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[FACT] All signs are pointing to a re-release or new material

It's So Easy

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Given the fact that Chinese Democracy has all but disappeared from store shelves, new stage set-ups are being used, and Going Down is listed as a possibly in the setlist, I believe that all signs are pointing to something big being on the horizon. I honestly don't believe Axl would be foolish enough to attempt another US tour with nothing to assist in making it successful. It could very well be career suicide. If they were only going to tour the GREATEST HITS, it would require the original lineup to make it successful. No, I believe we are at the calm of a very big storm. I think the most likely scenario is that we are going to see a re-release of Chinese Democracy with some remixes and a couple of new tracks. If you recall, Brain said he was remixing songs a year ago and Axl really wanted to put it out.

The next month or so should be some very exciting times in GNR land! I can't wait to see what lies ahead!

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I wish this were true, and I really hope you're right.

But bear in mind Guns haven't toured the US since Chinese was released, I think it's a continuation of that tour.

Although I have to say the stage additions could be promising...

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Given the fact that Chinese Democracy has all but disappeared from store shelves, new stage set-ups are being used, and Going Down is listed as a possibly in the setlist, I believe that all signs are pointing to something big being on the horizon. I honestly don't believe Axl would be foolish enough to attempt another US tour with nothing to assist in making it successful. It could very well be career suicide. If they were only going to tour the GREATEST HITS, it would require the original lineup to make it successful. No, I believe we are at the calm of a very big storm. I think the most likely scenario is that we are going to see a re-release of Chinese Democracy with some remixes and a couple of new tracks. If you recall, Brain said he was remixing songs a year ago and Axl really wanted to put it out.

The next month or so should be some very exciting times in GNR land! I can't wait to see what lies ahead!

It's just a tour. It doesn't make any sense to re-release an album that's 3 years old with a couple of new tracks, remixes etc when so much time has gone by and you have 2 albums worth of unheard songs waiting in the wings.

Brain's comments don't really mean much. Axl's also wanted to put out that "Better" video as well. Didn't happen did it?

We're approaching mid-October now and the "Christmas Shopping Season" in retail started a month ago. If there was to be anything new from GNR this year, word would have gotten out in the media, Axl would have mentioned it etc. It's a drag because I'd love new music but I really don't think it's going to happen this year

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You think you believe you think you believe. Unfortunately the same wishful thinking of fans, same way we would get new songs during Rock In Rio 2011. GNR never gave ANY sign that ANYTHING will get released ANYTIME soon. Sorry mate, hat to burst your bubble, but the only release in the upcoming months will be Slash' Tour DVD.

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I think that Ron will quit the tour before the tour ends. Neck issues and all that.

I bet Stinton will quit also (over a massive bust up)

If the tour makes to the end, I bet the band will go their own way, without ever making new music. The full story will emerge years afterwards, all the while fans are kept in the dark.

I hold out for nothing when it come to Axl Rose. It is the best way to be :thumbsup:

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I think that Ron will quit the tour before the tour ends. Neck issues and all that.

I bet Stinton will quit also (over a massive bust up)

If the tour makes to the end, I bet the band will go their own way, without ever making new music. The full story will emerge years afterwards, all the while fans are kept in the dark.

I hold out for nothing when it come to Axl Rose. It is the best way to be :thumbsup:

share whatever u are smoking... i wanna be high too... :rofl-lol:

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I can't see a re-release doing that well. They can go two ways: do the bare minimum or go all out. If all they do is repackage the same music with different artwork it won't do well - most people won't want to spend 13 bucks on an album that has exactly the same music as the album they purchased 3 years before. If they release a delux version hopefully they don't jack up the price - if it is too pricey it won't sell well. There needs to be a middle ground: release some bonus tracks and otherwise new material but retaining an affordable price range. Either way I hope they are gearing up towards a new album - not a re-release

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They toured the US prior to the album coming out, now they're finally coming around to finish up the tour, now that they've gotten the BS with Azoff resolved. The money overseas had to have been better to skip the US until now. If they take a hit in a few cities where ticket sales might be slow, not as big of a deal.

I can see them selling the deluxe editions at the show, that's about it though.

I guess Best Buy didn't get involved in ticket pre-sales, so they're out of the exclusive rights loop.

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In retrospect, it seems to have been a mistake calling the last album Chinese Democracy. They really should have gone with the rumored title "2000 Intentions." This band means well but it's hard to rate them highly on their follow through. There's probably been way more plans made than you and I realize that never came to fruition. Just because something was indicated at one point in time doesn't mean it's going to happen.

If there was really new material or a new remix in the pipeline we would have heard about it from various sources in the record industry. Remember in Axl's communique in 2006 he says that it takes 8 weeks for a submitted record to reach store shelves. The only way I see GNR releasing any new material within the shopping window is if they sell themselves on their own website. Oh wait, they don't have control of their own website thanks to a licensing agreement with MLB. Oops.

They could always open another website with its objecting being to sell new material. Ultimately this is a tour to finally put Chinese Democracy to bed and move on (and I'm sure the millions the band will make touring doesn't hurt either).



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What I see happening is that they will play the first 15 or so dates that have been announced and then a re-release of CD WILL happen before the west coast dates are announced. Trust me, Axl is out to prove something with this tour.

Look, I really hate disparaging anyone, especially if I've never experienced what they're going through, but if Axl really had something to prove with this tour, wouldn't he have worked on his vocals before the first show? If he has health problems or suffering from something then I take back what I say, but you can't honestly think Axl is trying to prove something with this tour and singing like he is. He sounded like a fucking Rock God 10 months ago and it sounds apparent that he hasn't sung since (again, if he's sick or suffering from something then excuse the foot in my mouth). Vocal muscles are like any other muscles; if you don't use them they atrophy and performance is affected. Anyone can have a bad night, but from what I've heard so far, it sounds like he needs to keep on working on them before he returns to the level he was 10 months ago.



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Given the fact that Chinese Democracy has all but disappeared from store shelves, new stage set-ups are being used, and Going Down is listed as a possibly in the setlist, I believe that all signs are pointing to something big being on the horizon. I honestly don't believe Axl would be foolish enough to attempt another US tour with nothing to assist in making it successful. It could very well be career suicide. If they were only going to tour the GREATEST HITS, it would require the original lineup to make it successful. No, I believe we are at the calm of a very big storm. I think the most likely scenario is that we are going to see a re-release of Chinese Democracy with some remixes and a couple of new tracks. If you recall, Brain said he was remixing songs a year ago and Axl really wanted to put it out.

The next month or so should be some very exciting times in GNR land! I can't wait to see what lies ahead!

Wishful thinking.

Reading Classic Rock Magazine's feature chronicling The Chinese Democracy Years has actually slapped me in the face with a little bit of reality. How many times was Axl supposed to release the record before it finally came to store shelves? 2012 was supposed to see the third record yet we don't even have a single new song.

Not a single person who isn't going to the shows is going to buy a ticket if he hears there will be new songs on the setlist. Not one. The Gn'R fans are going regardless.

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In retrospect, it seems to have been a mistake calling the last album Chinese Democracy. They really should have gone with the rumored title "2000 Intentions." This band means well but it's hard to rate them highly on their follow through. There's probably been way more plans made than you and I realize that never came to fruition. Just because something was indicated at one point in time doesn't mean it's going to happen.

If there was really new material or a new remix in the pipeline we would have heard about it from various sources in the record industry. Remember in Axl's communique in 2006 he says that it takes 8 weeks for a submitted record to reach store shelves. The only way I see GNR releasing any new material within the shopping window is if they sell themselves on their own website. Oh wait, they don't have control of their own website thanks to a licensing agreement with MLB. Oops.

They could always open another website with its objecting being to sell new material. Ultimately this is a tour to finally put Chinese Democracy to bed and move on (and I'm sure the millions the band will make touring doesn't hurt either).



There's nothing stopping GNR from releasing one song at a time and selling them online, or when they decide to give a song up to a soundtrack.

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I'd like to think something's about to go down like so many of us do. But after all we've seen for years, you're almost an idiot if you don't have a "wait and see" approach. I'm hoping that they're saving a new song or two for the US but we shall see----

I love the idea of re-release with a couple of new songs (CD sessions or brand new) and a live DVD. Seems to me like that's the only way a re-release would NOT be suicidal.

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