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What do you think Axl's musical ambitions are at this point?

ITW 2012

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I figure he must be getting ready to release CD II. That may still take a few years, but I figure that will be the next interesting thing to happen. It would shock me if he ditched it to write and record from scratch.

Edited by ITW 2012
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I think right now he has a lot of material to release from CD sessions but he has a lot more ideas now. I don't see how anyone could think he doesn't have any more music left in him.

Because he's nearly 50 and he's only released one new album in the past 20 years.

Edited by ITW 2012
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What do you think Axl's musical ambitions are at this point?

I would like to know as well.

I just would like to hear more of his philosophy in general. It's clear from all the photos and videos we've seen he's not a recluse. I've seen tons of photos of him signing autographs and chillin at beach resorts.

I would also like to know if he believes himself to be a perfectionist, or whether his vision for a particular song is always evolving or cycling. I know he's answered the perfectionist thing and denied it, but I think as with many musicians, he gets stuck on chasing the aural vision he has in his head for a song. Would he ever place full trust in someone who could offer counterpoints during the development of a song?

I don't fault him, as many do, for enjoying life. It doesn't bother me he's off the radar, or is part-time. Hell, I empathize with that shit. I respect that he's no longer trying to be on top of the world, because he knows that's not going to happen. It would seem one certain ex-band member is obsessed with reliving the notoriety he once enjoyed long ago; reliving the glory days.

I would also like to hear about his relationship with Universal. I would like to know what hurdles he faces for a new record. On the other hand, I'd like to ask him why doesn't he just knock out the final edits/mixes of the vault stuff, and release an album, saying to hell with everything. When all the bullshit and fog and layers of nonsense are stripped away, it's about the music. That's all that matters. And yes it's a cliche. But if he could let go of his requirements for the next album, and just fucking release it out of nowhere, would he do it? Clearly not, but if he were to meditate on it, if it were his koan, would he eventually reach a point where he would say "Fuck it, here's another album"?

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What do you think Axl's musical ambitions are at this point?

I would like to know as well.

It's clear from all the photos and videos we've seen he's not a recluse.

Please show me one photo or video footage of Axl since the last tour ended... Please show me photos/video of Axl from between when the 2007 tour ended up until the late 2009 tour started. Please show me footage/photos of Axl in 2004 and 2005. Please show me photos/footage of Axl between 1995-1999(besides the mug shot and two or three photos with fans). In thoe 4 years, only 4 known photos of him were taken.... Yeah, not a recluse at all........

Edited by Young_Gun
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I don't think he has any. I think he's a man who's content on where he is in his life. I think he's just totally chill and waiting until he feels the need to start recording again. Afterall, life IS good for Axl Rose. Even if the outside world doesn't view it that way, it is. The man's loaded with a house on a hill and never has to work another day in his life.

He'll release shit when he's ready.

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What do you think Axl's musical ambitions are at this point?

I would like to know as well.

It's clear from all the photos and videos we've seen he's not a recluse.

Please show me one photo or video footage of Axl since the last tour ended... Please show me photos/video of Axl from between when the 2007 tour ended up until the late 2009 tour started. Please show me footage/photos of Axl in 2004 and 2005. Please show me photos/footage of Axl between 1995-1999(besides the mug shot and two or three photos with fans). In thoe 4 years, only 4 known photos of him were taken.... Yeah, not a recluse at all........

[edit: I apologize for insult]


There are plenty of videos of Axl- at an F1 race, at a basketball game, signing autographs for fans at airports (even when they mob him). Aside from the photos in the thread above, there are other photos that have been posted in this very forum.

So remember folks, if you're not in the media, it means you're a recluse. :eyeroll:

Edited by Popcorn's Timbre
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Some choice quotes from the link:

[]a person who lives in seclusion or apart from society, often for religious meditation.

[]shut off or apart from the world; living in seclusion, often for religious reasons.

[]characterized by seclusion; solitary.

[]a person who lives in solitude to devote himself to prayer and religious meditation; a hermit, anchorite, or anchoress

I will reiterate again:

Please show me one photo or video footage of Axl since the last tour ended...

Please explain to me how no photos nor video footage since the last tour ended equates to being a recluse? You can't, because you don't know what recluse means. Axl lives with Beta and her son. A recluse lives alone, by himself. Whoops.

Please show me photos/video of Axl from between when the 2007 tour ended up until the late 2009 tour started.

Wow, for someone who is so sure of himself, you sure do have a lot of rules and regulations for when I can and can't reference photos and videos.

Oh I see, you didn't even look through the thread I posted before. And you apparently skipped over the threads where he's signing autographs for fans while on tour.

Please show me footage/photos of Axl in 2004 and 2005.

I will reiterate: the absence of photos and video doesn't equate to reclusiveness. The fact that you have to name such specific time frames PROVES he's not a recluse. I mean, holy shit look at all the specific time frames you have to include. Again, you just don't understand what the word means.

I guess you just don't understand that avoiding the media (and being good at it) doesn't make someone a recluse.

Please show me photos/footage of Axl between 1995-1999(besides the mug shot and two or three photos with fans). In thoe 4 years, only 4 known photos of him were taken.... Yeah, not a recluse at all........

In your insulated world, no photos = recluse. In the REAL world, recording music WITH OTHER PEOPLE completely OBLITERATES your premise that he's a recluse.

Basketball game was in 2001, F1 was in 2006, Axl signing for fans is during tours(not saying he doesn't sign for fans, but the pics are taken during tours).

So, 2001 doesn't count? Hey weren't there, y'know, PEOPLE at the basketball game? So you're saying he wasn't a recluse that year? LMAO

Traveling across the globe to go to an F1 race, and hanging with his buddy Raikkonen (a human being just fyi), with hundreds of thousands of people in the stands, yeah that's real reclusive. True recluses do that all the time. Mmm hmm. :eyeroll:

Signing autographs for fans... yep that's a big reclusive trait. Yup you sure showed me with your impenetrable logic. Oh wait I mean you completely failed.

And I have reported you.

[edit: rightfully so. I apologize. However I stand by the sentence to the right here] And just so you know, it's people like you who Axl is spiting. Yeah that's right, you and your ilk are the people he's avoiding. Edited by Popcorn's Timbre
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I do commend you on responding in an intellectual and diplomatic manner though, unlike the aforementioned forum member...

Golly that's funny, aw shucks ya know what? I'm looking through your posting history, and gee whillakers wouldn't ya know it, I found all sorts of times you were neither intellectual nor diplomatic. In fact, you and I have crossed paths before. So I do commend you on being a hypocrite. And go ahead and try to delete those posts. They're quoted by multiple people.

Shall I post them here so we can see what an intellectual, diplomatic person you are?

Go ahead. I have never called any one a "c^nt" or told anyone to f#ck off. I have had disagreements with people and have gotten into heated arguments, but never actually used profanity against a forum member.

Oh, and where in the meanings of recluse that you posted does it say a recluse lives alone? Howard Hughes was a famous recluse and he had a team of doctors living on his premises.

And you were the one who implied(or straight out said) that photos and footage of Axl show he is not a recluse, so naturally no photos and footage = recluse right? I was going by your principles. Here we go, are you ready??

It's clear from all the photos and videos we've seen he's not a recluse.

So by that, you said that having photos and footage mean Axl is not a recluse. When I asked you to show us photos and footage from many years, you turn it around and say:

Please explain to me how no photos nor video footage since the last tour ended equates to being a recluse?

But please, go ahead and post my previous posts of vulgarity, it will give me more reason to report you due to as they are not related to this thread or topic. Much love xoxoxoox


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Ok I'm sorry, you win. I thought you were someone else- InThisGrave. Sorry.

I was out late and shouldn't have been drinking and keyboarding. Yes this is a lame excuse.

I have removed the offending sentences and deleted the errant post. I will accept whatever punishment the mods lay down upon me and understand it will be justified.

However, Axl is not a recluse. He just avoids having his life chronicled by pictures, which can be said for a lot of us. What I meant by the statement("all the photos and videos") you keep obsessing over and spinning relentlessly is that those OFFER PROOF THAT HE HAS INTERACTED WITH THE PUBLIC MULTIPLE TIMES. Recluses don't go to beach resorts and kick it in public. Ya dig? Considering the number of people(musicians in particular) who have interacted with him during the time windows you mentioned, this offers even more proof that he is not solitary enough to be considered a recluse. The fact is: no photos, no videos, no interviews, rare sightings: these are not the criteria for determining reclusiveness. Why you continue to defend your own made-up definition of the word I'll never know.

Edited by Popcorn's Timbre
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I am hoping for release of stuff with Buckethead and Robin Finck and newer stuff with Bumblefoot and Ashba.

I'd rather that. It's shocking seeing the amount of abuse Robin gets, though. Always felt he wasn't appreciated as much as he should have been. Great guitarist.


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