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Everything posted by Voodoochild

  1. I did think about it, but my theory would be because the plan is to get an actual album released. I know this is so far fetched right now that I kept my mouth shut lol
  2. For what it's worth, the video is also on Apple Music. I watched very briefly on my TV and it seems that is a bit less compressed than the YouTube (which is fine in 4K already). But it's maybe just impression, and it's all the same bitrate. https://music.apple.com/br/music-video/perhaps/1703145818
  3. @Blackstar found that Going Down's rights were solely owned by Tommy Stinson now, so I don't think this song would be released as a GNR track.
  4. When Robin left the band in 1999, he was upset about not working in structured songs, with no vocals recorded. But we know now that there was indeed songs in a semi-finished state back then.
  5. Is it very pro Nu Guns? I'm always seeing people asking to the band to stop playing CD tunes. Also there's a lot of harsh criticism towards the CD songs, with a lot still complaining about it being a Guns N' Roses album. For me, the weight outside of this forum is irrelevant. We're called hardcore fans for a reason. But I think there's always more people voicing their opinions when they dislike something, and that's what's currently going on here. IMO, to release a song without Slash would devaluate it greatly, but I still prefer the original Robin solo in Perhaps. The best case scenario - and most realistic - to me is to release it with Slash and then have the 2006 leak with Bucket and Robin for The General.
  6. I posted the screenshot here, but I can't find it either. But keep in mind that we don't know much about The General. The sitar pedal could be used for that. In fact, that was my speculation back then, because that song was already on their setlist and was rehearsed in some capacity. Besides that, Atlas intro is played in a Mellotron keyboard. At least on the demo. Sorry, didn't see that yet, I'm struggling to keep up with the forum these days haha. It's so unusual to have this much activity in several threads at the same time... It's indeed interesting. Adds fuel to the.. smoke. I won't say the rumor is that much consistent anyways. I don't even like Atlas that much. Good point. They were also considering an extended time frame, if I recall it correctly.
  7. Think it would be hardly a real source if they are mention hearsay from the Internet. Like @Jw224 said, it seems that they have connections to labels. We still don't know if it would have a physical release in this sense. It could have a later EP treatment with the 3 singles (maybe even with Absurd and HS) + a live recording. Also, this could be indication that Perhap's reception was above expectations and they are adapting the strategy. I'm not saying I believe 100% on this. It's just that to me it sounds more credible coming from a non-GNR related account.
  8. The Twitter (yes, it's called Twitter. I don't care what that fucking dickless morn wants it to be called) profile does not focus on GNR or anything like that. I find hard to believe that it would claim that only based on the 4chan post. There are some other tweets where they actually check with their own sources about stuff that's being rumored about (see the Green Day post they made). Of course, follow their own advice: "Don’t treat our tweets as fact."
  9. I know, it’s fair enough that you dislike how Robin played the classics. I just think there was plenty of worse videos for an example lol. Robin fucked up a lot. My point was more towards the fact that Slash is back, he is what people wanted and we will hear him playing the leads on The General. There’s nothing we can do about it, and we shouldn’t do anything about it anyways. Slash is a legend, and as much as some people (me included) think he could do better, it’s still very good and fitting. With The General, we will experience his take first and I’m fine with it, there’s really no use to assume it’s worse or better than the previous players.
  10. Yeah man, sorry that you dislike it, but this is really good. I missed this guy a lot. I know that the majority disagree, and casual fans don't know him, I just couldn't care less. But anyways, why are we rehashing this Slash vs. Robin/Bucket again? If nothing leak, we won't know how The General sounded for real before and this is probably better for us as we will judge the song by it's face value.
  11. I’ll try to avoid it. But I’m not gonna stress about it either, if I feel like it, I’ll listen. I disagree. I think his solos in Absurd and HS were better.
  12. I think the video is helping a lot, and that’s something nobody here was expecting. It’s a well deserved success, long overdue IMO. I also have some decent phones but can’t hear any clipping on Apple Music lossless streaming.
  13. I think it’s just an Easter egg for the fans who downloaded the link and for Robin. I got used to it. I’m now more inclined to believe it's Robin for this reason. But his tone is a bit different from the demo, possibly re-amped with less gain.
  14. Thanks bro 🥰 Thank you! I just used the Neural Amp Modeler with the AFD100 and a combination of cabs. Also dialed back the volume on both pickups, but slightly less on the neck pickup to be able to switch to a high gain on the fly without having to mess with the volume on the bridge pickup for the solo.
  15. Maybe it's on F? Or maybe Dm? This was my attempt
  16. Brain, Bucket, Paul Tobias and Robin had left when CD was relesead with Bumble and Frank all over it. I think it’s all good. Josh Freese did take notice about how his credit in Chinese diluted tho.
  17. It’s an assumption, but when Slash said he reworked CD era songs besides Absurd and HS, he mentioned something about being more complex or epic. I always thought he was talking about The General, but back then people wouldn’t believe this song would be released as a single or at all.
  18. Forgot about tonight’s show. From what I saw on Twitter, he sounded fine. I think Slash was playing in Eb, which is funny because some guy on YouTube commented on my cover video insisting that this song would be in standard tuning.
  19. I would love a kaiju video with rubber costumes and shitty foam scenario
  20. As long as it's not AI generated, it would indeed be a good idea.
  21. 7 inch records (also called “45s”) are referred to by their playback speed of 45 rpm and their standard diameter of 7 inches. At 45 rpm they hold around 4-6 minutes per side. https://standardvinyl.com/vinyl-pressing/7-inch-records/#:~:text=7 inch records (also called,4-6 minutes per side.
  22. I uploaded a couple of videos in 4k60 HDR on my channel, but it's a pain and there's not much return on it.
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