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Everything posted by dontdamnmeuyi2015

  1. James Patterson's Cross Down It is the latest Alex Cross novel and this time John Sampson gets to do all the heavy lifting. Great character.
  2. Episode 1 was great. Can't wait to see how this series goes foward. I had to laugh even though NYC is full of walkers there are still tons of garbage on the streets and roaches too.
  3. Asking Alexandria finally they are the headliners. I've seen them many times but as a supportive act. Their new songs are awesome. I'm ready to rock! Lucky you. GNR are playing Houston and San Antonio but during the week, so can't make them. Damnit.
  4. Saw a Preview of Bold and Liam catches Hope kissing Thomas. Not sure who goes in for the kiss first, but I bet it's Hope. Something happens to Brooke too and Ridge has to ride to the rescue. Well, Eddie was married to Lois, who was played by Rena, so who knows? it would be cool to see her again. Good actress. then would she go back to Carter? Not enough men to go around for the women. lol I also read that GH is using scab writers and some people are pissed. I wish the strike was over. give them the money they want. without them there's no tv nor movies. Come on now. Texas is in the 100's now, so that means I'm inside
  5. Another episode of Manifest Can't wait for the ending. It's gotten so damn confusing now.
  6. Do you want me to send you some sun and heat? We're going to be in the 100's all next week. The poor people who work outdoors will suffer the most. I wil stay inside. I know, but the people doing yoga was funny. My brother is a yoga instructor and believe me that's not how it's done. lol Yoga classes have rooms all to themselves and are "hot" too. He's going to Colorado this summer to scout out places for yoga retreats for his classes. His friend just got back from St. Locia and she had a blast. I never released how huge the yoga world really is. When you find out about Ned, I can tell you about it. My mom has been watching GH since the early 80's and she knows all about it's history. I'm hoping Rena Sofer can return, but who knows? It would be a blast. Have a good weekend. Hope you get some SUN.
  7. OMG. You'll never guess what happens to Ned? lol Have a good weekend. Staying inside. It will be in the 100's.
  8. Showtime "Dangerous Game:The Murder legacies Never heard of this movie but it was very good. different horror movie.
  9. "Frats" by Dee Snider All about high school years on Long Island that actually had Fraternities back in the 70's. Very strange. This book is very good and Dee is one good writer. His autobiography was excellent, but this is his first fiction book.
  10. Hot as hell here in Texas. North Korea is still sending missiles into the ocean near Japan. Can' t wait for Japan do stop them. lol Whatever Trump is one big moron. Still in denial and all of his followers are too. What is wrong with him and his minions? If he's convicted, I'll be very shocked!
  11. Well it seems the new weapons the US gave Ukraine are working to knock Russian missiles out of the sky. Why didn't we give them these weapons before most of Ukraine was destroyed. I guess better late than never.
  12. Sunday begins this new series. Can't wait. There's talk it may continue after 1 season. Negan is a very popular character Saw the preview. More good guys and lots of evil ones too. usual for the walking dead universe.
  13. Okay I think Liam has told everyone in LA about how he doesn't trust Thomas. Everyday the same damn thing. lol Can't stand it. And I hope Jordan stays out of Portia and her drama and her brother too. It won't work out.
  14. well, going on location must be very cool. And I don't know how much more I can take from Liam. Finally someone said there would be many people there not just Hope and Thomas. B&B have to give Thomas a love interest already. As for GH, Ned better live. GH wasn't on again yesterday because of stupid Trump. If they convict him, I will be shocked! He is 77 today. lol Oh, didn't know you didn't get much sun. yeah, 50's isn't bad but you do need sun. We will be in the 100's next week. Oh joy. They are talking about the Texas grid holding up. I hope so. We can't lose our electric. Many people would die. I hate the Texas summer.
  15. Does anyone here think Trump will be actually go to trial and maybe jail? He's still ahead in the polls for the Republican party nominee . I don't know what the hell is going on in America these days. All I know is I don't want to see this joker get off the plane, get arrested and brought to jail. He'll probably be out on bail asap and still go on the election trail. I just don't want my shows to be interrupted with Trump bitching about how this is a witch trial and I'm innocent. This excuse worked for Nixon but only for a short time. Good luck finding jurors who can be bias for him. They either love him or hate him/ Might have to go go Canada to find jurors who haven't heard of Trump.
  16. Yeah but teens have their phones and won't bother you at all.
  17. I don't believe it either. If there were Aliens near us seeing how horrible humans treat each other and what we've done to our earth, the would realize we aren't worth the visit. lol
  18. My mom used to watch AMC back in the 80's and a little when we first moved down here. Was very surprised when it was cancelled along with OLTL. He played Jackson Montgomery. He was also married to Erica Kane (Susan Lucci) He had a brother on the show, but I think that actor died. Anyway, I'm wondering since this character is a lawyer who he will represent? Well, GH was a repeat on Friday because of the whole Trump fiasco. Let's see where this goes? lol I know poor Ned. He better not die and Nina just walking away! What a bitch! I do hope Joss stops the whole hate Sonny shit. Tired of it. Dex works for him and likes it, so there you go. The actress that plays Molly is being sued by the person she was involved with in her accident. This isn't going to be good for her. She might get fired now. Now she finally gets a good story line and what will happen now? I know listening to Taylor was brutal. Not good for your voice to talk alot. Also again with Brooke, Ridge and Taylor. Stop it already! Liam is just a whinny little bitch. Maybe if he didn't constantly go on and on about Thomas, things would die down. Sick of it too. Where are all the other characters? Flo is gone and Wyatt never even mentions her? Are they still engaged? She was working at Forrester, but not anymore. That's crazy. It's is brutally hot here now. Stay indoors most of the time. You can't breath if you're out too much. I saw Alaska is in the 50's. Enjoy it.
  19. Renfield with Nick Cage. Thought it was very good even though it didn't get a good review.
  20. Avenged Sevenfold Their new cd. Different sound for them. More harder like their early stuff. After song 5 there are some songs that are truly their type of music. Great guitar playing from Syn. M. Shadows sounds great.
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