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Guest ben9785

I know the rain disorients people, especially trying to keep everything in check at a large show.. but he's missed so many lyrics.. like the end of "November Rain" there.. I'm not trying to be critical, but compared to the shows at the end of last year, Axl was on top form..

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Lol Ron still does the Estranged quote in his solo, even though they just did the whole damn song :P

Also, even a dead monitor is no excuse. If the monitor died, Springsteen would remember the words to Born To Run. Axl oughta do the same with his baby.

Edited by axlslash
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I'm pretty sure the rain is effecting Axl's singing.

But for singing live, this is really close to as good as Axl can get - especially at his age.

No, it's really not. If anything he is standing around more tonight which should make him less winded than normal.

He could sound light years better if he really made an effort to get in shape.

He is no different than a professional athlete. He is paid to perform, and you have to put in the time to get your body right.

He clearly literally rolls off the couch and heads out there to perform.

You're retarded if you don't think weather could affect your vocal cords. Cold rain pouring down can cause your vocal cords to constrict.


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I'm glad other people are noticing he spent the last months on the couch jerking off then rolled off onto the stage at the biggest show in the world where ever other act brought their A game from Metallica to Shakira.

The whole thing's an abortion. Yeah, the band nailed Estranged: they should, they're shit hot musicians. Axl didn't nail it, he got away with it because it's easy to sing.

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