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GNR now. The best ever?


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Someone said that this band has made alot of progress from RIR3 and I was just pointing out how that's technically impossible considering that it's a different group of guys.

Yes but they have improved a lot from 2007 too and the only new guy is DJ Ashba...

Axls voice was pretty awesome in 2007

I would say Axl's voice was very similar to now

The only difference being Axl is in a better mood

I disagree.

I think this is the strongest I've heard Axl's voice since the Illusions days. It's way better than in 2007.

Agreed, in 06/07 his voice sounded seconds away from being completely fucked

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Nobody is denying that these guys are taoented. The problem is, that each and every one of them seem to be easily replaceable. If anyone left this version of GNR ,would anyone outside of these boards care? Probably not. The old band caught lightning in a bottle. Before people bring up that these guys are better musicians than the old lineup.well big deal.The old band was never trying to be RUSH or Steve Vai or Dream Theater. Will I see this version?Of course but I have seen most lineups of GNR live and if Axl cans these guys and hires the Blue Man Group to back him up,well,I'll still be there.

It is more than a bit silly to even consider this lineup the best ever when so many have come and gone ,and we have no clue what songs written by these eight will sound like.

I think that you would be hard pressed to find anyone who was around for AFD/UYI (and by around I mean aware of GNR or at the shows, not a 6 year old kid who was listening to his parents UYI's in 1991) that considers this the best GNR ever simply because they were lucky enough to witness the magic firsthand.

We are at an agreement.

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i doubt he means sells, because theyre not, and also quality because they aren't.... they play the same setlist and it seems rather boring.. this group is not the best ever... they haven't release anything, just playing covers from previous musicians that played before... but again it seems to be the story all the time with GNR... i wonder what lineup will be in 5 years.

some maniacs just get too exited for wathcing fotos of Axl that no one has and all of a sudden think he's the best in the world when they have no clue what's going on around the world...

Axl has good music,,, some of the songs in ChiDem are great songs, huge if you want, but to claim this is the best ever? let's not get too carried away pls... and again... most of the members from the album aren't there anymore

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Yes. This version of GNR is the best ever.

They sound better than any of the previous lineups, they look INCREDIBLE onstage, and this seem to be the only lineup that is enjoying 100% of the shows. Slash and Axl both said that the band ''was over'' before starting the UYI tour. Chemistry between bandmembers in 1991-1993 was zero. Back in 2001-2007, the band improved a lot that chemistry, but they were unable to perform the material they wrote. Now, in 2010, the band is in top form, playin the whole new album live, and sounding better than ever.

INstrumentally, the band from 2001 to 2010 was always flawless. If the band gets worse or better it always depends on Axl's vocals. Now axl's vocals are, IMHO, at the same level than in the ninenties.

So no doubt about this: this is the best GNR ever.

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Guest siliconmessiah

Someone said that this band has made alot of progress from RIR3 and I was just pointing out how that's technically impossible considering that it's a different group of guys.

Yes but they have improved a lot from 2007 too and the only new guy is DJ Ashba...

Axls voice was pretty awesome in 2007

I would say Axl's voice was very similar to now

The only difference being Axl is in a better mood

I disagree.

I think this is the strongest I've heard Axl's voice since the Illusions days. It's way better than in 2007.

Agreed, in 06/07 his voice sounded seconds away from being completely fucked

Seriously. This is the most energetic, best sounding version of this motherfucking song ever. Amazing...just purely amazing performance.

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Since this thread has turned into a discussion of when Axl was singing his best, all I can say is that I saw the band five times in 2002, five times in 2006, and three times in 2009.

Axl's command of his vocals is clearly much better now; his appetite days is the only thing that comes close. Listening to him sing November Rain last week was like listening to his vocals on UYI1. Moreover, hearing him sing TWAT in Hamilton; his range is unprecedented. I give Axl a lot of credit for working on his instrument 'cause the effort is definitely noticeable.

As for the best lineup ever; well, it's tough; but in terms of performance, i would tip my hat to this iteration. Sure there was some magic with the original lineup, but I have too many bootlegs where one or more members would be too drunk or high to play. Not saying that they weren't capable of playing great, but the frequency isn't nearly as high as it is with this band. With the band now, you can tell the focus is on the performance, where I'm not sure you could say that with the band back in the day.

In opinion, the three shows I saw last week were perfect and everything you'd want in a GNR show.



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Someone said that this band has made alot of progress from RIR3 and I was just pointing out how that's technically impossible considering that it's a different group of guys.

Yes but they have improved a lot from 2007 too and the only new guy is DJ Ashba...

Axls voice was pretty awesome in 2007

I would say Axl's voice was very similar to now

The only difference being Axl is in a better mood

I disagree.

I think this is the strongest I've heard Axl's voice since the Illusions days. It's way better than in 2007.

Agreed, in 06/07 his voice sounded seconds away from being completely fucked

Seriously. This is the most energetic, best sounding version of this motherfucking song ever. Amazing...just purely amazing performance.

Sorry but this beats that. If I had the choice of the two shows I would have preferred to be at then its this one.


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Must be the best band touring at the moment, surely to god - I think Axl's rise to peak performance is indeed key.

Axl sounds great now (compared to 00-06) and they seem to put a lot of effort and passion in every show, but the best band touring at the moment is by far Faith No More. The band is playing so tight and perfect and Mikes voice is simply amazing. He screams and in the next moment he switches to the softest voice you've ever heard. It seems like they were never gone...

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