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Everything posted by DoMw94

  1. Ah yes, Beta from that famous management firm 'Team Mexico'
  2. Sorry but that would be a horrendous statement and would worsen things. "as many of our band members and crew have daughters" – no, because it's plain WRONG. I don't have daughters and still think this sort of shit is disgusting and indefensible. "we hope we can come to an amicable settlement" – we'll pay to make it go away. That's how that would come across. While I agree, ignoring it hasn't done them any favours, they'd have to be massively careful how they'd word such a thing. This ain't it.
  3. Was just thinking the same thing. If any one of us did any of those things, especially in a public setting, we'd be locked up!
  4. I'm just baffled this has been allowed to go on while you've got Duff in the band (with the way he is now and his daughters), Melissa in the band, and most the male band members' wives present. Not to mention Kat's supposed ex being in the band too. It makes the whole situation even more sickening, and the abuse of Fernando's position even more infuriating. As for the copyright stuff, that's a pain, but it's so common among freelancers in the media and entertainment industries. I get why she stuck with it as long as she did – you always think "oh it'll get sorted eventually" but eventually never comes. I've been in the same position and it fucking sucks. Hopefully she doesn't get slapped down by a bigger, more powerful entity and gets what she's entitled to. But the sexual harrasment stuff is sickening. I thought we were past that. I thought this band was past that. It doesn't fit the image the current band has been portraying. He needs to go. His position in untenable.
  5. Do we need another thread? Can't we just rename the absence thread? Since this is why she's absent and there's already a tone of discussion going on in there
  6. Doubt it, the writing was on the wall for a hiatus for a long time. II's come at an ideal time though. Plus GN'R is bigger than one man (except one) so it wouldn't stop them even if they wanted to tour next year
  7. 👇 "...and the fact that many modern vinyl records are actually cut from digital masters anyway – so they are no longer a pure analogue signal at all. Will they all of a sudden sound better for being on vinyl? Of course not. But they will sound more ‘vinyl’." This is EXACTLY my point. Liking it is one thing, but acting like it's the best sounding in this day and age just makes no sense whatsoever.
  8. Most modern vinyls are cut from digital masters and are not made for vinyl. We're also talking about a band that uses lots of digital effects in its latest recordings. This is an interesting read that explains what I'm getting at, without either the rose-tinted spectacles or my own bias against it: https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/does-vinyl-really-sound-better
  9. It is a fad though. Vinyl sales are on the up – it largely went away. 10-20 years ago there wasn't 10 different colour options of vinyl or entire sections of shops like HMV devoted to it. I get that there's a collectors market for it, and that's fine, but buying vinyls to listen to them – as someone's only means if listening to something – is plain daft. Why would you go out of your way to listen to the worst version of something? Modern vinyls aren't even made right! They're the same digital files put onto a vinyl – they're a square peg in a round hole. They're low quality pieces of crap made to sponge off gullible fans. Old vinyls? Whatever, good at the time but outdated tech. Modern vinyls? Utter bullshit. They're for putting on a shelf and looking at, not for listening to.
  10. You've been around since 2005 and didn't catch that?! Anyway (ignoring the fact the single is only widely available on vinyl at present), when are people going to stop dicking around with vinyl? It's not better, it doesn't sound better, it's dead technology for a reason. The world's moved on and sound quality is better on pretty much every other format. The sooner this stupid fad is over, the better.
  11. The Perhaps single will be released on CD on December 20 in Japan only https://nme-jp.com/news/135952/?fbclid=PAAaY45dr2L-p2ybYim2liTybGb9CIYnOV2G4DLO0B_SJdpMwgHYSYMN-BjB8 People outside Japan can order here: https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/UICY-5140 They ship internationally. I've used them before
  12. Another thread hijacked by an Axl voice debate and people endlessly banging on about "rasp" 🙄🤦‍♂️
  13. Worth noting that SMKC/Slash doesn't seem to be on any recently announced summer festival bill, so there's some apparent clear space after the SMKC tour wraps at the start of the year
  14. Has estrangedtwat got a burner account or something? 😂 Why do people on a particular side of the argument get so angry about this? Damn. Music is literally noise made by people, it's not worth getting actually mad over 😂
  15. But why would they play half a song? I was open to the idea of it being one peice split in two by the leaker, but they've played 'The General' now. We've heard in in an official setting, they wouldn't play half of it then stop
  16. Vocals are whatever, but there's nothing wrong with the rest of GN'R's playing in comparison to their contemporaries or those that have been around longer. They sound great
  17. There's been a couple. Ones that immediately come to mind are in Melbourne last year when he stopped mid-song to yell at a lighting guy, and if you listen to the Paris 2023 IEM bootleg you can hear him kicking off at staff at the end of Anything Goes. Nothing like the old days though.
  18. I doubt he would ever openly discuss child abuse on stage these day, especially in a festival setting. The child abuse aspect wouldn't explain why it was a new song either, like he was going to say. That's just its (potential) subject matter. He also says "I can't hear a word you're saying" before introducing it, so it was probably related to on-stage technical issues, which seem to happen a lot these days. It wasn't a proper proshot livestream, it was a local radio station pointing a few cameras at the stage and screens. It wasn't soundboard audio either
  19. And yet in that release they postponed shows (because he'll have a recovery window from doctors), yet when he entered rehab the last time, they cancelled shows entirely – addiction recovery has no timeframe. He's not in rehab. If it was, it'd be common knowledge
  20. Proven wrong? No. They're not retiring. It's completely out of the question at this point
  21. They don't need that sort of gimmick, they're still making money and playing stadiums. If they were playing theatres then maybe they would act in such a desperate way, but they're not. Talk of retirement is as ridiculous as it is premature
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