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Everything posted by Powderfinger

  1. There’s a lot of old Blues tunes Axl would sound great on. Imagine Smokestack Lightening with lead vox from Axl!
  2. The lyrics to SCOM were naff then and still are, but the solo was killer then and still is. I’d never put it on by choice but when it comes on if I’m out somewhere that last half of the song still sounds as great as ever.
  3. The original lineup gave rock n roll a shot in the arm, NuGnR didn’t really have that impact.
  4. Not much great music has a timeless quality. It’s liked over a long period of time and by different generations but most music is “of it’s time” rather than timeless.
  5. “In fact, I think they’re trying to get a single out any day now, so you may hear something very, very soon” I think They're Trying any day now you may hear soon Seems like standard GnR speak to me.
  6. I haven’t read it yet no that’s why I asked. I’m similarly backlogged, just cleared Geezers (mediocre) biography off the list last week. Like you I’ll get to Halfords in time.
  7. Yeah last time I caught them Megadeth were also supporting along with Testament, that was before KK left so that’s what 10 years since I’ve seen them last? I’d like to catch them again. Did you read Robs biography?
  8. I’d like to see an acoustic club tour with Izzy back. There’s some songs that could be really reinvented in an acoustic setting, Estranged with Pedal Steel, things like that. Axl sitting chilled behind a piano. I’d love to see them just once as a band just playing their song’s, which is impossible for them to do in a stadium setting, there has to be a “show” when it’s that size of a crowd. Lights camera action stuff. To see them in a theatre playing an acoustic set of their material and have the music itself be the only thing spoken about would make sense to me for guys in their 60s. Reinvent. 30-40 years ago they were the best rock n roll band on the planet, I’d like to see them turn into a GnR version of the old Blues guys. Let the music do the talking.
  9. I always thought Priest were massive in the US, especially during the 80s…. Maybe my perception of their popularity in the US has been skewed by guys taking them so seriously there as to shoot themselves in the head and having watched “heavy metal parking lot” too many times.
  10. Leaving all things aside, it’s good these guys are at this place in their lives.
  11. Fans of music are fans of music. Being an OG fan doesn’t come into it. Half the music I love was made by bands who’d broken up or guys who were dead before I got into them.
  12. You said in your original post “Oh god, the majority of that crowd was f**king awful!” I’m saying they weren’t, they were pissed off but when the band came back on the crowd were into it. I’ve been in way worse crowds atmosphere wise that’s for sure.
  13. Yeah I was there, and it wasn’t that bad. I’ve been in way hairier situations than that at gigs back home. Once things settled down it was fine. It was more pissed off confusion than potential riot. Lights up lights down. It’s over it’s not over. Harmless stuff. The crowd seemed mostly of people who knew the score regarding stage times and 20% who didn’t. I’m pretty sure it was one or two fucking assholes who weren’t there for the music who threw the bottles. I’ve been to hundreds of gigs all over Ireland and honestly never saw a bottle thrown at a stage till that night. I’ve seen bras, knickers, drugs, people, alcohol, unlit cigarettes, porn mags, wallets all kinds of stuff thrown on stages but never a bottle or a glass. Anyway my original reply was to a statement “the majority of the crowd” and it wasn’t. To my eyes and ears at least 65% of people stayed and Axl sung his arse off. People were encouraging him and the others when they came back on around me. It was tiny minority who fucked that situation up and caused a lot of people to be pissed off and confused. It was never close to a riot though. Not from my perspective. (I’ve seen the odd riot in my time and the air has a different charge!)
  14. I thought Aerosmith might have been added but just saw it’s Priest. It’s scary that Ozzy pulled out, he’s been using vocal tracks and vocal fillers for a few years now, so this means he cant stand for 80 minutes even to pretend sing. Tony recently said Sabbath were asked to do Powertrip and he declined as he didn’t think Ozzy was up to it.
  15. Axl shooting the moth was another funny story from that book (I think it was a moth, it’s been a while since I read it.
  16. I just posted about this!!! Weird. It was in Craig Duswalts book… He said they looked like stars to the naked eye until this guy traced his finger across the sky and the object moved!
  17. New music will come out when Yoda & That Geezer who can move the stars say it’s ok to release it.
  18. I think it’s almost a given amongst music fans of all genres that you never laugh when a performer falls. It takes balls to get up there so you respect them when it goes wrong on occasion. Axl handled it like a pro. I didn’t see Slash’s tumble..
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