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Axl Rose slams Azoff


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How about the reunion crowd take this to the reunion section. This is about a lawsuit.

This whole board is about a reunion.

You've been here 4 months.....you should have figured this out by now.

no, there is a folder about 3 sections down about a reunion.

my length of time here has nothing to do with it. if that area of the site wasn't about a reunion(that isn't happening anyway), it wouldn't be there.

this isn't the place to go on and on about why you think the old members need to reunite. this is about a lawsuit.

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I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

yeah they do; but most of them want to work with an artist who actually pays for them for their services.

Well thus is the problem is it not? He is said to have not done his service thus forfeiting any payment for the service that was not done.

Conveniently, after a tour that Axl set up himself, that lost close to a million dollars.

The tour lost so much money according to the Lawsuit due to Azoff not booking the dates and making organisation for the gear, accomodation and transport therefore the band had to spend their own money and the money they made touring to sustain the tour.

This is correct, some people here would rather assume things than read.

Like yourself.

But hey, you got to meet Axl, and was subsequently made a mod on this board, so I can see why you might be a little biased.

don't blame you really...

Sunny just because the tour lost money does not mean it wasn't successful, just hear me out here.

Two of the most successful tours of all time U2's ZooTV tour and the 360 tour both were not financially successful.

The ZooTV tour despite selling out most venues only made a profit in the final year of the 3 year tour due to the band wanting a big stage setup and not wanting to overcharge for tickets, as The Edge once said "We could have charged another 10 dollars per ticket which people would be willing to pay and made alot of money but for us the tour was never about the money".

Furthermore the 360 tour which was one of the most financially successful tours last year which sold out every stadium they played at and which over the course of 44 stadium shows, sold them all out and made over $300 million dollars was still losing $750,000 every show due to the huge start up, transportation costs and time needed to put the stage together. So would a tour which is losing $750,000 per show be unsuccessful despite selling out 44 dates and making $300 million dollars?

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How about the reunion crowd take this to the reunion section. This is about a lawsuit.

This whole board is about a reunion.

You've been here 4 months.....you should have figured this out by now.

no, there is a folder about 3 sections down about a reunion.

my length of time here has nothing to do with it. if that area of the site wasn't about a reunion(that isn't happening anyway), it wouldn't be there.

this isn't the place to go on and on about why you think the old members need to reunite. this is about a lawsuit.

The press seems to think otherwise.

"]Axl Rose Says Managers Had "Secret Plan" to REUNITE GUNS N' ROSES

Edited by SunnyDRE
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How about the reunion crowd take this to the reunion section. This is about a lawsuit.

This whole board is about a reunion.

You've been here 4 months.....you should have figured this out by now.

no, there is a folder about 3 sections down about a reunion.

my length of time here has nothing to do with it. if that area of the site wasn't about a reunion(that isn't happening anyway), it wouldn't be there.

this isn't the place to go on and on about why you think the old members need to reunite. this is about a lawsuit.

I ain't even particularly pro-reunion but my god, it's a lot more interesting that lawsuits.

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Guest Apollo

I could see Azoff getting Axl blacklisted in order to send a message out that he's a man that shouldn't be crossed. With Axl's riotous track record it wouldn't be too hard. All he has to do is get the word out to the promoters that New GNR is not to be dealt with and that would be that.

I don't think it's like that, other managers and promoters like money too

yeah they do; but most of them want to work with an artist who actually pays for them for their services.

Well thus is the problem is it not? He is said to have not done his service thus forfeiting any payment for the service that was not done.

Conveniently, after a tour that Axl set up himself, that lost close to a million dollars.

The tour lost so much money according to the Lawsuit due to Azoff not booking the dates and making organisation for the gear, accomodation and transport therefore the band had to spend their own money and the money they made touring to sustain the tour.

This is correct, some people here would rather assume things than read.

Guns, don't waste your time trying to debate this. There are 5-6 posters on here who bash Axl on the reg. Sunny is one of them, who always takes the negative when in concerns Ax.

Its so pathetic. If you agree with Axl or say something positive - then they call you a nut-swinger who drinks the Axl kool-aid and say that in your eyes Axl is always right and everybody else is always wrong. But the hypocrites don't see that thet are doing the EXACT same thing they are accusing you of doing. They automatically assume the worse and respond with negative comments to everything Axl does. Pretty pathetic.

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Azoff's not going to "blacklist" GNR on the Ticketmaster end. That's like shooting himself in the foot.

However, I think it would be consistent with Axl to never book a gig as long as one of the companies that Azoff stands to profit.

Then he will limit his options as far as venues are concerned since Ticketmaster controls the tickets for many here in the U.S...........It is going to be hard enough for Axl to sell tickets if he tours here without alienating Ticketmaster.........

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Azoff's not going to "blacklist" GNR on the Ticketmaster end. That's like shooting himself in the foot.

However, I think it would be consistent with Axl to never book a gig as long as one of the companies that Azoff stands to profit.

but maybe if someone else handles the business side like Doc he can just block it out, work round it. it's just business, not personal. or just cut out ticketmaster and sell tickets different way, like out of ticket offices the old school way, guerrilla touring, in brazil that looked fun, the queuing and everything built up a buzz for the shows. although come to think about it, maybe the way azoff tried to fuck axl is why a US tour didnt happen in the first place? so until it's settled, the US fans will have to wait.

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It's Axl vs the industry at this point. I think Axl can take them.

:shocked: Azoff's lawyers have nothing but time and unlimited resources to fuck with Axl. All this "GO AXL!!111" stuff is nice but the reality is Azoff is one of ,if not the most powerful person in the industry. People keep saying he won't pass up a chance to make money on GNR but this GNR lineup in the states won't do a fraction of the business of some of his other clients like Van Halen. I think the truth of this lawsuit lies somewhere in the middle but in the meantime as far as the US is concerned, the GNR machine might be at a standstill.

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Slash had this to say about the whole drama.

Speaking to VH1 Radio Networks' Dave Basner, Slash stated about Rose's countersuit, "I don't even know what that's about. I don't know where Axl is coming from. I mean, I know where Irving is coming from — he's looking for commissions for a tour that he booked. [it's a] pretty reasonable kind of thing. Axl's countersuing, so I'm not sure exactly what the merit is that he's countersuing, exactly. Anyways, I don't keep up with that, I don't follow it."


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The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.


Maybe, 8 years ago - after the VMA's......Hell maybe even 2 years ago, before the release of CD; but not today.

As someone said in this thread, most of the people that grew up with and loved this band, have moved on.

The only way Axl gets Leno, Letterman, Conan etc. is because of a reunion with the old guys, or if he writes a "tell all" book.

oh lord if you really think axl couldnt get on letterman, leno etc. you are in a whole different league of stupid to what i thought you were.
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The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.


Maybe, 8 years ago - after the VMA's......Hell maybe even 2 years ago, before the release of CD; but not today.

As someone said in this thread, most of the people that grew up with and loved this band, have moved on.

The only way Axl gets Leno, Letterman, Conan etc. is because of a reunion with the old guys, or if he writes a "tell all" book.

oh lord if you really think axl couldnt get on letterman, leno etc. you are in a whole different league of stupid to what i thought you were.

I'm sure he could until Leno/Letterman, etc. found out that Axl will only allow certain questions. That shit might work on some Podunk radio DJ (reference Classic Rock article dealing with Axl only allowing certain questions and having to approve any interviews before they aired in 2002) but it's not gonna fly with any credible Journalist

Edited by xGNRxSTARx
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I didn't get the chance to read all of these because there are tons of posts, but I wanted to comment on the fact that Azoff used Axl's previous name in the lawsuit- my husband legally changed his name (which I assume Axl did too) and he was told that his previous name could not be used again for any reason (like signing legal documents and so on). When looking for work my husband has to put his previous name under the heading "other names used", but in reality if he is called by that name in a lawsuit that person doesn't really exist anymore. Not sure why Azoff would use that name now unless Axl never went through the process to legally change his name (which 11 years ago cost less than $2 thou so he could afford it).

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The bottom line is that Axl Rose has a lot of pull. If he decided tomorrow he wanted to do any promotional activity he wished, they would have him immediately. He's like Michael Jackson. He could be on Leno, Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, covers of magazines etc. He can do whatever promotion he pleases.


Maybe, 8 years ago - after the VMA's......Hell maybe even 2 years ago, before the release of CD; but not today.

As someone said in this thread, most of the people that grew up with and loved this band, have moved on.

The only way Axl gets Leno, Letterman, Conan etc. is because of a reunion with the old guys, or if he writes a "tell all" book.

oh lord if you really think axl couldnt get on letterman, leno etc. you are in a whole different league of stupid to what i thought you were.

I'm sure he could until Leno/Letterman, etc. found out that Axl will only allow certain questions. That shit might work on some Podunk radio DJ (reference Classic Rock article dealing with Axl only allowing certain questions and having to approve any interviews before they aired in 2002) but it's not gonna fly with any credible Journalist

yeah only allow certain questions, an M.O the vast majority of celebrities adhere to when conducting interviews. billboard is an industry juggernaut and tolerated him sending an almost intelligible, illiterate wall of text via email, they wanted to print it so much they edited it for him.

the enigmatic/eccentric nature of axl rose is marketable, if you give them nothing people want it more, thats why he'd be infinitely more sought after to do a tell all piece, as opposed to someone who is seemingly transparent and in the public eye often, such as Slash.

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