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How big is your patience when it comes to GnR?


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Don't wanna go with the flow with the latest apocalyptical topics that have been started since after the last concert but... Since Chinese Democracy has been out, disappointments have been a lot more common for the GnR fan base than positive surprises or good news. The question is - how much can you guys still take? I mean... If GnR doesn't release a new album until 2015, will you guys still be here? For me, it all depends on a little sign of consideration from papa Axl. If Axl just announces "All plans for a new album have been cancelled. We're playing the old songs now" then BAM - no more expectations. Better than waiting around for new songs that could maybe never come out. If he announces a new album, even better. Much better. how 'bout you guys? What would the last drop be?

Edited by It Don't Really Matter
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A lot of patience here. Guns are my favorite band. Have been since I was nine, and I'm 22 now. Simple fact is that I don't let my life revolve around what GnR does. I won't stop liking the band. If new music ever comes out I'll be happier than a pig in shit. Until then, all these people that are frustrated about the lack of new music need to calm down and find something better to be pissed off about. Life's too short.

Edited by GnRDuff1
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I'm not giving up on this band, period. I have too much fun at the shows. Really, who gives a flying fuck what the setlist is? You're still gonna have a blast when you get there and see the show in person. This band is one of my favorite live bands I've ever seen, and I'll keep going if they'll keep touring. Would I like a new album? Sure. But the delay in a new album/playing new material isn't enough to alienate me as a fan.

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All the patience in the world. I am happy with my fav band. The people who always cry about setlists and when is this coming out are not true fans. When something is your fav thing, you stick with it. Through thick and thin. Never have bitched here.

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I'm not giving up on this band, period. I have too much fun at the shows. Really, who gives a flying fuck what the setlist is? You're still gonna have a blast when you get there and see the show in person. This band is one of my favorite live bands I've ever seen, and I'll keep going if they'll keep touring. Would I like a new album? Sure. But the delay in a new album/playing new material isn't enough to alienate me as a fan.


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I'm not giving up on this band, period. I have too much fun at the shows. Really, who gives a flying fuck what the setlist is? You're still gonna have a blast when you get there and see the show in person. This band is one of my favorite live bands I've ever seen, and I'll keep going if they'll keep touring. Would I like a new album? Sure. But the delay in a new album/playing new material isn't enough to alienate me as a fan.

Talkin' about the songs they're performing I think they should swap them out. It'd be really amazing to hear Axl singing 'Dead Horse' or 'Breakdown' again. I got tired of 'It's so Easy' or 'Mr. Brownstone' long time ago. I've heard those songs since the late 80s.

Edited by pi2loc
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Not sure what you mean by "giving-up". It's music, its a band, I'll follow their progress as it happens and if nothing happens then so be it. If they come around to tour near where I live then I'll go see them if my schedule allows it cuz I know it could result in a great night. If they release new music then I'll try and listen to it and see how I like it.

It's not like smoking for me, it's not some sort of addiction. It's music, not life or death so chill the fuck out.

If you don't like whats going on right now forget about it and check back when something you like does happen and if it doesn't, whatever.


Yes I understand this is a forum and things are meant to be discussed/scrutinized/criticized but the constant moaning a bitching I've been reading here for the past 2 days is giving me a major headache.

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I don't think, I get ever tired listening to AFD, UYI etc. I am doing that since '88. Nothing can change that. I will probably always be a fan of Axl, Slash etc. And will follow their careers always, I guess.

So, I will not bitch about the setlist, the old songs are still my favorite, so hearing Axl sing those live, is just fine by me.

Certainly would love to hear him sing Dead horse once!

Edited by MBRose
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I don't think, I get ever tired listening to AFD, UYI etc. I am doing that since '88. Nothing can change that. I will probably always be a fan of Axl, Slash etc. And will follow their careers always, I guess.

So, I will not bitch about the setlist, the old songs are still my favorite, so hearing Axl sing those live, is just fine by me.

Certainly would love to hear him sing Dead horse once!

il stick around as long as iot takes i dont mind what they do i have the cds to put on when gnr arent doing stuff and when they are its all cool :)

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Being a fan for 22 years I don't know else. I have a lot of patience and it doesn't matter to me when a new album will come out. It would be nice though, but if not, I don't care.

Once a fan, always a fan, if you quit listening/following Guns you're not a real fan imo.

I agree with you. I'd love to get a new GNR album but if I don't it won't affect my life. I've been a GNR's fan since i was a child and nothing will change that! :wub:

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Yeah, I became a fan after Chinese Democracy so.... I'm not used to it as you guys are. I'll forever love the music and CD will always be my top album of all time by any band but... I think after a while, if things don't get any better, I'll eventually stop posting and all...

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Yeah, I became a fan after Chinese Democracy so.... I'm not used to it as you guys are. I'll forever love the music and CD will always be my top album of all time by any band but... I think after a while, if things don't get any better, I'll eventually stop posting and all...

Okay now I'm a little confused. Is this about following them on a fan forum or following them in general? If you stop posting here from today onward, would you stop following/caring about any progress they may make in the future?

Suppose you stop "being a fan" today by not posting or listening to the music (or however you think you can stop being a fan) and they end up releasing some music, say next year, would you not at-least give it a listen on youtube? Is it really like that? Being a fan is all or nothing?

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Yeah, I became a fan after Chinese Democracy so.... I'm not used to it as you guys are. I'll forever love the music and CD will always be my top album of all time by any band but... I think after a while, if things don't get any better, I'll eventually stop posting and all...

Okay now I'm a little confused. Is this about following them on a fan forum or following them in general? If you stop posting here from today onward, would you stop following/caring about any progress they may make in the future?

Suppose you stop "being a fan" today by not posting or listening to the music (or however you think you can stop being a fan) and they end up releasing some music, say next year, would you not at-least give it a listen on youtube? Is it really like that? Being a fan is all or nothing?

What I'm saying is, no matter what happens, I'll always love GnR. But, if there are no signs of progress in a certain amount of time, I might stop checking for updates, news, etc... But that might take some time.

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I could never give up that is a fact and i will see them twice in the summer. But please quit with this real fan bullshit, someone who has followed them since 1987 and finally has got fed up with Axl pissing about does not make them not a real fan. It's ok for little boys who have only followd them since 2002's to say that shit, they never lived Axl being the king, no ammount of videos could reinact that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please quit this not a real fan shit, it just shows you as immature, i love Axl but i can also say when i am pissed off with him, i'm not a sheep and don't follow anyone blindly, seriously some of you need to grow up !

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I could never give up that is a fact and i will see them twice in the summer. But please quit with this real fan bullshit, someone who has followed them since 1987 and finally has got fed up with Axl pissing about does not make them not a real fan. It's ok for little boys who have only followd them since 2002's to say that shit, they never lived Axl being the king, no ammount of videos could reinact that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please quit this not a real fan shit, it just shows you as immature, i love Axl but i can also say when i am pissed off with him, i'm not a sheep and don't follow anyone blindly, seriously some of you need to grow up !

A totally off topic: Please tell me those dates listed in your signature are NOT shows you have attended, otherwise I'll have to kill you.

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Yeah, I became a fan after Chinese Democracy so.... I'm not used to it as you guys are. I'll forever love the music and CD will always be my top album of all time by any band but... I think after a while, if things don't get any better, I'll eventually stop posting and all...

Okay now I'm a little confused. Is this about following them on a fan forum or following them in general? If you stop posting here from today onward, would you stop following/caring about any progress they may make in the future?

Suppose you stop "being a fan" today by not posting or listening to the music (or however you think you can stop being a fan) and they end up releasing some music, say next year, would you not at-least give it a listen on youtube? Is it really like that? Being a fan is all or nothing?

What I'm saying is, no matter what happens, I'll always love GnR. But, if there are no signs of progress in a certain amount of time, I might stop checking for updates, news, etc... But that might take some time.

And my point is, how do you describe being a fan? Waiting for some news hand and foot? I don't think I do that, I personally just tune in every now and then to see whats-up. Idk, does that just make me a "casual" fan?

I've been following GnR since I was about 9 but I haven't always been consistent in my level of interest regarding them over the years (which was admittedly proportional to Axl's activity over the last decade). If nothing falls through, just take a break I guess.

Edited by KiraMPD
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Don't wanna go with the flow with the latest apocalyptical topics that have been started since after the last concert but... Since Chinese Democracy has been out, disappointments have been a lot more common for the GnR fan base than positive surprises or good news. The question is - how much can you guys still take? I mean... If GnR doesn't release a new album until 2015, will you guys still be here?

This a great time to be a GN'R fan for numerous reasons: Constant touring with great setlist and performances, lots of interaction with the fans, and suggestions of new music in the future. As long as this keeps up I see no reason to stop being interested in GN'R. In fact, I can't remember being more interested in GN'R since the 80's. And besides, I probably won't be finished building my GN'R databases in a few years, regardless, so I ain't going nowhere.

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Don't wanna go with the flow with the latest apocalyptical topics that have been started since after the last concert but... Since Chinese Democracy has been out, disappointments have been a lot more common for the GnR fan base than positive surprises or good news. The question is - how much can you guys still take? I mean... If GnR doesn't release a new album until 2015, will you guys still be here?

This a great time to be a GN'R fan for numerous reasons: Constant touring with great setlist and performances, lots of interaction with the fans, and suggestions of new music in the future. As long as this keeps up I see no reason to stop being interested in GN'R. In fact, I can't remember being more interested in GN'R since the 80's. And besides, I probably won't be finished building my GN'R databases in a few years, regardless, so I ain't going nowhere.

Yeah, good post, i remember the years of nothing and nothing... :confused: THAT was hard...

Since Chinese Democracy has been out, disappointments have been a lot more common for the GnR fan base than positive surprises or good news.

U are lucky to "been following" them since Chinese, u cant imagine how hard was before that :tongue2:

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Don't wanna go with the flow with the latest apocalyptical topics that have been started since after the last concert but... Since Chinese Democracy has been out, disappointments have been a lot more common for the GnR fan base than positive surprises or good news. The question is - how much can you guys still take? I mean... If GnR doesn't release a new album until 2015, will you guys still be here? For me, it all depends on a little sign of consideration from papa Axl. If Axl just announces "All plans for a new album have been cancelled. We're playing the old songs now" then BAM - no more expectations. Better than waiting around for new songs that could maybe never come out. If he announces a new album, even better. Much better. how 'bout you guys? What would the last drop be?

I'll definitely by the new album when it comes out - and probably see the tour in support of it whenever that is

but I won't go to another GnR show till it does come out - too me, all these tours are is a 12 year cash grab by axl

sorry dude, but you've been playing the same material since 2000 - it's time to put this record to bed already and come up with some new material


for all the shit GnR fans talk about slash and what a sell-out and attention whore and money whore he is and every other nasty thing you can call someone - he's put out 2 snakepit, 2 VR, and 2 solo albums (2nd to arrive 5/22 - who wants to bet it comes out that day?) and a book since he left the band and all's GnR fans have is Chinese Democracy and a 12 year tour with no new material in sight and enough excuses to fill a book

I could never give up that is a fact and i will see them twice in the summer. But please quit with this real fan bullshit, someone who has followed them since 1987 and finally has got fed up with Axl pissing about does not make them not a real fan. It's ok for little boys who have only followd them since 2002's to say that shit, they never lived Axl being the king, no ammount of videos could reinact that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please quit this not a real fan shit, it just shows you as immature, i love Axl but i can also say when i am pissed off with him, i'm not a sheep and don't follow anyone blindly, seriously some of you need to grow up !

totally agree dude - it's like the sport's anaology I used in a different post

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I could never give up that is a fact and i will see them twice in the summer. But please quit with this real fan bullshit, someone who has followed them since 1987 and finally has got fed up with Axl pissing about does not make them not a real fan. It's ok for little boys who have only followd them since 2002's to say that shit, they never lived Axl being the king, no ammount of videos could reinact that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please quit this not a real fan shit, it just shows you as immature, i love Axl but i can also say when i am pissed off with him, i'm not a sheep and don't follow anyone blindly, seriously some of you need to grow up !

A totally off topic: Please tell me those dates listed in your signature are NOT shows you have attended, otherwise I'll have to kill you.

Couldn't be, according to the GNR educators around here he is not a true fan even though he has been following the band it appears for 20+ years.

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I am a long time GNR fan. I am thrilled to see them back out there. The silent years were a bummer. Like some others have said - I don't care what the set list is. Seeing GNR live is awesome and I get the same thrill time after time watching them perform. It doesn't matter if it is the same songs each time I see them live - it is always like seeing them for the first time. It is exciting and one of the best shows ever. If new music comes out - great. But in the mean time lets enjoy that they are out there and playing live.

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