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Chinese Democracy II or bust

ITW 2012

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Unlike Oasis, Axl found a way to keep the band alive without having to all get along. Sorry, the 2001 RIR just cracks me up after how it all played out. At this point I think we're all ready for next Summer to begin.

Edited by ITW 2012
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You saw what happen to the booklet. The label was responsible for that. I think Axl told us some other problems he's had with the label a while back. The band tells us there is new music to present to us. Does anybody ever consider the label is the real fuck up/problem?

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Does anybody ever consider the label is the real fuck up/problem?

Totally! We've analyzed the situation from angles I didn't even know existed. Bottom line is I think CD II would happen if Axl could work out a compromise. Should, Could and Would don't necessarily work in the Wood though. It's funny like that. You never know what's going to happen, or when.

Edited by ITW 2012
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Maybe people need to be more patient. We just had 3 awesome years of GNR action. That's the problem with society today. Everyone wants theirs now, and nobody is willing to wait. GNR isn't falling apart, the wannabe fans are. Chill the fuck out.

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Maybe people need to be more patient. We just had 3 awesome years of GNR action. That's the problem with society today. Everyone wants theirs now, and nobody is willing to wait. GNR isn't falling apart, the wannabe fans are. Chill the fuck out.

Agreed. Most big rock bands take 4-5 years between albums. RHCP last released an album in 2006 and have yet to deliver a follow up. Metallica released their last album the same year as Chinese Democracy and haven't released a new record yet.

Things take time. So long as GNR can hold a steady line-up I think we'll get another record in either 2012-13.

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Guest siliconmessiah

Maybe people need to be more patient. We just had 3 awesome years of GNR action. That's the problem with society today. Everyone wants theirs now, and nobody is willing to wait. GNR isn't falling apart, the wannabe fans are. Chill the fuck out.

The wannabe fans yeah...said the man who joined this forum in 2010.

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Maybe people need to be more patient. We just had 3 awesome years of GNR action. That's the problem with society today. Everyone wants theirs now, and nobody is willing to wait. GNR isn't falling apart, the wannabe fans are. Chill the fuck out.

Look i can respect the opinion dude, but Chinese Democracy came out about 9 years later than it was supposed to. It was from many accounts done in 2002 latest. You can't get on fans for wanting more music with one album to tide them over (mostly leaks) for all this time.

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Maybe people need to be more patient. We just had 3 awesome years of GNR action. That's the problem with society today. Everyone wants theirs now, and nobody is willing to wait. GNR isn't falling apart, the wannabe fans are. Chill the fuck out.

The wannabe fans yeah...said the man who joined this forum in 2010.


This shows how low your intelligence is. This isn't my first account.

Don't get butthurt MR. Slashite because I speak the truth.

cupcake DEALT WITH!

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Maybe people need to be more patient. We just had 3 awesome years of GNR action. That's the problem with society today. Everyone wants theirs now, and nobody is willing to wait. GNR isn't falling apart, the wannabe fans are. Chill the fuck out.

The wannabe fans yeah...said the man who joined this forum in 2010.

How does one be a "wannabe fan" of music?

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Well, I thought after the failed tour in 2002 that it would be Chinese Democracy 1 or bust. But Axl surprised me by touring in 2006-07. Now things are a little different, the album came out in 2008 and Axl has toured behind it, just not in the US(lately). I think its true that Axl just doesn't care what anyone thinks. He does what he does. But sooner or later he's gonna have to put out another album. The fans will not continue to show up to see Axl and his band play the same show without some new music. Especially when Axl has claimed to have another 2 albums worth of material just waiting to be released.

Could be wrong of course, been wrong before.

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and who says the new album is called 'Chinese Democracy II'?

Id say thats the most ignorant statement Ive ever heard..it might as well be called 'Appetitie for Destruction II' while your at it....

so many children on these forums...that cry when their 'bottle runs dry' and then start these useless threads about their whining and think they are entitled to something...its truely sad to see where the world is heading...fan or no fan...no band OWES you anything...they do it because they want to and because they are passionate about it...if they started doing it for the fans..then that would change the direction of the music, the band..and it may be something you wouldnt like either..so also..be careful what you wish for..because the result is not always the desired direction either....youd think you'd of learned after the leaks...

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A lot of Slashites want the band to fail. That's the only problem.

This must stop. We are Axl fans too, please understand it already. We just do not support all the bullshit from Axl or the Band.

I'm a slashlite. Still, last year saw GNR in Uruguay and sang every song and enjoyed the show (I didnt even missed Slash that much). Now I'm thinking flying to Brazil in order to see GNR in RIR.

Still, these things are the main things that bothers me:

- Lack of communication from Axl (in every way and form).

- No efforts to promote the new lineup (like band photos)

- GNR member interviews not allowed to talk what they want about GNR or their plans (like any other members of other bands do).

- Constant member changes and not having a stable lineup. Today, its not even NU-GNR anymore, its NU-NU GNR. Chinese democracy main songwriters and musicians are gone.

And mainly:

- Music productivity from the band. I'm talking about official releases, not tapes with 4 CDs worth of material. Its just painful and difficult to be supportive of Axls new vision with him releasing only 1 album in 15 years. Yes, he doesn't owe us anything, but still we are his fans and care about him and wish he could deliver more. A lot more.

I think we just wish Nu-GNR was a more normal band. I would love to see Axl on top of the world. Or releasing music every 2-3 years and touring new material. The band has potential and Axl still got it.

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