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Everything posted by Voodoochild

  1. To be fair, Bucket has never spoken about anything other than that weird podcast interview. Ultimately, seems like there was a lot of bad blood between Bucket and Axl - supposedly because of management at the time, according to Axl. Thing is that every ex-member mentioned Axl as being not as the media pictured him, with an easy-going behavior and all. I don't know how much of this is actually true, but I doubt it's too far from it. I'd say he was a good person to work with, but everything surrounding him was toxic and bizarre - be it his late hours work or inconsistent behavior in both studio and live settings. In other words: a good friend, but a terrible boss.
  2. I think Paul wasn't on the song because it wasn't suppose to have any rhythm guitar at all. Bumblefoot's addition in this one was even more out of place IMO, and felt like he was just trying to get in some capacity in every single track for no reason. I still believe Robin's solo was recorded between 2005-07 because of how it sounded more like his live setup tone than any other CD song. Not sure when Pati Hood recorded the harps, but sp1at mentioned it before 2006 as far as I know. Of course, the song could be (mostly certain is) from multiple recordings across the whole CD saga.
  3. It was, along with Prostitute (and Perfect Crime). It was a post on the official website with a Del James' article about the band for the NA Tour leg, which then was deleted by the band/Merck. Or maybe it was produced way before both joined the GNR camp.
  4. In the Clinton-Lewinsky case, it raised some issues with the 1st amendment, as far as I remember. But the thing is that MSL produced proof against himself once he leaked both lists- email subjects and/or CD2 titles. And I know that some people back then claimed to have read more stuff, like Robin's resignation letter. He didn't need to cooperate, the proof was already there, IF it was indeed true.
  5. He said he was at home, but didn't even try to record it?
  6. Yeah, and all conventionally dated around that same time, as if it was something that came up only back in that timeframe from 2009-2011.
  7. Not sure how it is the US law regarding data privacy, or even how it was back in 2011, but even if someone had sent him this willingly, he did leak not only the email subjects, but also the supposedly CD2 list that we are discussing here.
  8. Going Down wasn't, I'm 100% sure. Everyone found out about this song when the Rio 2011 setlist leaked, and back then people thought it was Ain't Going Down or a cover. After that, MSL came up with that list. I was the one who talked to MSL back then about it because I heard from sources I had how the song was (kinda mid-tempo with Tommy sharing vocals with Axl). I didn't trust him, but I figured if I talked to him, it would help to find out more info about the song. He didn't seem to believe in me, but after the actual demo leaked in 2013, he and darknemus thought I would have more information about it, which I didn't. Funny thing is that I also had information about "Checkmate" from the one of the sources that turned out to be untrue. Not sure if the person told me that just to see if I would leak this information or not. Still, like I said, about Going Down, I had double checked with two different sources. I feel the same. Don't remember the list with Perhaps, but people were talking about it when it leaked, so I just thought that it was my memory that wasn't so good. Can't say for certain that I've ever saw that Blackberry screenshot before 2019 too. Yeah, I remember that. Thought Tonto was a fake title made up by MSL.
  9. For sure. It is what I want too: to have more new songs, not rehashed releases. I love OMG the way it is, including Dave Navarro's underrated solo. The only thing I really would like is a revamped mix, with better drum sound and clearer vocals. Being realistic though, I don't think any kind of rerelease would happen unless it's aid another thing. Like the band rereleasing it with reworked arrangement, but not as a standalone single. More like a bonus, a B-side or something just to add to the physical release.
  10. It is indeed a stretch. But then again, to mention Aerosmith there is kinda odd, as it's been 11 years since their last release.
  11. No it doesn't. The studio environment is very different. But yeah, I don't think Perhap's vocals are new. Yeah. I noticed something was going one there, but had to isolate the guitars with AI to be able to really hear it and learn how to play it.
  12. Yes. But then again, I figured that a 10 year old Twitter account focused in leaks wouldn't base a rumour on 4chan/reddit info without at least checking with their own sources. I may have assumed too much about them though, I've never heard about them prior to this. But at least there are some people who follow them, like Weezer's River Cuomo.
  13. The comment of it being a sequel to Estranged makes sense if you hear that cell phone clip. The first minute or so of that audio has this section with a guitar riff (I assume it was Robin when I actually tried to learn how to play it, but I'm not sure) acting not much different than Slash's guitar riff in the first half of Estranged. The evolution of the song is clearly different after that, going to the "high-pierced vocals" and aggressive instrumental instead of Estranged's piano interlude. But I can see where Bach (and/or Rolling Stone) came from with the comparison.
  14. Yes, but with a different mix and intended to work as a standalone single too. My point was that they revisited the song and reworked it.
  15. Just to be clear, the fake artwork for Atlas came from a different place. The Has it Leaked twitter account didn't use it or quote it. They didn't predict Perhaps (and The General) before though. Doesn't mean much IMO because I'd consider normal to have the first single in a more tight-lipped approach, but the other stuff may have plans not as secretive. I understand what everyone is saying about OMG and I agree that it wasn't a demo - it was just poorly mixed and didn't have enough work back then. But keep in mind that the band released Shadow of your Love as a single with a new mix (and newly recorded overdubs and/or vocals) even if it was already released as a B side before. It still could happen with OMG too.
  16. For an amateur musician POV, the leaks give a invaluable picture of the creativity process of my favorite band/artist. One of my favorite things was to notice the changes between the several Better leaks from 2006 to 2008, to see how the song evolved. I listened to the 2019 leaks because it was really a matter of not knowing if this band would be active again or not, or if those songs would ever surface in official capacity. And I'm glad I did, because there's some excellent work there from band members that are long gone. To hear some of those songs taking shape with official releases and with Slash and Duff is kinda bizarre though. I love it, but it's been hard to understand some of the musical decisions, be it the mixing or even the writing. That's why I'm more inclined to avoid an eventual The General leak. I want to experience the official release as something fresh.
  17. I think the hype is a combination of quotes from Bach etc. and how the orchestral arrangement sounds. To me, what I really expect from the song is a cool CD-era style of composition combined with a huge Slash solo, a thing that's still sorely missing IMO in all those new singles since 2021.
  18. I was talking about the other video lol
  19. It's not Breakdown or Gaden of Eden. Seems to me more like a jam. On a side note: there's still filming crew shooting during the rehearsal. https://www.instagram.com/stories/meeganhodges/3174458240226503301/
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