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Everything posted by Voodoochild

  1. I thought it started with "You know I have..." or something like that. But it could very well be just someone in the party yelling something.
  2. There's a drum machine there. And I believe there's some Axl rapping that obviously wasn't included in the final version. That's how it sounds to me: http://sndup.net/y53z/
  3. I hope you can include in your resume all the knowledge you've been gathering here in this message board about arts, US legal system and international copyright law. Maybe a bit of music composing and sound engineering too.
  4. I was just trying to explain what he meant. Like I said, I don't have an opinion about those things and I'm not disagreeing with you either.
  5. I think he meant that AI works with bots crawling artists styles and stealing to use (think on Disney wanting to sue the company that had this AI tool to draw any person as a Pixar character). It is a problem indeed, but I don't know much about the subject to form an opinion on this because I'm not sure how much (if anything) this algorithm actually grabbed copyrighted material for a tool such as Midjourney or whatever they used for The General.
  6. Well, we don’t even know how much of AI this video have. Seems that it’s gonna be mixed with live footage. I’m ok with that as long as it’s done with a purpose. I still think it’s better to have additional stuff from the band than having nothing. I’m not expecting it to change people’s mind about the track, it’s just cool to have something out. We had too many things shelved already.
  7. Why not? It’s no different than the Paradise City or Dead Horse ones to me.
  8. Just in case anyone is still in doubt, the Creative Works profile used the hashtag #AI for the video.
  9. It's been a while since I last heard Hard School from the Village, so I was kinda amazed about how great is that demo. Thankfully we have it to listen to. There's lead work throughout those last choruses, which kinda sounds messy, but at least is something more than simple pattern riffs in a already repetitive song. And I do like Slash's guitar in the song, is just that it could've been better IMO.
  10. Scraped is drop C# (half step down with drop D), as I played here: Shacklers is Drop C as far as I remember:
  11. I'm not sure, the 2021 version doesn't sound like Bucket to me. At first I thought it was him, but his tapping wouldn't be just chromatic notes (meaning, just the note and the nearby note). The demo has a different pattern with his multiple finger tapping, going up and down with the notes, which does sound like Bucket.
  12. No, I was talking about Monsters. The General is 100% Slash. This. Richard is cool, but his lead is too much like Slash, but lesser. Yeah, I think I got more from his style than his tone. It's unmistakenly different than Slash's tone, that's for sure.
  13. We already have this with Monster's outro solo, with Richard taking the lead after Slash. I know there's a trick to mix individual drum parts in Garage Band to make them sound a lot better, but that's very taxing and unintuitive.
  14. I had this plan to make a video documentary with several interviews with those people, including ex-band members, additional musicians and studio crew. Tried to reach out some during the pandemic, but I nobody was willing to talk back then, allegedly because of the mental health issues from that period. I didn't really went past this pre-production time, and didn't write a script for it, but my intention was to focus strictly on the music, not on the drama. Sure there are some interesting stories about the chicken coop or how late Axl showed up in the studio, but those were related to the sessions. I would ask things like how did they arranged The Blues, which piece of gear did they use, how was to edit and mix so many layers of recordings and how was the process of writing evolving within those years.
  15. It was ok. I really think they should have focused on the recording itself, and not rehash the warehouse performance. The part where they rework River is Rising ending was the highlight IMO.
  16. Oh I see. It's how I am right now: I think the drums are good enough, but then I try the SSD drum plugin and everything before sounds like shit.
  17. I think he doesn't like to talk abou it that much. Even talking about harmless things like his own parts on CD seems like a touchy subject.
  18. It is indeed. I mean, I know there are limitations on Garage Band (it's what I use for my own stuff), but it's not that far from Logic. Surely I get what Tom2112 said, though. I just wanted to point out how amazing is this free piece of software.
  19. Nuno is a great musician. I like some of his work in Extreme (More Than Words is an all time classic, and Hole Hearted is also great), and I do like one of his solo tracks: But yeah, he's a talented musician with nice hair. But he's an ass.
  20. He isn't but his work still lived on The General and maybe Monsters.
  21. But Caram was Axl's employee, as far as I know. If he's not doing good, it's Axl's responsibility to replace him with anyone else. Sometimes I feel like Axl is trying to sabotage his own band, and I don't think this is far fetched.
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