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Best Buy no longer carrying CD?


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Well, like I said, we know that the band wanted to re-release CD during the states tour that was supposed to happen earlier this year. Now that it is happening, it looks like they're going to go ahead will the full plan, that is, to re-release Chinese Democracy in a deluxe edition this fall. :thumbsup:

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So I called Best Buy to see if any employees knew the score on this. The employee said that they are no longer selling copies of CD. I told her about the rumours of a re release and asked her to ask her manager if he knew any details. After waiting on hold for bout 10min, she retured, and I swear this is what she said. "My manager said that Guns n Roses is no longer a band, they are now called Velvet revolver." :rofl-lol: I thgought that was pretty funny

Its amazing how little people know about Guns these days..............

Edited by The Wicked Hand
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Meh. I've long since come to the conclusion that mainstream success and quality art do not always go hand in hand. I mean, I don't know how many people know of Machine Head in here but they released a record called The Blackening in 2008 which is considered by most to be one of the best metal albums ever recorded and it's not at my local Best Buy either. Here is an album, unlike Chinese, that was herald as a modern Master Of Puppets and it's no where to be seen.

There are alot of great records that weren't mainstream success stories. I wouldn't worry about it.

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If this is more than an error, which it looks to be, why the hell would they do that?

IMO some sort of release is on the way. Why would a business just take it's merchandise on the shelves, especially since the $1.99 price started selling more than the original price.

They spent alot on that deal to just say fuck it.

They way I see it is they lowered the price to sell as many of those as they could to make room for the new GNR release or rerelease.

1. You have best buy haulting the sell of CD

2. You have Axl really wanting to play the biggest festival in the world

3. You have finally a US tour

4. You have all this material that needs releasing.

Something is on the way boys n girls.

They shipped a lot back too from what a few Best Buy employees have told me. For Best Buy, sure it was a risk that didn't pay off but hey, tax write-off. I seriously doubt they're clearing off shelf space for new GNR music. They've been condensing their cd area quite a bit as it is.

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That is just very weird to me.

It has to mean something, right.

Mabey Axl will surface soon and do some press, bc if they do rerelease CD

the proper way with correct buklet, alt songs, and remixes, I can't see Axl hiding out, hell, he can't he'll be on the road out in public anyhow.

Time will tell.

Do it right Axl, were behind you!

I believe if you put yourself out there, answer the tough questons, do a talk show or two, release some new tracks,video maybe, and just put nuGuns in peoples face, there will not be near as many naysays. Fuck em anyway. Do your thing. Flex your talents. Bc wether everyone accepts it, the band is great the songs are there, and you are still a baddass frontman and singer. One of the best ever!

I wonder where Axl would do press for the re-release of Use your Illusion and CD and the tour?

I mean does MTV still care about rock bands or Axl anymore?

If Axl does do press, I hope it's posted online so we can actually see it.

Maybe on the local rock radio stations?

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$1.99 was quite a bargain and many best buy stores sold out quickly. stores that didn't sell out shipped some copies back to fill bestbuy.com orders as bestbuy.com had run out. i'm not saying it's some great accomplishment to have been able to sell out of the remaining stock of this record at $2 a piece, but it's not like there are a bunch of copies of chidem sitting in a best buy warehouse somewhere. they priced the thing to move and move it did.

but why oh why would they be in such a rush to make sure chidem was out of print?

Yeah... I mean...with that price, every time they sold 10 albums, It's like they sold 2. They must have a reason for that. Re-Release it is, peepul.

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If they had to discount them to $1.99 to get them to sell and still did not sell them all what is the logic of rereleasing ChiDem? Do you really think a rereleased Chdem is going to sell at full retail?

Your linguistic gymnastics aren't going to work with me, so you might want to try a different approach. They didn't have to discount them to $1.99 to get them to sell, they had to discount them to $1.99 to get them to SELL OUT as *quickly* as possible.

And it worked. They're pretty much all gone. A few stores may have a few copies, but for the most part, you can't find Chinese Democracy at Best Buy.

But what was the rush? Why did they not only need all of them gone, but need them gone ASAP? I think the answer is obvious.

Thanks for that MSL. Looks like good things on the way. Anything else you can tell us? Dates etc? Bonus tracks?

Edited by Young_Gun
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His delusional imagination............. :rofl-lol:

Best Buy customer service has confirmed that Chinese Democracy is "out of stock." Interesting.

You must feel like an ass clown now huh classic?

Accurate I'm sure :lol:

Seems to be some enthusiasm brewing now,good to see!

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If they had to discount them to $1.99 to get them to sell and still did not sell them all what is the logic of rereleasing ChiDem? Do you really think a rereleased Chdem is going to sell at full retail?

Your linguistic gymnastics aren't going to work with me, so you might want to try a different approach. They didn't have to discount them to $1.99 to get them to sell, they had to discount them to $1.99 to get them to SELL OUT as *quickly* as possible.

And it worked. They're pretty much all gone. A few stores may have a few copies, but for the most part, you can't find Chinese Democracy at Best Buy.

But what was the rush? Why did they not only need all of them gone, but need them gone ASAP? I think the answer is obvious.

.....If the answer is so obvious and you have "insider" knowledge why keep playing your games? just come out and tell us the big secret?....With all due respect mate based on your recent past of unfullfilled promises you will excuse me if I don't put much credence in what you claim.........

I am still waiting for someone to explain to me where the logic is in rereleasing ChiDem here in the States when it did not sell very well the first time around? Even if they add some leftover bonus tracks does anyone really think fans here are going to get excited over a 3 year old album which they rejected in the first place?

Same thing goes for Best Buy selling off its stock at $1.99 only to see the same album rereleased at full retail.....If you were a music fan if you did not buy it when it was first released or at $1.99 why would you buy a rerelease?

So giving you the benefit of the doubt lets say they do rerelease it where is the attraction for fans? Makes zero sense to me.........

The hardcore fans would buy it for the booklet and new artwork. The casual fans wont care too much about the new booklet but I believe the red hand looks cooler then the bicycle cover so will attract anyone interested in buying Chinese Democracy. Really it would be the perfect time to rerelease give something back to the fans sure it's not going to have sky rocketing sales but would make fans happy. Probably have to be priced low $9.99 to sell.

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.....If the answer is so obvious and you have "insider" knowledge why keep playing your games? just come out and tell us the big secret?....With all due respect mate based on your recent past of unfullfilled promises you will excuse me if I don't put much credence in what you claim.........

I am still waiting for someone to explain to me where the logic is in rereleasing ChiDem here in the States when it did not sell very well the first time around? Even if they add some leftover bonus tracks does anyone really think fans here are going to get excited over a 3 year old album which they rejected in the first place?

Same thing goes for Best Buy selling off its stock at $1.99 only to see the same album rereleased at full retail.....If you were a music fan if you did not buy it when it was first released or at $1.99 why would you buy a rerelease?

So giving you the benefit of the doubt lets say they do rerelease it where is the attraction for fans? Makes zero sense to me.........

i spilled the beans 8 months ago. nobody is playing games. the logic in rereleasing chidem is to have a reason for the sudden marketing push the album never got in the first place. why is there ever a deluxe edition of any album? to breathe new life into an older release and reposition it in the marketplace. i don't think fans rejected the album in the first place. i think a lot of fans didn't know much about it. it sold reasonably well, but the lack of promotion for the record made it tough to spread the word to less dedicated fans that don't follow the band closely.

the point of selling the old version at $1.99 is to get rid of it ASAP. there are plenty of people who would buy it at $1.99 if they saw it for $1.99, but it sold out before they saw it. there are plenty of people out there that don't know much about chinese democracy and maybe some proper promotion can change that. obviously a tour will help a lot.

i can't speak for other fans, but i know for me personally i would DEFINITELY rebuy chinese democracy if it had extra material, new art, etc. if you wouldn't, sweet. good for you. doesn't mean others wouldn't and doesn't mean it's a bad idea to try to give the album another chance here in the states.

what should make no sense to you is the album remaining out of print. the band is finally touring the US, don't you think the album should be available in stores?

Spilled the beans!!! LOL you basically made a lot of promises and told us next to nothing....You claimed to have all this amazing information and gave us a few e-mails with claims you never proved to be true so please stop with the "spilled the beans" spin....NuGuns fans are so desperate for any news they will lap up anything you tell them even if you can't prove it is true but some of want you to "show us the money" which you have yet to do....Lets see what you have to give us with your October 1st revelations and if you can prove any claims you make I will publicly apologize to you on this forum...Lets see Axl's unpublished autobiography you claim to have then we can talk...........

As far as the rerelease maybe you and others are correct and that is the strategy but I don't see how it is going to sell more then the original ChiDem release here which was about 800K...not bad but certainly not the smash hit everyone expected........I certainly don't see the payback for the record label to pump major money into marketing a 3 year old album only to sell a few copies to hardcore fans...How many fans are going to spend their hard earned money on the same music with a new cover? or even with a few bonus tracks? Axl claims to have at least two more full albums of music so it would make more sense to me to release new music no? The record label already paid for the music so where is the logic of rerelasing an dead album over new music? I'm not seeing it..............

And I am still not buying that Best Buy sold out of ChiDems due to the $1.99 sale...They supposedly had 1.6 million copies and sold about half here before the 1.99 sale. That leaves about 800K they would have had to sell in the last 6 monthes since they put it on sale. If they sold them all why hasn't ChiDem popped back up on the Billboard 200 for any length of time? why no positive press about how they sold so many copies in such a short period of time?...Sorry but I am calling BS on that one unless you can provide so citation which shows Best Buy sold out of ChiDem......

Stop the BS mate.......where's the meat?

Shut the fuck up. Stop being a baby and maybe you will learn some secrets that will be too much for your knowledge anyway. You don't deserve to know anything. Just like you don't need to know how much I'm about to spend on an HK G36/SL8.

I'm glad I bought two sealed copies from Best Buy at the 1.99 price. Who wouldn't? I like CD and plan on giving them away, or possibly keep them if I ever feel they will become valuable in time as they are more or less "first editions" even though they printed up so many.

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This is exciting and all, and I will buy the rerelease IF it has new songs, not just a new cover. That doesnt excite me.

And Im with you Rawker, this ,makes 0 business sense, unless their is a substatial amount of new material and a video.

Say SOD, Better,CITR,TIL,CD,TWAT and SIX NEW TRACKS, UNHEARD.... I could understand that, if there are some great potential hits in

the unheards, there must be if the record company is gonna fork over the dough.....

If this is about to happen, shouldnt they be promoting the shit right now?

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This is exciting and all, and I will buy the rerelease IF it has new songs, not just a new cover. That doesnt excite me.

And Im with you Rawker, this ,makes 0 business sense, unless their is a substatial amount of new material and a video.

Say SOD, Better,CITR,TIL,CD,TWAT and SIX NEW TRACKS, UNHEARD.... I could understand that, if there are some great potential hits in

the unheards, there must be if the record company is gonna fork over the dough.....

If this is about to happen, shouldnt they be promoting the shit right now?

Maybe there will be band interviews, Axl interviews, music videos, viral marketing, bonus songs etc??

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This is exciting and all, and I will buy the rerelease IF it has new songs, not just a new cover. That doesnt excite me.

And Im with you Rawker, this ,makes 0 business sense, unless their is a substatial amount of new material and a video.

Say SOD, Better,CITR,TIL,CD,TWAT and SIX NEW TRACKS, UNHEARD.... I could understand that, if there are some great potential hits in

the unheards, there must be if the record company is gonna fork over the dough.....

If this is about to happen, shouldnt they be promoting the shit right now?

Thank you Wicked finally someone who sees the point..

If they do a rerelease with bonus material that makes more sense but if they are going to do that why not just release a new album of the supposed two albums of material Axl has in the can?

I mean they are not advertising the new U.S. tour as a CHiDem tour so whats the point of rereleasing a 3 year old album with a few extra bonus tracks? why not put out new material already recorded and ready to go?

And I agree 100% with the new tour starting and Christmas just around the corner shouldn't they have put something out already and be promoting the snot out of it?.....My company does a new product release every September with big press events to get the buzz going for Christmas..........people may be right about a rerelease but something does not add up for me....... :shrugs:

Maybe Rio will be the perfect platform to announce the details? Considering it will be aired on YouTube. Although I could be totally wrong...

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I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about mate..why should I care what you spend on a gun or how many copies of ChiDem you bought?.....come back when you can make some sense.......

Good, I never said anything and you never saw anyone. I'm back now and ready to have a constructive conversation about Patrick Swayze movies.

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This is exciting and all, and I will buy the rerelease IF it has new songs, not just a new cover. That doesnt excite me.

And Im with you Rawker, this ,makes 0 business sense, unless their is a substatial amount of new material and a video.

Say SOD, Better,CITR,TIL,CD,TWAT and SIX NEW TRACKS, UNHEARD.... I could understand that, if there are some great potential hits in

the unheards, there must be if the record company is gonna fork over the dough.....

If this is about to happen, shouldnt they be promoting the shit right now?

Even if they did add 6 new songs... Why market it as Chinese Democracy when the album has a terrible reputation and represents everything that went wrong with GN'R to most people? If there are 6 new, good, songs, release them as an EP and THEN, if it's a success and helps the GN'R brand name, give CD a new chance. Putting more time and effort, after almost 15 years, in the epic failure that was Chinese Democracy (PR wise) is just going to mean more humiliation.

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I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about mate..why should I care what you spend on a gun or how many copies of ChiDem you bought?.....come back when you can make some sense.......

Good, I never said anything and you never saw anyone. I'm back now and ready to have a constructive conversation about Patrick Swayze movies.

Your crazy mate but I like it................ Keep on posting as the forum could use a little crazy spice to lighten the mood.................. :thumbsup:

Heck yes! That's what Guns N' Roses is all about. Now please excuse me while I track down the missing accessories for my vintage line of Star Wars figures.

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I'm a huge fan, and GNR has been my favorite/one of my favorite bands since I was about 10 years old (that would be 1990).

I will not be buying the re-release, if the only change is cover art. I don't think I would even buy it on compact disc if they add a bonus disc... i'm sorry giant multinational record industry, but I can download music in compact disc quality for free, and being as it isn't illegal to do that in Canada, that's what i'm going to do.

The only way I will buy this album again is if we get a proper audiophile pressing on 180 gram vinyl... and even then i'm still feeling a bit screwed, being as I already paid $30 for the current vinyl, which is perhaps the most poorly pressed vinyl I've ever bought.

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This is exciting and all, and I will buy the rerelease IF it has new songs, not just a new cover. That doesnt excite me.

And Im with you Rawker, this ,makes 0 business sense, unless their is a substatial amount of new material and a video.

Say SOD, Better,CITR,TIL,CD,TWAT and SIX NEW TRACKS, UNHEARD.... I could understand that, if there are some great potential hits in

the unheards, there must be if the record company is gonna fork over the dough.....

If this is about to happen, shouldnt they be promoting the shit right now?

Maybe there will be band interviews, Axl interviews, music videos, viral marketing, bonus songs etc??

Would be shocked if there wasn't at least a couple new songs on it. Either way, this is pretty exciting! :thumbsup:

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