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Fucking Suits

ITW 2012

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I agree that it doesn't have really obvious hooks but isn't that played out in 2010. To me they are there in a big way just in that style they aren't as obvious. Huge riffs on Sorry and Scraped. I guess it just comes done to the artist and what they want to do. Doing 70s style classic rock just to sell records would be terrible and probably wouldnt work anyway if heart not in it. But still think it's very catchy and much toe tapping. And it did sell really well so not sure what we are trying to say. Again the lack of videos, not to sell records, but as some way of getting it out there in people's consciousness gives the illusion that people don't like it. the Best Buy deal definitely gives the label no reason. thing is I'm sure they could do an AC/DC type song in 2 minutes, they could just throw a cover of Whole Lotta Rosie on CD II with Sailing put them out do trash a few chat shows, throw some chairs through Universal HQ, get arrested for meow meow possession on the freeway. bing bang boom CD is a hook laden smash hit at the heart of the american nightmare.

I don't know what it is - and I can't even begin to imagine - but whatever it is, I want some of whatever you're smoking.

Sometimes I wonder if you have a clue what this sounds like to a casual GnR fan. I know you love this band, you find deep meaning in things that - well, you find deep meaning in things. But to someone who is a very, very casual fan, it sounds - no offense, sincerely - but bat shit crazy.

This CD had over 8 million listens the first week and still hasn't sold over 1 mil in the US. Still. What does this mean to you? Over 7 mil are idiots, or over 7 mil didn't dig it?

Sorry to sound harsh, and I rarely post, doesn't matter diddly squat to me what GnR and CD does. But as a casual fan, to hear the justifications for why "the masses" just aren't cool enough to "get" CD, well, it's just possible - unbelievable as it might sound - that the music wasn't very good.

I do go overboard quite a lot I guess.

Not sure I thought masses not cool enough, or whatever, just wondering, beyond just thinking maybe it's not very good. Maybe they are too cool for CD? Mainly because I think it is good. In reality the masses do like it, it's just the cd sales are down across the board.

Not sure about this myspace theory, seems like you've started your own range of crazy there.

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14 mill at the box office is no flop.

It might not be the traditional way to make money, but that's the game these days.

Avatar is the biggest grossing movie of all time, but it didn't sell as many tickets, it just cost more to go and see?

Without all the delays and ups n downs, CD wouldnt have so much hype around it, so Best Buy wouldn't have put up that kind of cash. They did based on hearing the record and the amount of light on it. And it was a good deal for them, a sure thing that raises profile of Best Buy.

Not sure but I think CD actually out sold AFD for first year sales, perpetuating the flop story is not only inaccurate but it also hurts the band and makes a US tour less likely. Why do that to yourselves? I understand why the media do it, cos they just sell paper, but fans should at least look on the brightside?

You are an idiot. You do know Avatar only cost like $2 more a ticket than normal tickets? And it was also shown in non 3d at reg. price.

so that is a stupid analogy.

CD is a huge flop, it was supposed to be the most anticipated album of all time and it was instead the biggest dud in rock music history.

It still has not even sold a million in the US yet. OH but wait you will come back and say it shipped platinum LOL

Yeah hollow victory, that is loser talk. Its ok to admit CD was a flop, doesnt mean you are not a fan.

But claiming its not just makes you look like a fool.

then just about every other record that comes out is a flop.

Maybe in the US but in other countries the I-Max tickets were much more, that's why it grossed higher. It's not an analogy, it's just an example of how the business world has changed, and applying old standards to a new landscape doesn't give a clear picture.

No need to insult people, c'mon man you're better than that.

OH please I did not start the insults, I just decided to join in.

And every other album didnt cost 13m and didnt ten take ten years to be released. That is why its a flop.

I don't know, you called me an idiot/fool because you didn't agree with me. No worries tho.

Don't think how long it took matters. 14 mill out, 14 mill in. No biggie.

Even if it is a flop why do you care? It's still a great album, and the band is getting paid etc.

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No, I think with Star Wars everyone's ass was on the line, Lucas, the studio, most of the unknown actors.

Most of the people involved with CD got paid well, and even getting roylaties for the rest of time. CD increased the profile of people like Bucket, brought in more fans.

Anyone who worked on CD will be happy to be part of rock history. Maybe on the industry side, a few lost their houses trying to get Axl to do what they wanted but in the long run it's the Star Wars movie that matters, just like it's the album CD that matters. It will come good and make everyone look good, and they'll beable to tell their CD stories like Ford tells his Star Wars story with a smug look on his face.

All's well that ends well.


You're good........but not that good.

Stars Wars was a hit.........

So is CD, that's why Axl n Dj flew to Vegas in a private jet after making 70 mill off CD.

Is that so?

'Cause see, I think axl was able to fly dj to vegas based on the earnings of a couple of other past cd's, that dj had no plan in recording, but just is being paid to play for the bar mitzvah crowd.


I doubt there's much Illusion era money left, it's been a decade or so and what with Axl spending it all on parties on tour / late fines there can't be much left in the kitty. With inflation and jet fuel prices not being what they were, I think CD cash and the subsequent tour must be making Vegas vaycays possible.

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I think CD is doing alright, taking everything into consideration.

Having a succesfull world tour going on is a great way to keep sales going. Last time they were around my parts, northern Europe, the GNR show was headlining all local news. Mind you, no other pop/rock show ever makes it to the news section as per standard. Im waiting to see what the buzz will look like when they are around again.

I think its stretching it pretty hard to say that the record completely flopped. I think the only thing that flopped was Axls complete inability to do a little standard promoting, the talk show circuit and maybe an actual music video. He just turned his cellphone off and went AWOL and I remember how godawful that whole episode looked.

Maybe we could actually talk about CD flopping if it came out in 1999 and got trashed in sales by whatever nu-metal was popular at the time. Linkin Parks debut did around 13+ million and was the biggest record of its time, maybe we could have been talking about a flop if Axl would have got overshadowed by them. Ten years ago there was still a lot of intense waiting and anticipation of Axls record... since the man sort of promised it to come out and everything. Ten years pass and the scene is different.

When Axl turns his cellphone off and goes AWOL there is not much the suits and their money can do to promote a record.

Look at the fucking album cover art, thats some crazy old photography up in that bitch. If you cant even manage to get good photos by an actual photographer into the leaflet then something is wrong. what can the suits do?

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I agree that it doesn't have really obvious hooks but isn't that played out in 2010. To me they are there in a big way just in that style they aren't as obvious. Huge riffs on Sorry and Scraped. I guess it just comes done to the artist and what they want to do. Doing 70s style classic rock just to sell records would be terrible and probably wouldnt work anyway if heart not in it. But still think it's very catchy and much toe tapping. And it did sell really well so not sure what we are trying to say. Again the lack of videos, not to sell records, but as some way of getting it out there in people's consciousness gives the illusion that people don't like it. the Best Buy deal definitely gives the label no reason. thing is I'm sure they could do an AC/DC type song in 2 minutes, they could just throw a cover of Whole Lotta Rosie on CD II with Sailing put them out do trash a few chat shows, throw some chairs through Universal HQ, get arrested for meow meow possession on the freeway. bing bang boom CD is a hook laden smash hit at the heart of the american nightmare.

I don't know what it is - and I can't even begin to imagine - but whatever it is, I want some of whatever you're smoking.

Sometimes I wonder if you have a clue what this sounds like to a casual GnR fan. I know you love this band, you find deep meaning in things that - well, you find deep meaning in things. But to someone who is a very, very casual fan, it sounds - no offense, sincerely - but bat shit crazy.

This CD had over 8 million listens the first week and still hasn't sold over 1 mil in the US. Still. What does this mean to you? Over 7 mil are idiots, or over 7 mil didn't dig it?

Sorry to sound harsh, and I rarely post, doesn't matter diddly squat to me what GnR and CD does. But as a casual fan, to hear the justifications for why "the masses" just aren't cool enough to "get" CD, well, it's just possible - unbelievable as it might sound - that the music wasn't very good.

I do go overboard quite a lot I guess.

Not sure I thought masses not cool enough, or whatever, just wondering, beyond just thinking maybe it's not very good. Maybe they are too cool for CD? Mainly because I think it is good. In reality the masses do like it, it's just the cd sales are down across the board.

Not sure about this myspace theory, seems like you've started your own range of crazy there.

Lol, yeah, you do seem to go a bit overboard, but I get it, GnR are your favorite band. It's cool. I just wanted to convey that for a casual fan (that would be me) there were no expectations of CD being a GnR record - just that it would have some good music on it. This CD was kinda weird in a lot of ways. My personal opinion was that it sounded bloated, just too much in there, however, my musical education is such that I can't tell you what I mean specifically - just that it seemed too much. I liked one song, one song made me laugh out loud (and not in a good way) and the others were sorta forgettable. But that's just me. I wish them success. They were a great band in my youth.

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People are going to discover the new songs at the concerts and listen to the CD more.

This could be to GNR what "Paul's Boutique" was to the Beastie Boys, an initial "flop" (not my opinion, I thought it did well considering how things were at the time) that grew as a cult classic. Keep in mind the reviews on CD were favorable, and very few people trashed it.

I think it sounds good, and the multilayered and ballads are going to have divided opinions... if there was an expectation, it's probably that people were expecting a hard and heavy record, which it's not. Each album stands on its own. AFD has its own sound, and the two Illusions are different from each other. Maybe a couple of those songs could've been on AFD, but 98 percent of them don't fit in to AFD. This one doesn't sound like either one.

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People are going to discover the new songs at the concerts and listen to the CD more.

This could be to GNR what "Paul's Boutique" was to the Beastie Boys, an initial "flop" (not my opinion, I thought it did well considering how things were at the time) that grew as a cult classic. Keep in mind the reviews on CD were favorable, and very few people trashed it.

I think it sounds good, and the multilayered and ballads are going to have divided opinions... if there was an expectation, it's probably that people were expecting a hard and heavy record, which it's not. Each album stands on its own. AFD has its own sound, and the two Illusions are different from each other. Maybe a couple of those songs could've been on AFD, but 98 percent of them don't fit in to AFD. This one doesn't sound like either one.

Causal fans dont want to hear ballads from Gnr they want to hear rockers. If CD were more heavy then maybe it would have done much better.

Most causal fans would rather have an album full of WTTJs than Nov Rains.

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People are going to discover the new songs at the concerts and listen to the CD more.

This could be to GNR what "Paul's Boutique" was to the Beastie Boys, an initial "flop" (not my opinion, I thought it did well considering how things were at the time) that grew as a cult classic. Keep in mind the reviews on CD were favorable, and very few people trashed it.

I think it sounds good, and the multilayered and ballads are going to have divided opinions... if there was an expectation, it's probably that people were expecting a hard and heavy record, which it's not. Each album stands on its own. AFD has its own sound, and the two Illusions are different from each other. Maybe a couple of those songs could've been on AFD, but 98 percent of them don't fit in to AFD. This one doesn't sound like either one.

Causal fans dont want to hear ballads from Gnr they want to hear rockers. If CD were more heavy then maybe it would have done much better.

Most causal fans would rather have an album full of WTTJs than Nov Rains.

I think if they do want to hear a ballad, you need Slash to come in and tear it up in the guitar solo. Imagine This I Love, if Axl and Slash designed the song. It would be incredbible.

It is what it is and it's already incredible!

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People are going to discover the new songs at the concerts and listen to the CD more.

This could be to GNR what "Paul's Boutique" was to the Beastie Boys, an initial "flop" (not my opinion, I thought it did well considering how things were at the time) that grew as a cult classic. Keep in mind the reviews on CD were favorable, and very few people trashed it.

I think it sounds good, and the multilayered and ballads are going to have divided opinions... if there was an expectation, it's probably that people were expecting a hard and heavy record, which it's not. Each album stands on its own. AFD has its own sound, and the two Illusions are different from each other. Maybe a couple of those songs could've been on AFD, but 98 percent of them don't fit in to AFD. This one doesn't sound like either one.

Causal fans dont want to hear ballads from Gnr they want to hear rockers. If CD were more heavy then maybe it would have done much better.

Most causal fans would rather have an album full of WTTJs than Nov Rains.

I think if they do want to hear a ballad, you need Slash to come in and tear it up in the guitar solo. Imagine This I Love, if Axl and Slash designed the song. It would be incredbible.

It is what it is and it's already incredible!

agreed, it is, what it is

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I agree that it doesn't have really obvious hooks but isn't that played out in 2010. To me they are there in a big way just in that style they aren't as obvious. Huge riffs on Sorry and Scraped. I guess it just comes done to the artist and what they want to do. Doing 70s style classic rock just to sell records would be terrible and probably wouldnt work anyway if heart not in it. But still think it's very catchy and much toe tapping. And it did sell really well so not sure what we are trying to say. Again the lack of videos, not to sell records, but as some way of getting it out there in people's consciousness gives the illusion that people don't like it. the Best Buy deal definitely gives the label no reason. thing is I'm sure they could do an AC/DC type song in 2 minutes, they could just throw a cover of Whole Lotta Rosie on CD II with Sailing put them out do trash a few chat shows, throw some chairs through Universal HQ, get arrested for meow meow possession on the freeway. bing bang boom CD is a hook laden smash hit at the heart of the american nightmare.

I don't know what it is - and I can't even begin to imagine - but whatever it is, I want some of whatever you're smoking.

Sometimes I wonder if you have a clue what this sounds like to a casual GnR fan. I know you love this band, you find deep meaning in things that - well, you find deep meaning in things. But to someone who is a very, very casual fan, it sounds - no offense, sincerely - but bat shit crazy.

This CD had over 8 million listens the first week and still hasn't sold over 1 mil in the US. Still. What does this mean to you? Over 7 mil are idiots, or over 7 mil didn't dig it?

Sorry to sound harsh, and I rarely post, doesn't matter diddly squat to me what GnR and CD does. But as a casual fan, to hear the justifications for why "the masses" just aren't cool enough to "get" CD, well, it's just possible - unbelievable as it might sound - that the music wasn't very good.

I do go overboard quite a lot I guess.

Not sure I thought masses not cool enough, or whatever, just wondering, beyond just thinking maybe it's not very good. Maybe they are too cool for CD? Mainly because I think it is good. In reality the masses do like it, it's just the cd sales are down across the board.

Not sure about this myspace theory, seems like you've started your own range of crazy there.

Lol, yeah, you do seem to go a bit overboard, but I get it, GnR are your favorite band. It's cool. I just wanted to convey that for a casual fan (that would be me) there were no expectations of CD being a GnR record - just that it would have some good music on it. This CD was kinda weird in a lot of ways. My personal opinion was that it sounded bloated, just too much in there, however, my musical education is such that I can't tell you what I mean specifically - just that it seemed too much. I liked one song, one song made me laugh out loud (and not in a good way) and the others were sorta forgettable. But that's just me. I wish them success. They were a great band in my youth.

See I liked stuff which seems to have influenced CD from the 90s like Faith No More had a similar insensity/layers on Angel Dust which made it difficult to get in too at first, or NIN soundwise. So the complexity is something I enjoy. And I think epic is what GNR became about, so the direction it took wasn't a surprise, they had Nov Rain as an idea I think before AFD.

Going back to the "deep meanings" I don't think CD has any. What it has is emotional impact, like most of GNR's songs. On CD the emotions are pretty everyday, there are a few Point of view/charatcers in there but when it comes down to it's not deeply philosophical, it seems to alternate between rage and heartbreak? It's fun to put CD in context of other records, maybe see how it relates to romanticism/jung in a wider landscape, but ultimately it doesn'y have any secret meanings. I what I do think is that AFD has songs with different emotions which made fans feel awesome. CD is maybe emotions people don't want to feel or escape into. There's still inspiring songs and amazing music but it's generally more down. It's still comes off as very GNR but in completely different way. There's a definite lack of sex, drugs and misogyny. The mainstream prefered the tabloid GNR, and so too did the record label.

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I agree that it doesn't have really obvious hooks but isn't that played out in 2010. To me they are there in a big way just in that style they aren't as obvious. Huge riffs on Sorry and Scraped. I guess it just comes done to the artist and what they want to do. Doing 70s style classic rock just to sell records would be terrible and probably wouldnt work anyway if heart not in it. But still think it's very catchy and much toe tapping. And it did sell really well so not sure what we are trying to say. Again the lack of videos, not to sell records, but as some way of getting it out there in people's consciousness gives the illusion that people don't like it. the Best Buy deal definitely gives the label no reason. thing is I'm sure they could do an AC/DC type song in 2 minutes, they could just throw a cover of Whole Lotta Rosie on CD II with Sailing put them out do trash a few chat shows, throw some chairs through Universal HQ, get arrested for meow meow possession on the freeway. bing bang boom CD is a hook laden smash hit at the heart of the american nightmare.

I don't know what it is - and I can't even begin to imagine - but whatever it is, I want some of whatever you're smoking.

Sometimes I wonder if you have a clue what this sounds like to a casual GnR fan. I know you love this band, you find deep meaning in things that - well, you find deep meaning in things. But to someone who is a very, very casual fan, it sounds - no offense, sincerely - but bat shit crazy.

This CD had over 8 million listens the first week and still hasn't sold over 1 mil in the US. Still. What does this mean to you? Over 7 mil are idiots, or over 7 mil didn't dig it?

Sorry to sound harsh, and I rarely post, doesn't matter diddly squat to me what GnR and CD does. But as a casual fan, to hear the justifications for why "the masses" just aren't cool enough to "get" CD, well, it's just possible - unbelievable as it might sound - that the music wasn't very good.

I do go overboard quite a lot I guess.

Not sure I thought masses not cool enough, or whatever, just wondering, beyond just thinking maybe it's not very good. Maybe they are too cool for CD? Mainly because I think it is good. In reality the masses do like it, it's just the cd sales are down across the board.

Not sure about this myspace theory, seems like you've started your own range of crazy there.

Lol, yeah, you do seem to go a bit overboard, but I get it, GnR are your favorite band. It's cool. I just wanted to convey that for a casual fan (that would be me) there were no expectations of CD being a GnR record - just that it would have some good music on it. This CD was kinda weird in a lot of ways. My personal opinion was that it sounded bloated, just too much in there, however, my musical education is such that I can't tell you what I mean specifically - just that it seemed too much. I liked one song, one song made me laugh out loud (and not in a good way) and the others were sorta forgettable. But that's just me. I wish them success. They were a great band in my youth.

See I liked stuff which seems to have influenced CD from the 90s like Faith No More had a similar insensity/layers on Angel Dust which made it difficult to get in too at first, or NIN soundwise. So the complexity is something I enjoy. And I think epic is what GNR became about, so the direction it took wasn't a surprise, they had Nov Rain as an idea I think before AFD.

"He" had that idea.

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I think CD is doing alright, taking everything into consideration.

Having a succesfull world tour going on is a great way to keep sales going. Last time they were around my parts, northern Europe, the GNR show was headlining all local news. Mind you, no other pop/rock show ever makes it to the news section as per standard. Im waiting to see what the buzz will look like when they are around again.

I think its stretching it pretty hard to say that the record completely flopped. I think the only thing that flopped was Axls complete inability to do a little standard promoting, the talk show circuit and maybe an actual music video. He just turned his cellphone off and went AWOL and I remember how godawful that whole episode looked.

Maybe we could actually talk about CD flopping if it came out in 1999 and got trashed in sales by whatever nu-metal was popular at the time. Linkin Parks debut did around 13+ million and was the biggest record of its time, maybe we could have been talking about a flop if Axl would have got overshadowed by them. Ten years ago there was still a lot of intense waiting and anticipation of Axls record... since the man sort of promised it to come out and everything. Ten years pass and the scene is different.

When Axl turns his cellphone off and goes AWOL there is not much the suits and their money can do to promote a record.

Look at the fucking album cover art, thats some crazy old photography up in that bitch. If you cant even manage to get good photos by an actual photographer into the leaflet then something is wrong. what can the suits do?

I feel honored to have been logged on to the internet when Axl shrugged. Supposedly there was a perfectly fine booklet to use which was ignored.

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I think CD is doing alright, taking everything into consideration.

Having a succesfull world tour going on is a great way to keep sales going. Last time they were around my parts, northern Europe, the GNR show was headlining all local news. Mind you, no other pop/rock show ever makes it to the news section as per standard. Im waiting to see what the buzz will look like when they are around again.

I think its stretching it pretty hard to say that the record completely flopped. I think the only thing that flopped was Axls complete inability to do a little standard promoting, the talk show circuit and maybe an actual music video. He just turned his cellphone off and went AWOL and I remember how godawful that whole episode looked.

Maybe we could actually talk about CD flopping if it came out in 1999 and got trashed in sales by whatever nu-metal was popular at the time. Linkin Parks debut did around 13+ million and was the biggest record of its time, maybe we could have been talking about a flop if Axl would have got overshadowed by them. Ten years ago there was still a lot of intense waiting and anticipation of Axls record... since the man sort of promised it to come out and everything. Ten years pass and the scene is different.

When Axl turns his cellphone off and goes AWOL there is not much the suits and their money can do to promote a record.

Look at the fucking album cover art, thats some crazy old photography up in that bitch. If you cant even manage to get good photos by an actual photographer into the leaflet then something is wrong. what can the suits do?

I feel honored to have been logged on to the internet when Axl shrugged. Supposedly there was a perfectly fine booklet to use which was ignored.

Wasn't that booklet handed in after the album was pressed? It takes about 14 days or so to press and print an album before it can be released in stores.

Axl was probably dicking around and missed the deadline. By the time the label made the BB deal, they didnt care about the booklet, they just wanted to get CD out and wash their hands of it.

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Ban this phaggot ITW2012. Every thread he makes is condescending to guns.

ITW2012 has a very long history with this forum. Back in the quiet days, his oddball questions and threads prevented this place from becoming a ghost town.

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I think CD is doing alright, taking everything into consideration.

Having a succesfull world tour going on is a great way to keep sales going. Last time they were around my parts, northern Europe, the GNR show was headlining all local news. Mind you, no other pop/rock show ever makes it to the news section as per standard. Im waiting to see what the buzz will look like when they are around again.

I think its stretching it pretty hard to say that the record completely flopped. I think the only thing that flopped was Axls complete inability to do a little standard promoting, the talk show circuit and maybe an actual music video. He just turned his cellphone off and went AWOL and I remember how godawful that whole episode looked.

Maybe we could actually talk about CD flopping if it came out in 1999 and got trashed in sales by whatever nu-metal was popular at the time. Linkin Parks debut did around 13+ million and was the biggest record of its time, maybe we could have been talking about a flop if Axl would have got overshadowed by them. Ten years ago there was still a lot of intense waiting and anticipation of Axls record... since the man sort of promised it to come out and everything. Ten years pass and the scene is different.

When Axl turns his cellphone off and goes AWOL there is not much the suits and their money can do to promote a record.

Look at the fucking album cover art, thats some crazy old photography up in that bitch. If you cant even manage to get good photos by an actual photographer into the leaflet then something is wrong. what can the suits do?

I feel honored to have been logged on to the internet when Axl shrugged. Supposedly there was a perfectly fine booklet to use which was ignored.

Wasn't that booklet handed in after the album was pressed? It takes about 14 days or so to press and print an album before it can be released in stores.

Axl was probably dicking around and missed the deadline. By the time the label made the BB deal, they didnt care about the booklet, they just wanted to get CD out and wash their hands of it.

He said it was available and didnt know why it wasn't used.

It points to a breakdown in communication with label. It's hard to believe really that before it goes to the printers no emails the booklet to the artist, just for a confirmation. As you're going to be printing a ton of them.

Has this happened before, a cd with typos in it, the scale of it just seems so huge. 1 or 2 ok, but whole thing misisng. I know some bands don't pull all lyrics in anyway. maybe it's just that it's download era, there's no time for a proofread.

I remember the Best Buy sight typing up the titles, changing the tracklisting, almost like someone was texting them the titles for the website. Changing Catcher N The Rye to Catcher in the Rye. maybe they were just taking the piss.

Who's responsible for GNR at the label, or have the names been changed to protect the guilty?

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I think CD is doing alright, taking everything into consideration.

Having a succesfull world tour going on is a great way to keep sales going. Last time they were around my parts, northern Europe, the GNR show was headlining all local news. Mind you, no other pop/rock show ever makes it to the news section as per standard. Im waiting to see what the buzz will look like when they are around again.

I think its stretching it pretty hard to say that the record completely flopped. I think the only thing that flopped was Axls complete inability to do a little standard promoting, the talk show circuit and maybe an actual music video. He just turned his cellphone off and went AWOL and I remember how godawful that whole episode looked.

Maybe we could actually talk about CD flopping if it came out in 1999 and got trashed in sales by whatever nu-metal was popular at the time. Linkin Parks debut did around 13+ million and was the biggest record of its time, maybe we could have been talking about a flop if Axl would have got overshadowed by them. Ten years ago there was still a lot of intense waiting and anticipation of Axls record... since the man sort of promised it to come out and everything. Ten years pass and the scene is different.

When Axl turns his cellphone off and goes AWOL there is not much the suits and their money can do to promote a record.

Look at the fucking album cover art, thats some crazy old photography up in that bitch. If you cant even manage to get good photos by an actual photographer into the leaflet then something is wrong. what can the suits do?

I feel honored to have been logged on to the internet when Axl shrugged. Supposedly there was a perfectly fine booklet to use which was ignored.

Wasn't that booklet handed in after the album was pressed? It takes about 14 days or so to press and print an album before it can be released in stores.

Axl was probably dicking around and missed the deadline. By the time the label made the BB deal, they didnt care about the booklet, they just wanted to get CD out and wash their hands of it.

He said it was available and didnt know why it wasn't used.

It points to a breakdown in communication with label. It's hard to believe really that before it goes to the printers no emails the booklet to the artist, just for a confirmation. As you're going to be printing a ton of them.

Has this happened before, a cd with typos in it, the scale of it just seems so huge. 1 or 2 ok, but whole thing misisng. I know some bands don't pull all lyrics in anyway. maybe it's just that it's download era, there's no time for a proofread.

I remember the Best Buy sight typing up the titles, changing the tracklisting, almost like someone was texting them the titles for the website. Changing Catcher N The Rye to Catcher in the Rye. maybe they were just taking the piss.

Who's responsible for GNR at the label, or have the names been changed to protect the guilty?

That is what Axl claims but who knows how long he was awol before the release of CD.

You would think the album booklet would at least go through a spell checker.

Both are at fault for the booklet mishap. The label maybe more so since they just let it go with all of the mistakes.

But then again they got their money so they probably didnt even care if Axl was dragging his feet, they could have been like oh screw him, just send what we have.

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I think CD is doing alright, taking everything into consideration.

Having a succesfull world tour going on is a great way to keep sales going. Last time they were around my parts, northern Europe, the GNR show was headlining all local news. Mind you, no other pop/rock show ever makes it to the news section as per standard. Im waiting to see what the buzz will look like when they are around again.

I think its stretching it pretty hard to say that the record completely flopped. I think the only thing that flopped was Axls complete inability to do a little standard promoting, the talk show circuit and maybe an actual music video. He just turned his cellphone off and went AWOL and I remember how godawful that whole episode looked.

Maybe we could actually talk about CD flopping if it came out in 1999 and got trashed in sales by whatever nu-metal was popular at the time. Linkin Parks debut did around 13+ million and was the biggest record of its time, maybe we could have been talking about a flop if Axl would have got overshadowed by them. Ten years ago there was still a lot of intense waiting and anticipation of Axls record... since the man sort of promised it to come out and everything. Ten years pass and the scene is different.

When Axl turns his cellphone off and goes AWOL there is not much the suits and their money can do to promote a record.

Look at the fucking album cover art, thats some crazy old photography up in that bitch. If you cant even manage to get good photos by an actual photographer into the leaflet then something is wrong. what can the suits do?

I feel honored to have been logged on to the internet when Axl shrugged. Supposedly there was a perfectly fine booklet to use which was ignored.

Wasn't that booklet handed in after the album was pressed? It takes about 14 days or so to press and print an album before it can be released in stores.

Axl was probably dicking around and missed the deadline. By the time the label made the BB deal, they didnt care about the booklet, they just wanted to get CD out and wash their hands of it.

He said it was available and didnt know why it wasn't used.

It points to a breakdown in communication with label. It's hard to believe really that before it goes to the printers no emails the booklet to the artist, just for a confirmation. As you're going to be printing a ton of them.

Has this happened before, a cd with typos in it, the scale of it just seems so huge. 1 or 2 ok, but whole thing misisng. I know some bands don't pull all lyrics in anyway. maybe it's just that it's download era, there's no time for a proofread.

I remember the Best Buy sight typing up the titles, changing the tracklisting, almost like someone was texting them the titles for the website. Changing Catcher N The Rye to Catcher in the Rye. maybe they were just taking the piss.

Who's responsible for GNR at the label, or have the names been changed to protect the guilty?

That is what Axl claims but who knows how long he was awol before the release of CD.

You would think the album booklet would at least go through a spell checker.

Both are at fault for the booklet mishap. The label maybe more so since they just let it go with all of the mistakes.

But then again they got their money so they probably didnt even care if Axl was dragging his feet, they could have been like oh screw him, just send what we have.

just the tip of the iceberg in what they did to fuck with him, if I were him I would fuck with them right back, oh wait that's exactly what he did. Good for him!!

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I think CD is doing alright, taking everything into consideration.

Having a succesfull world tour going on is a great way to keep sales going. Last time they were around my parts, northern Europe, the GNR show was headlining all local news. Mind you, no other pop/rock show ever makes it to the news section as per standard. Im waiting to see what the buzz will look like when they are around again.

I think its stretching it pretty hard to say that the record completely flopped. I think the only thing that flopped was Axls complete inability to do a little standard promoting, the talk show circuit and maybe an actual music video. He just turned his cellphone off and went AWOL and I remember how godawful that whole episode looked.

Maybe we could actually talk about CD flopping if it came out in 1999 and got trashed in sales by whatever nu-metal was popular at the time. Linkin Parks debut did around 13+ million and was the biggest record of its time, maybe we could have been talking about a flop if Axl would have got overshadowed by them. Ten years ago there was still a lot of intense waiting and anticipation of Axls record... since the man sort of promised it to come out and everything. Ten years pass and the scene is different.

When Axl turns his cellphone off and goes AWOL there is not much the suits and their money can do to promote a record.

Look at the fucking album cover art, thats some crazy old photography up in that bitch. If you cant even manage to get good photos by an actual photographer into the leaflet then something is wrong. what can the suits do?

I feel honored to have been logged on to the internet when Axl shrugged. Supposedly there was a perfectly fine booklet to use which was ignored.

Wasn't that booklet handed in after the album was pressed? It takes about 14 days or so to press and print an album before it can be released in stores.

Axl was probably dicking around and missed the deadline. By the time the label made the BB deal, they didnt care about the booklet, they just wanted to get CD out and wash their hands of it.

He said it was available and didnt know why it wasn't used.

It points to a breakdown in communication with label. It's hard to believe really that before it goes to the printers no emails the booklet to the artist, just for a confirmation. As you're going to be printing a ton of them.

Has this happened before, a cd with typos in it, the scale of it just seems so huge. 1 or 2 ok, but whole thing misisng. I know some bands don't pull all lyrics in anyway. maybe it's just that it's download era, there's no time for a proofread.

I remember the Best Buy sight typing up the titles, changing the tracklisting, almost like someone was texting them the titles for the website. Changing Catcher N The Rye to Catcher in the Rye. maybe they were just taking the piss.

Who's responsible for GNR at the label, or have the names been changed to protect the guilty?

I think everyone at best buy and the record label would have been happy to have a more modern booklet because that thing looks horrendously dated. even if you can argument around the general sound of the record not being dated... the photoshop version 3.0 feel of the booklet will get that feel in for you all the same.

I hope you do realize that this is just another case of "nothing is ever axl's fault" ie. Axl wants something incredible, he was talking about trying to introduce the record through some movie things again, which is a stupid idea that has always let him down in the past, he didn't get it and because of that, he turned his cellphone off and went AWOL on everyone on the fucking eve of his records release.

You can't seriously pin that shit on suits or anything. a million different music magazines and tv-shows would have loved to have the man come and talk about his record. problem was he wasn't man enough to do it. the only suit that can be blamed for that is the suit Axl is wearing, im afraid.

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You can't seriously pin that shit on suits or anything. a million different music magazines and tv-shows would have loved to have the man come and talk about his record. problem was he wasn't man enough to do it. the only suit that can be blamed for that is the suit Axl is wearing, im afraid.

Well said. He's got the cover of 'Rolling Stone' with a simple phone call, but he can't be bothered.

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