one that initially got scrapped for the vinyl release due to distortion/sound quality issues. 


    I don't care anymore who of the incompetent idiots fucked it up this time, doesn't matter anymore anyway since the song is complete and utter shit.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Free Bird said:

    You here clearly the origins... if they start writing new songs it would automatically sound more like classic Guns I think. 

    They have no standards anymore, obviously.

    They don't give a fuck, otherwise the release of this turd called The General would have never happened this way.

    It's impossible to create new stuff that will be any good with this mindset, there is no heart, desire or passion left to do the name Guns N' Roses justice. It's over, forget about it.

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