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Everything posted by colonizedmind

  1. Always at his best instrumentally when Bland and Sonny was by his side. I've met Sonny, such a chill MOFO that exudes cool! Now just wonder what outtakes/albums are in the vault with Bland and Sonny...stuff like this surprise from the SDE...I mention vault, since we always are talking about vaults here on MYGNR...I won't drift the topic off too much from here ..just filling a lull πŸ˜‰
  2. This one definitely moving slower to 1000, we have a chance πŸ˜‰ Yea but like a walker in season 1001 of WD we still flash a wry smile when we take one out....😸
  3. Ozzy needs to FedEx Kanye some bats, just so, shots fired ya know πŸ˜‰
  4. That's when the forums at its best...after all, we're just a bunch of diehard music fans with lots of eclectic taste beyond the joys of just Guns! Good stuff dude! First ever listen? Personally, I think Lotus boxset is a late career masterpiece, it's full of amazing diverse guitar work (started and bookended with some cool psychedelic work too! 🎸⚑ and some of his most political songs in many a decade....lots of colour in the music and different vibes... Political wise - Colonized being one, Dreamer is the real highlight though and just blast out this extended live version he did a year before transitioning to the afterworld...he was there right at the start of what we now know as Black Life's Matter... For Freddie Gray...killed by the police... Channeling Hendrix and then some ....
  5. By the end of second play (yes I clicked twice...😝) I was having images of this being Rammstein, but after they've passed on to hell, while on the devil's dandruff, 10 skull glasses of petrol down and someone said...Hell Karaoke anyone? MONSTErrrrrrS
  6. Snooze ya lose... Ken Mur beats Axl to the punch again! @D4NNYhe's back! Do an Iron Maiden and Run for the fucking hills! 😸🎱
  7. So he is...for some reason I thought he had hit it for a moment. Obviously Steven next year too...but current original members I meant. Slash was always the baby... Gosh, wonder what the road to 70 will look like, weird to think about them like that, when looking back at footage of them causing havoc in their 20s....
  8. They've all hit 60 now! Drawing the pension soon boys! Although Duff is a very good looking 60! Especially considering the previous lifestyle... shows you can recover with serious changes...
  9. Up yours Duff 🍻 UK tour? 🀞
  10. Seems Axl has a thing for Ferris wheels....they were the ending to the Catcher video too...🀷
  11. Well at least they confirmed 100% for sure, the songs theme...the rest is playground...πŸ˜†
  12. Like the wet bandits, Slash has a calling card, it is a big fat python through your letter box after having all your locks changed....🐍
  13. I mean, of course, I'm dealing with a place called fantasy land, where we make the fuckin rules 😸
  14. Maybe a bonus feature on a proper live Blu-Ray....now that's an idea I want them to have and finally birth! Release one or sell the reunion live/docu to Netflix or Disney (they are enjoying streaming gigs of late) and make the fan base happy in the "quiet" transition year...🀞
  15. It already is....and that's the one silver lining, I suppose.... Monsters maybe this year now....
  16. Been like that a while....thought Reddit used to be about community free speech...now it's a censorship speak easy!
  17. That's the dictionary definition but GNR have their own take on vocabulary....
  18. Surely The General is aware of The General! The funniest thing ever would be for it to quietly be taken down after a day or two....
  19. AHH...well WE created that hype....not that we're generally known for running away with our imaginations at all....🎱
  20. Watched. It's better than nothing. Video Actual press release "Quiet year" Progress
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