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Ashba in March/April 2011 Revolver Magazine


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Okay, I did a search for this and couldn't find anything about it. So, sorry if it has already been posted. Feel free to bash away and tell me to do more research.

Anyway, in the March/April 2011 edition of Revolver magazine there is a very cool article and interview about Nikki Sixx and Sixx A.M. The article talks about the other members of Sixx A.M. It does not state when the interview was conducted. Ashba says some pretty interesting things about future plans of GN'R.

Here is what it says.

Since completing the album (This is Gonna Hurt....Sixx A.M.'s new album), the band mates have plenty of work to return to. So what's up with Ashba's other band? "GN'R are getting ready to work on new stuff," the guitarist says. "Everybody says, 'Oh, Chinese Democracy took 15 years.' What they don't realize is that there are about four records just sitting there-tons of material already recorded. We're gonna start sifting through that and writing new shit. I've already written a bunch of stuff I'm gonna run past Axl. And we're making plans on touring the U.S., but nothing's in stone."

He didn't say anything that we haven't already heard but it is kinda cool to see it in print in a pretty respectable international magazine.

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4 albums worth of material?! Baz said he heard about 3 albums worth and Axl played even that down. The plot thickens.

I think Axl may have been downplaying it because people tend to think that means there'll be three albums released. Three albums worth of material, but don't expect every single one of those songs to be release. Bands discard songs they don't like all the time.

So be it 3 or 4, it might only be 1 or 2 more albums at the end of the day.

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Um, so does this mean they're going to re-record all of Bucket & Robin's parts and it'll consist of both old and newer tracks?? :question:

We really need an update.

he didn't say that, but i think they might re-record stuff. but if they are to re-record something, how could we know? we haven't heard the unreleased music so we would have nothing to compare to. but as far as we know, they might release the already finished material without any re-recording or they could even record every part of every song again with the current members of the band and make it their own record. we can't know anything for sure before something comes out :shrugs:

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AH... Thank you DJ Ashba!!

At least he is optimistic about GNR, I'm very happy about this news. And yes, DJ was the first one to tell us positive stuff in 2009 and that the tour would happen. It happened. So I believe him.

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Guest gunns5

. I've already written a bunch of stuff I'm gonna run past Axl.

I fucking love how this band operates, and no, i'm not being sarcastic. Does any other band function like this? I just fucking love it. So weird and interesting, I wonder if Ron or 4tus comes up with new stuff then passes it onto Axl?

Fucking love it all

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Poor DJ, he is either still incredibly naive or prefers to just knowingly lead the fans on with talk of writing new stuff.

Neither Axl nor the record company is going to dump 3 albums worth of completed and paid for material in order to front the band money to make new music. No record executive who wants to keep his job for that matter will likely ever give Axl any sort of advance ever again after the fiasco that was making CD.

I am sure he has good intentions, but DJ is not at all in touch with the reality Axl deals with on a daily basis as far as the business end of GNR goes and the difficulties that come with trying to do anything, much less recording new material that could ever dream of being released in a timely fashion.

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. I've already written a bunch of stuff I'm gonna run past Axl.

I fucking love how this band operates, and no, i'm not being sarcastic. Does any other band function like this? I just fucking love it. So weird and interesting, I wonder if Ron or 4tus comes up with new stuff then passes it onto Axl?

Fucking love it all

I don't. Shit takes FOREVER.

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It's definitely positive...I really don't hope they rerecord it. Maybe add to it at most but what's the point of rerecording it!?

New material would be AMAZING! Come on guys! :D

I think it would be so good for the band and Axl to get the rest of the Chinese sessions out on disc. It would make a big impact in the media, fan base and they can tour on the back of it.

Also, it would enable them to write new material as the current band which would be good for the bands self esteem (IMO), as they could put the past behind them and become their own band with their own musical identity.

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this is good news but i really hope they release the cd era material and without re-recording.

also i would prefer if they do release an album (or albums) that they release the cd era material and the new material separately. but i would get what i can take

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i know axl probably has some sort of grand plan for releasing the music, but MAN, i just wish it would come out already! i know we got CD, but I want the rest of it. I feel like i've been waiting for over half my life for CD, and I have! (i'm almost 32 now)

Okay, I did a search for this and couldn't find anything about it. So, sorry if it has already been posted. Feel free to bash away and tell me to do more research.

LOL, I like your style man! :lol:

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Good news :D I'm most excited about what DJ said about what he'd written. Please just past it to Axl already.

There's no guarantee Axl will like what he's written. If anything, he'll like one part and decide to pass that part around to everyone else in the band and see what they come up with. Any new song will take years to be completed, in my estimation. They should just put out what they've already got and maybe let DJ add something here and there, as long as he's not re-recording over Bucket's stuff.

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Hmmmmmm..... not sure what to make of this.

If Ashba gives Axl more stuff to work on will that FURTHER delay the release of the CD material that's already done?!

I think GNR should just release 10 track albums when they have enough stuff they're happy with.

If they have 10 tracks ready - just throw it out there. Do a radiohead, release it digitally on your own website for £7 and a box set/special edition for £20. They'll make a packet! Are they still signed to Geffen (or whatever they're called these days)?

If they're not, just throw the shit out digitally.

I mean the CD booklet was shit with spelling mistakes, wrong lyrics etc... not like we're missing much.

GNR doesn't need too much advertising, if they "did a radiohead" they would get all the press coverage they could want.

So release 10 songs like that. Then in 1 year do the same again. "we're releasing our album in 1 week, pre order it from here..." That would get the world talking.


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