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What is wrong with US fans?

W. Adam S

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In Seattle there was a group of us out front rockin' out, but for the most part, the crowd was into the music without having to jump around and whatnot for the entire show, they were there to see an awesome rock show. Vancouver, however, a lot of people were up front just to push and shove while sort of ignoring the show.

I was actually surprised that everybody on the floor, and pretty well most of the arena (I could see the side seats, not the back) was into the Chinese stuff. Awesome!

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It just seems so dead!

The band has such a confidence about it now, it's amazing! They are even starting to make certain songs their own. Awesome. But, there are people standing 10 feet from Axl just nodding thheir heads??!!!

Edited by W. Adam S
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I go to rock shows all the time, and yes, American crowds are lame. It's sad but the only passionate crowds are the ones that show up for lame-o metal bands like Avenged Sevenfold. I cannot understand how you can go to a show and just stand there. Even if it's a band I don't know, I at least move to the music, bob my head, something. There was a bunch of us in the front row at GNR who were going crazy but some geeky ass kid right behind me, who was there more for BLS, he didn't so much as even clap or dance or anything. It's pathetic.

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yeah the us has lost its balls in some sense but i agree not everyone goes to a concert to run around throw fists and headbang. gnr was never that for me i was always listening to the lyrics and all that i never felt the need to rage durning a gnr song(well minus WTTJ or some stuff on AFD) when i put in slayer or demolitiion hammer i felt the need to headbang and stuff like that.

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I don't jump up and down like that not even for Axl. It's usually is an older crowd at these shows anyway. I like to watch

and relax. I don't want to miss anything. Just cause you aren't acting like a idiot doesn't mean you're not enjoying the show.


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So you're the kind of guy who sees someone run a red light in austin, texas, then you go to your friends and say "man, people in austin texas drive like idiots!" I can't stand people like that.

Not all black people are thugs. Not all Mormons have 6 wives. Not all rock concert crowds in the U.S. are the same as the crowd you saw. Idiot.

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I live in South America and i hate our crowd u cant listen to the band properly and enjoy the show...i dont payed a ticket to hear an idiot next to me singing like a sheep!

i think the kids like that way...and its cool...

Edited by The F* Word
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